Chanter template need critique/suggestions


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004

Just made a rough draft for my new chanter template and I think I could use some input, the resists are so-so, and the hits are a bit low, but its damn cheap and caps: resist pierce, damage, range and speed. If you got any good suggestions or a link to a better template with the same arties (or swapped EC for AT), please share

Config Report

STR: 0 / 75 INT: 102 / 100 (+25) Hits: 204 / 200 AF: 1 /
CON: 81 / 84 (+9) PIE: 0 / 75 End: 0 / 25
DEX: 101 / 101 (+27) EMP: 0 / 75 Pow: 0 / 37 (+11)
QUI: 0 / 75 CHA: 0 / 75 %PP: 30% / 36% (+11)

Body: 26 / 26 Energy: 6 / 26 (+5) Crush: 31 / 26 (+5)
Cold: 25 / 26 Matter: 11 / 26 Slash: 27 / 26
Heat: 23 / 26 Spirit: 22 / 26 Thrust: 22 / 26
Essence: 0 / 26

12 / 11 All Magic Skills
12 / 11 Enchantments
12 / 11 Light
12 / 11 Mana

50 / 50 All Spell Lines
50 / 50 Enchantments
50 / 50 Light
50 / 50 Mana

Other Bonuses
10 / 10 Archery and Casting Speed
10 / 10 Archery and Spell Damage
18 / 10 Archery and Spell Range
6 / 25 Duration of Spells
10 / 10 Spell Piercing
6 / 25 Stat Buff Effectiveness

Piece Listing
Name: Guard of valor caster
Level: 51 Quality: 100
Slot 1: 18 Intelligence
Slot 2: 40 Hits
Slot 3: 15 Dexterity
Slot 4: 5 Dexterity Cap Increase
Slot 5: 4 Spell Range
Slot 6: 4 Spell Damage
Slot 7: 50 Damage Over Time Reactive Effect
Utility: 32.0

Name: Crafted Item2
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Imbue Points: 37.5 of 32 Overcharge: 5,5
Gem 1: 25 Constitution - Flawless Earthen Essence Jewel
Gem 2: 25 Dexterity - Flawless Vapor Essence Jewel
Gem 3: 7 Body Resist - Imperfect Dusty Shielding Jewel
Gem 4: 7 Cold Resist - Imperfect Icy Shielding Jewel
Utility: 61.3 SC Cost: 59g 71s 60c SC Price: 59g 71s 60c

Name: Crown of Zahur
Level: 51 Quality: 100 AF/DPS: 51 Bonus: 35
Slot 1: 5 Crush Resist
Slot 2: 5 Thrust Resist
Slot 3: 5 Slash Resist
Slot 4: 5 Acuity Cap Increase
Slot 5: 8 % Power Pool
Slot 6: 18 Acuity
Utility: 42.0

Name: Crafted Item4
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Imbue Points: 37.0 of 32 Overcharge: 5
Gem 1: 19 Dexterity - Faceted Vapor Essence Jewel
Gem 2: 25 Constitution - Flawless Earthen Essence Jewel
Gem 3: 60 Hits - Precious Blood Essence Jewel
Gem 4: 7 Cold Resist - Imperfect Icy Shielding Jewel
Utility: 58.3 SC Cost: 63g 5s 0c SC Price: 63g 5s 0c

Name: Maddening Scalars
Level: 51 Quality: 100 AF/DPS: 51
Slot 1: 15 Dexterity
Slot 2: 15 Intelligence
Slot 3: 40 Hits
Slot 4: 5 Dexterity Cap Increase
Slot 5: 5 Intelligence Cap Increase
Slot 6: 3 Casting Speed
Slot 7: 6 % Power Pool
Utility: 30.0

