Chance of 99's pre/post 1.62



(reposted from Seven forums)
Someone started a rumour that the chance of getting 99's had been lowered in 1.62 so I've just checked it out and it hasn't. When I spellcraft I keep a record of how many retries are needed for each gem (all gems have to be 99% qua for overcharging) in Leladia's calculator since final price is based on number of retries.

Here's the results from 68 crafts in 1.60 and 32 in 1.62:

1.60: Average (mean) retries for a 99% craft = 7.09 (+/- 6.38) ( n=68 )
1.62: Average (mean) retries for a 99% craft = 6.22 (+/- 5.88) ( n=32 )

As you can see it actually looks as is the average retries is lower in 1.62 than 1.60 but the standard deviations for both data are fairly large so is there a real difference here? Doing a simple t-test on these gives a significance of 0.52 ie, no significant difference. For both sets the mode (ie. most frequently occurring number of retries) is 1. Pretty good. The median (central value - a good measure of frequency for this kind of distribution) is 5 for 1.60 and 4 for 1.62 - again unlikely to be significantly different due to the spread of the data.

Here's the frequency distribution curve for the 2 data:


This kind of frequency distribution is pretty clearly what's known as a Poisson distribution which is what makes crafting seem so frustrating sometimes - most frequently the retries needed for 99's are fairly low but occasionally you get some that take a *lot* of retries. The highest I had in those 100 crafts was 32 retries. If you were trying to make someone a 99% chain hauberk and it took 32 retries you'd be ticked off - but it's entirely possible that it can happen.

These statistics conclusively show that crafting rates haven't been nerfed in the last patch but I do think it's invaluable to have an understanding of the nature of random numbers and frequency statistics when crafting :)

Just occurred to me to try another test too. We're told that the chance of getting a 99 is 1 in 5, or 20%. So if we do 1-tailed t-tests on those 2 sets of data comparing each to a value of 5 are they significantly different?

1.60: p = 0.46
1.62: p = 0.51

I.e. neither of these data are significantly different from the number 5. I.e. the chance of getting a 99 craft is indistinguishable from 1 in 5 or 20%.

It may not *feel* like 1 in 5 but the maths shows that that is exactly what it is.

(nb. there is one caveat I would like to add to these data and that is that for a Poisson distribution n values of <100 could be considered low. It'd be nice to extend these numbers greatly so if anyone feels like adding to them feel free to contact me :) )


Originally posted by granny

(nb. there is one caveat I would like to add to these data and that is that for a Poisson distribution n values of <100 could be considered low. It'd be nice to extend these numbers greatly so if anyone feels like adding to them feel free to contact me :) )

no please i'm in holidays :)


Been a while since i did something mathmatical, but I thought poissons couldn't use T-stats.

You tried regressing your results and seeing if they pass an approximation to normality?


Seems good Granny, the only thing I'd say is that 100 isn't a very big sample. What is really needed is someone to sit down and make a couple of thousand hinges for a decent sample size.

It's funny how after every patch the 'randomness has been nerfed' argument pops up again.


accollon nope, didnt bother cos it looked so obviously Poisson to me :)

And chretien aye, i know, 1000 would be much nicer, but I think 100 is enough to show there hasn't been any *major* change anyway.

I also realised I used the wrong test since it's a discrete variable not a continuous one but nm eh :p


all gems dont have to be 99% for OC fyi
98 and 99s works for 37/32


Really? Zero chance of explosion? Definitely 100% sure? Cos that'd bring the times & prices for SC'ing down a lot :)


Originally posted by walkerb
all gems dont have to be 99% for OC fyi
98 and 99s works for 37/32

So far 1 piece HAS exploded using ONLY 99% gems:sleeping: :m00:


Personally done 5 suits of armour + weapons at 33/28 or 37/32 and never had an explosion, using 2 99% and 2 98% gems per item.


I have 1123 tailoring and it takes me 27 tries to make a 99% quality pair of AF25 pants. In short, nothing's changed.


I had a boom doing a 1pt O/C on some AF60 :/ Sucks wookies balls that did. :/

I was using any qua gems but still... :/


Originally posted by walkerb
all gems dont have to be 99% for OC fyi
98 and 99s works for 37/32

2 x 98 + 2 x 99 works fine on 99%

never had a booom my entire career


Originally posted by chretien
It's funny how after every patch the 'randomness has been nerfed' argument pops up again.

Ain't it just :D


Glad I'm not the only person who's had a 32 retry experience. :p

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