chance to hit a mob



I know it's a bit late (more than one year after start of the game), but i never spend any thoughts at this.

What exactly determines the chance to hit a mob?

So far i assume it's only a matter of :

lvl of the player,
enchantment of the weapon,
style used to attack,
mob (lvl, chance for mob to evade and some more mob-related things)

I'm not talking about the dmg done to a mob, just the pure chance to hit and not miss or fumble.

Anyone out there who tested a bit for that issue ?


not sure what you mean by enchantment of the weapon

but also remember :
number of ppl in combat with the mob
and your posistion (if you are behind the mob it will not block/parry/evade unless it has some fancy 360° skill like advanced evade stuff going on)


I saw that i was hitting a lot better with an enchanted weapon.

I got me a crafted weapon and forgot to enchant it, went soloing mobs and missed every second blow. It was way better with 30% bonus on it

(same mobs, same stats, same lvl and all, so it's definitly the bonus)


Originally posted by Sibanac
number of ppl in combat with the mob

Mobs & pets also in combat against the same mob affect the Bonus to hit (additional 3% I think).


yep, fool, the 30% bonus is a to-hit bonus :)


So .. still there is no1 who actually has enough insight of the gamemechanics to give me a detailed answer, or at least a link ?


Yup the bonus on a weapon affect hit chanse.

Afaik, if you have a weapon with 0% bonus (not enchanted) and hit some alb scum on his arm, witch is 30% bonus, you will have negative 30% on chanse to hit. And if you have 30% bonus on weap and enemy have 20% bonus on the armor piece you hit, you will have 10% more chanse to hit.

As you stated lvl of player/mob and what bonus on you're style allso will affect this.

CBA to check on the web now for more info now :p


Originally posted by foolou
So .. still there is no1 who actually has enough insight of the gamemechanics to give me a detailed answer, or at least a link ?

There is no more public insight or any place with more detailed game mechanics than the answers you have gotten here.

Mythic hasn't released any more detailed info about these issues.


Originally posted by foolou
So .. still there is no1 who actually has enough insight of the gamemechanics to give me a detailed answer, or at least a link ?

when it comes to gamemechanics DaoC is one of the wurst documented games i ever saw.

and "the grab bag" isnt all that accurate either



Think you pretty much summed it up. In PvE

lvl of player vs lvl of mob.
Styles used.
Enchant on weapon.
And apparently the position you are hitting the mob from (ie, side or rear etc)

There are a few more factors in RvR - eg. Enchant on Armour, and I think Armour Factor comes in too (not confirmed)

Trying to get Info from Mythic about this is like getting blood out of a stone, which is frustrating for a game with such a competitve angle. I have been in Chat Rooms with developers who don't seem to have a clue how it works or just play dumb when asked for info. There is no official answer anywhere that I have found.

And Sibanac is right, even the grab bags are only accurate about half the time. I often get the impression from Mythic that the developers who designed the game are no-longer there, and those that are there now have only a vague idea of how it works - just a hunch.


Originally posted by hairlock
There are a few more factors in RvR - eg. Enchant on Armour, and I think Armour Factor comes in too (not confirmed)

AF has been confirmed to not have anything to do with to-hit rate, only damage modification.

If it had been that way, ie. the paladins would be impossible to hit with their AF chants on.

The tests done was with paladins with AF chants on and off, the only thing that changed was damage dealt.


Thx for your answers .. i think i'll have to do some testing then :)


Thanx for clearing up the AF thing Tranquil.

I once had a Team Leader try to convince me that AF effected chance to hit, but had no evidence to back it up. I couldn't say which was right either way, and he claimed to be an authoratitive source. But your answer makes far more sense. :)


Your to hit chance is based on your weaponskill, which is based on lvl, spec of the used weapon, and the stats the weapon is based on (str for most of them str and dex for piercers).

The Weaponskill is related to the mob/enemy level, making it easier to hit lower levels than higher levels.

This will be modified by the styles you use. A Very High To Hit Bonus will let you hit mobs 99% of the time.

Weaponskill does influence your base damage and style bonus as well.

To max your Weaponskill:

- Max your Weapon Spec
- Max Strength (or STR/DEX, see above)

Nothing else influences Weaponskill and based on that, to hit chance.


Weaponskill doesn't affect _to-hit_ chance. Armourbonus on the target, bonus on weapon wielded, level differance and perhaps some other small modifiers has. But weaponskill doesn't affect the tohit chance, only evade/block/parry and damage modification compared to level/AF etc.

What makes it easier to hit lower lvl mobs is the level advantage and armour bonus advantage, not weaponskill.


What makes you so sure, Tranquil?

Any link with some tests?

Will go and find some test mobs if I have some time free.

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