Name: Crafted Item6
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Imbue Points: 37.5 of 32 Overcharge: 5,5
Gem 1: 11 Heat Resist - Faceted Heated Shielding Jewel
Gem 2: 7 Cold Resist - Imperfect Icy Shielding Jewel
Gem 3: 7 Body Resist - Imperfect Dusty Shielding Jewel
Gem 4: 16 Constitution - Polished Earthen Essence Jewel
Utility: 60.7 SC Cost: 30g 30s 20c SC Price: 30g 30s 20c

2 Handed
Name: Draiocht Enchanter Staff
Level: 51 Quality: 100 AF/DPS: 16.5 Speed: 5 Bonus: 35
Slot 1: 2 All Magic Skills
Slot 2: 6 Dexterity Cap Increase
Slot 3: 6 Acuity Cap Increase
Slot 4: 4 Casting Speed
Slot 5: 6 Power Cap Increase
Slot 6: 5 % Power Pool
Slot 7: 50 All Spell Lines
Slot 8: 4 Spell Damage
Utility: 11.0

Name: Dufyt's Necklace of Ultimate Power
Level: 51 Quality: 100 Bonus: 35
Slot 1: 9 Dexterity
Slot 2: 5 All Magic Skills
Slot 3: 4 Cold Resist
Slot 4: 4 Heat Resist
Slot 5: 4 Spirit Resist
Slot 6: 3 Thrust Resist
Slot 7: 2 Slash Resist
Slot 8: 8 Hits
Slot 9: 2 Dexterity Cap Increase
Slot 10: 1 Spell Damage
Utility: 67.0

Name: Cloak of the Arch Etheralist
Level: 50 Quality: 100 Bonus: 35
Slot 1: 1 All Magic Skills
Slot 2: 1 Body Resist
Slot 3: 1 Heat Resist
Slot 4: 1 Energy Resist
Slot 5: 1 Spirit Resist
Slot 6: 16 Hits
Slot 7: 9 Constitution Cap Increase
Slot 8: 9 Dexterity Cap Increase
Slot 9: 9 Acuity Cap Increase
Slot 10: 1 Spell Damage
Utility: 17.0

Name: Erinys Charm
Level: 45 Quality: 100
Slot 1: 15 Constitution
Slot 2: 15 Intelligence
Slot 3: 5 Energy Resist
Slot 4: 5 Spirit Resist
Slot 5: 5 Crush Resist
Slot 6: 40 Hits
Slot 7: 5 Spell Range
Slot 8: 5 Spell Piercing
Utility: 60.0

Name: Jacina's Sash
Level: 45 Quality: 100 Bonus: 35
Slot 1: 6 Stat Buff Effectiveness
Slot 2: 5 Power Cap Increase
Slot 3: 5 % Power Pool
Slot 4: 5 Spell Range
Slot 5: 6 Duration of Spells
Slot 6: 5 Spell Piercing
Utility: 0.0

Left Ring
Name: Ring of the Torrent
Level: 50 Quality: 89
Slot 1: 11 Crush Resist
Slot 2: 10 Thrust Resist
Slot 3: 10 Slash Resist
Slot 4: 2 Casting Speed
Utility: 62.0

Right Ring
Name: Tock
Level: 49 Quality: 100 Bonus: 35
Slot 1: 18 Dexterity
Slot 2: 4 All Magic Skills
Slot 3: 4 Crush Resist
Slot 4: 4 Thrust Resist
Slot 5: 4 Slash Resist
Slot 6: 1 Casting Speed
Slot 7: 18 Acuity
Utility: 68.0

Left Wrist
Name: Bracelet of Zo'arkat
Level: 45 Quality: 100 Bonus: 35
Slot 1: 5 Body Resist
Slot 2: 5 Matter Resist
Slot 3: 5 Spirit Resist
Slot 4: 6 % Power Pool
Slot 5: 18 Acuity
Slot 6: 4 Spell Range
Utility: 42.0

Right Wrist
Name: Bracer of Arawn
Level: 50 Quality: 100 Bonus: 35
Slot 1: 6 Body Resist
Slot 2: 7 Heat Resist
Slot 3: 6 Matter Resist
Slot 4: 7 Spirit Resist
Slot 5: 6 Crush Resist
Slot 6: 6 Slash Resist
Slot 7: 1 AF
Utility: 76.0


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 17, 2006
its the best chanter /banshee template I have Ever seen.

