Changing realms



I'm moving over here from Alb / Excal and I'm going to make a Skald. I was thinking of going 50 Battlesong, 39 Axe and 18 Parry. Is this going to work or do I need to bring Battlesong down and put Axe up to next style?

Thanks in advance for your help.


First off, welcome to midgard / prydwen, enjoy your stay, be beware of bitter ol zerkers though, they tend to bite newcomers.

Secondly, I think you need to ask yourself what kind of skald you want. A offensive rvr skald or a more flexible all round skald. If the answer is rvr id got with troll 50 sword 43 bs and 2 parry. 50 sword gives you the great style called ragnarok makeing you a nice addition to MA trains that most groups use in rvr. 43 bs gives you last speed song, the foremost reason you are grouped in rvr. The low parry is simply explained in one word, troll. You will not parry/evade, ever.

Other more flexible spec could be 44hammer 46bs 17 or so parry. Last damage add for large raids, 44 hammer for back snare styles and decent parry. Race is not that important, id advise away from kobold though since you get no benifits whatsoever over the other races as a kobold skald.

One thing to keep in mind is though that mythic gave skald another DD at 50bs in the next patch.


Either next patch or the one after the battlesongs line gets changed a bit & a new dd is added at 50 spec i think. Dunno if it's worth dropping that much weapon skill for it, but in all honesty I would never spec weapon that low as a skald. Mine was first specced 44 weapon / 46 battlesongs but respecced him to 47 weapon / 46 battlesongs afterwards. If I would roll a new one, I'd probably go for 50 weapon with him tho.


Just be aware, skalds are tank support, which is utterly different to actually being a tank, regardless of what our base class is.

50bs/39w/18p is a decent enough spec, and quite rvr group friendly. You'll have people going WOAH and humping your leg once you turn the level 50 heal song on too :D Keep in mind that you can sacrifice parry here for higher weapon spec - most skalds would agree that our parry isn't something we rely on to stay alive anyway.

Whatever you do, don't make a 43bs/50sword troll skald. Watered down DD's and lack of effective group songs make this spec like a warrior with speed song but swinging a bronze hand axe.. ie.. you might as well just roll a warrior and enjoy real weapon damage.

PS.. I use 47axe/46bs.. and it's my favourite so far of all the specs I've tried.


Thanks guys. I think I'll try the 50 bs and suck it and see. I can make another after with one of the other specs :)


First off, welcome to midgard / prydwen, enjoy your stay, be beware of bitter ol zerkers though, they tend to bite newcomers.

i'm touched :)

and just for that i'll refrain from doing my usual alb/excal whine

Aule Valar

Originally posted by aveh

50bs/39w/18p is a decent enough spec, and quite rvr group friendly. You'll have people going WOAH and humping your leg once you turn the level 50 heal song on too :D Keep in mind that you can sacrifice parry here for higher weapon spec - most skalds would agree that our parry isn't something we rely on to stay alive anyway.

PS.. I use 47axe/46bs.. and it's my favourite so far of all the specs I've tried.

50bs/39w/18p - this is probably the worst spec out there (short of 50 parry)

skalds ws is generally know so you need it as high as possible

47axe/46bs, personally i use this but with hammer, and i'd agree its the best spec for hammer or axe
if your grping a lot though i'd say go with hammer so you can rear/side snare for the savages

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