I would be interested to know if anyone else has done any tests with buffs+pets etc to find out what realy does and does not work for a good focus pull.
I did some fairly scientific tests with a ns and her buffbot (thanks lexie/lexies), and came to the following conclusions that I think are FACT enjoy...
a). Ally takes less damage than compatriot. Ally > compatriot.
This is weird and something I wasnt expecting, I leveled with the impression that the compatriot was a tank and would tank better. The compartiot has its own AF buff (which doesnt stack with the baseline AF buff), so I was expecting it to do better buffless, it didnt, the ally took less damage per hit, even though it has no self AF buff. Of course the ally did better still with a baseline AF buff!
b). Con buffs.
Most people know this one, Con buffs add to pet AF, Druid Str/Con + base Con please for my pet
c). Dex buffs.
Real suprise here. Guess what.... Dex buffs add to pet AF too, just as significantly as Con. Giv pet Dex/Qui + Baseline Dex for pwnage AF.
Makes me think that the pet has only one stat, its AF, and all these buffs are just fudged to add to its AF as some sort of compensation for not really doing the job they are supposed to. I wonder if acuity does anything for a pet, or haste, didnt test these..., but if a pet has no con or dex, it probably has no int or qui...
d). Focus damage.
Focus damage is proportional to damage dealt, not recieved. Pick any pet and any buff combination and the damage dealt by the focus shield will be the same. The only way to lower it was to mess it up with a dmg shield on the pet. Dmg shield is bad and halves the focus shields strength.
Good to know this one, too many chanters say 'dont buff pet with X cause I want it to deal more damage'....
I did some fairly scientific tests with a ns and her buffbot (thanks lexie/lexies), and came to the following conclusions that I think are FACT enjoy...
a). Ally takes less damage than compatriot. Ally > compatriot.
This is weird and something I wasnt expecting, I leveled with the impression that the compatriot was a tank and would tank better. The compartiot has its own AF buff (which doesnt stack with the baseline AF buff), so I was expecting it to do better buffless, it didnt, the ally took less damage per hit, even though it has no self AF buff. Of course the ally did better still with a baseline AF buff!
b). Con buffs.
Most people know this one, Con buffs add to pet AF, Druid Str/Con + base Con please for my pet
c). Dex buffs.
Real suprise here. Guess what.... Dex buffs add to pet AF too, just as significantly as Con. Giv pet Dex/Qui + Baseline Dex for pwnage AF.
Makes me think that the pet has only one stat, its AF, and all these buffs are just fudged to add to its AF as some sort of compensation for not really doing the job they are supposed to. I wonder if acuity does anything for a pet, or haste, didnt test these..., but if a pet has no con or dex, it probably has no int or qui...
d). Focus damage.
Focus damage is proportional to damage dealt, not recieved. Pick any pet and any buff combination and the damage dealt by the focus shield will be the same. The only way to lower it was to mess it up with a dmg shield on the pet. Dmg shield is bad and halves the focus shields strength.
Good to know this one, too many chanters say 'dont buff pet with X cause I want it to deal more damage'....