Im gonna use it.


Resident Freddy
Feb 18, 2004
I made this template a little while ago. Its for a runemaster so the champ weapon has slightly different stats, although it shouldn't be too hard to change the SCing slightly. Overall they are very similar however this one does have both nailah's and croc tear ring. So you have ae speed, a few extra percent resist and the snare proc rather than the dot proc from GoV.

Config Report

STR: 0 / 75 INT: 0 / 75 Hits: 228 / 288 (+88) AF: 0 /
CON: 83 / 84 (+9) PIE: 100 / 100 (+25) End: 0 / 25
DEX: 102 / 101 (+27) EMP: 0 / 75 Pow: 0 / 31 (+5)
QUI: 0 / 75 CHA: 0 / 75 %PP: 28% / 30% (+5)

Body: 24 / 26 Energy: 10 / 26 Crush: 26 / 26
Cold: 26 / 26 Matter: 9 / 26 Slash: 25 / 26
Heat: 25 / 26 Spirit: 15 / 26 Thrust: 26 / 26
Essence: 0 / 26

9 / 11 All Magic Skills
11 / 11 Darkness
9 / 11 Runecarving
9 / 11 Suppression

Other Bonuses
11 / 10 Archery and Casting Speed
10 / 10 Archery and Spell Damage
18 / 10 Archery and Spell Range
6 / 25 Duration of Spells
6 / 25 Stat Buff Effectiveness

Piece Listing
Name: Nailah's Robes
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 15 Acuity
Slot 2: 5 Crush Resist
Slot 3: 6 Slash Resist
Slot 4: 6 Thrust Resist
Slot 5: 4 Spell Range
Slot 6: 4 Spell Damage
Utility: 44.0

Name: Crafted Item36
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Imbue Points: 37.0 of 32 Overcharge: 5
Gem 1: 22 Piety - Precious Watery Essence Jewel
Gem 2: 25 Dexterity - Flawless Vapor Essence Jewel
Gem 3: 25 Constitution - Flawless Earthen Essence Jewel
Gem 4: 5 Crush Resist - Flawed Fiery Shielding Jewel
Slot 5: 40 Hits Cap Increase - (Crafted Item Bonus)
Utility: 58.0 SC Cost: 72g 94s 80c SC Price: 109g 42s 20c

Name: Crafted Item34
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Imbue Points: 37.5 of 32 Overcharge: 5.5
Gem 1: 28 Dexterity - Perfect Vapor Essence Jewel
Gem 2: 25 Constitution - Flawless Earthen Essence Jewel
Gem 3: 7 Slash Resist - Imperfect Watery Shielding Jewel
Gem 4: 5 Body Resist - Flawed Dusty Shielding Jewel
Slot 5: 5 Acuity Cap Increase - (Crafted Item Bonus)
Utility: 59.3 SC Cost: 60g 95s 20c SC Price: 91g 42s 80c

Name: Crafted Item31
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Imbue Points: 37.5 of 32 Overcharge: 5.5
Gem 1: 28 Dexterity - Perfect Vapor Essence Jewel
Gem 2: 2 Darkness Skill - Uncut Icy Chaos Rune
Gem 3: 9 Cold Resist - Polished Icy Shielding Jewel
Gem 4: 9 Heat Resist - Polished Heated Shielding Jewel
Slot 5: 5 % Power Pool - (Crafted Item Bonus)
Utility: 64.7 SC Cost: 47g 63s 40c SC Price: 71g 45s 10c

Name: Maddening Scalars (caster)
Level: 51 Quality: 94
Slot 1: 40 Hits
Slot 2: 15 Dexterity
Slot 3: 15 Piety
Slot 4: 6 % Power Pool
Slot 5: 3 Casting Speed
Slot 6: 5 Dexterity Cap Increase
Slot 7: 5 Piety Cap Increase
Utility: 30.0

Name: Crafted Item32
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Imbue Points: 37.5 of 32 Overcharge: 5.5
Gem 1: 60 Hits - Precious Blood Essence Jewel
Gem 2: 9 Body Resist - Polished Dusty Shielding Jewel
Gem 3: 9 Cold Resist - Polished Icy Shielding Jewel
Gem 4: 7 Heat Resist - Imperfect Heated Shielding Jewel
Slot 5: 5 Dexterity Cap Increase - (Crafted Item Bonus)
Utility: 65.0 SC Cost: 41g 78s 20c SC Price: 62g 67s 30c

2 Handed
Name: Ansuz Runemaster Staff
Level: 51 Quality: 94
Slot 1: 3 All Magic Skills
Slot 2: 6 Dexterity
Slot 3: 6 % Power Pool
Slot 4: 4 Spell Damage
Slot 5: 4 Casting Speed
Slot 6: 6 Dexterity Cap Increase
Slot 7: 6 Acuity Cap Increase
Utility: 19.0

Name: Dufyt's necklace of ultimate power
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 5 All Magic Skills
Slot 2: 4 Heat Resist
Slot 3: 4 Cold Resist
Slot 4: 4 Spirit Resist
Slot 5: 3 Thrust Resist
Slot 6: 2 Slash Resist
Slot 7: 8 Hits
Slot 8: 2 Dexterity Cap Increase
Slot 9: 1 Spell Damage
Utility: 61.0

Name: Arch etheralist cloak
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 1 All Magic Skills
Slot 2: 1 Body Resist
Slot 3: 1 Heat Resist
Slot 4: 1 Spirit Resist
Slot 5: 1 Energy Resist
Slot 6: 9 Dexterity Cap Increase
Slot 7: 9 Constitution Cap Increase
Slot 8: 9 Piety Cap Increase
Slot 9: 1 Spell Damage
Utility: 13.0

Name: Erinys Charm
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 40 Hits
Slot 2: 15 Piety
Slot 3: 15 Constitution
Slot 4: 5 Crush Resist
Slot 5: 5 Spirit Resist
Slot 6: 5 Energy Resist
Slot 7: 5 Spell Range
Utility: 60.0

Name: Jacina's Sash
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 6 Stat Buff Effectiveness
Slot 2: 6 Duration of Spells
Slot 3: 5 % Power Pool
Slot 4: 5 Power Cap Increase
Slot 5: 5 Spell Range
Utility: 0.0

Left Ring
Name: Ring of the Torrent
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 11 Crush Resist
Slot 2: 10 Slash Resist
Slot 3: 10 Thrust Resist
Slot 4: 2 Casting Speed
Utility: 62.0

Right Ring
Name: Crocodile Tear Ring
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 4 Heat Resist
Slot 2: 4 Cold Resist
Slot 3: 4 Energy Resist
Slot 4: 4 Matter Resist
Slot 5: 4 Body Resist
Slot 6: 15 Acuity
Utility: 50.0

Left Wrist
Name: Bracer of Heavenly Bodies
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 18 Constitution
Slot 2: 7 Thrust Resist
Slot 3: 80 Hits
Slot 4: 2 Casting Speed
Slot 5: 48 Hits Cap Increase
Utility: 46.0

Right Wrist
Name: Bracer of Zo'arkat
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 18 Acuity
Slot 2: 5 Matter Resist
Slot 3: 5 Body Resist
Slot 4: 5 Spirit Resist
Slot 5: 6 % Power Pool
Slot 6: 4 Spell Range
Utility: 42.0


It's my birthday today!
Jan 25, 2004
I don't like it tbh. You should try to fit in Nailah and more AF bonus. Since I made my new ani temp with lots of +AF, bolts are a joke.

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