Champ or Hero?



Well, wich of these is best? What are the positives and negatives of each? wich has more HP at level 50? Champ buffs dont stack do they, so if you had a druid buff you the hero would get a better deal?

Any help appreciated :p

(p.s. Celt and going LW wich ever class)


Just play whichever one takes your fancy more :)
Don't play what's more 'uber' just what you will have most fun playing.


Well, i would play the one i find more fun, except it takes me bloody ages to get level 5, let alone level 20, so when i make one i wanna stick with it ;)

Carlos Bananos

personally, if your going Lw i'd go champion, you get to make use of the 50 style with the snare they have :)

Snare ppl as they run away + stun :p

I've had it landed on my SB a few times now as i try to kite, damn hurts ;p


Go champ.

Heros are good, but from a noob point of view they are really crap until lvl15+. Believe me playing a hero when you are less < lvl15 is the pits (see below for explanation). Champs on the other hand are just plain fun from the minute you go see your trainer at lvl5. Doesn't matter how you spec a champ, they are great. Although LW is the way to go to RvR.

Heroes...Why scale and an unspeccable bow @ lvl15 ???? Scale is like Mid chain, warriors get that @ 10. Armsmen get chain @ 5 and plate @ 15. And Mythic, forcing ANY class to go 15 levels without a pull is FUCKING JOKE!!!1111 I can't even spec the fecking thing when I get it grrrrrrrrrrr


I dont think they get a bow.... whats the point when theyve got dds


Originally posted by old.chesnor
Heroes...Why scale and an unspeccable bow @ lvl15 ???? Scale is like Mid chain, warriors get that @ 10. Armsmen get chain @ 5 and plate @ 15. And Mythic, forcing ANY class to go 15 levels without a pull is FUCKING JOKE!!!1111 I can't even spec the fecking thing when I get it grrrrrrrrrrr

Lowbie merc is fun.... chain at 10 is nice, but evade1 at 20?? parry at 17? Shortbow at 15? :|
Silly, silly mythic...


Originally posted by old.LandShark

Lowbie merc is fun.... chain at 10 is nice, but evade1 at 20?? parry at 17? Shortbow at 15? :|
Silly, silly mythic...

umm no chain = 10 shortbow = 10 evade 1 = 10 :rolleyes:


Champs = Lots of fun

LW Champ + Sycho....dead champ.....go figure


Sounds like i should go for a Champ then. But wont the lack of determination or something make me realy vulnrable to mez?


You get all same RA`s than hero expect Hero unique style but heard it bad anyway :D

Bedroc the Hero

Originally posted by old.chesnor
Heroes...Why scale and an unspeccable bow @ lvl15 ???? Scale is like Mid chain, warriors get that @ 10. Armsmen get chain @ 5 and plate @ 15. And Mythic, forcing ANY class to go 15 levels without a pull is FUCKING JOKE!!!1111 I can't even spec the fecking thing when I get it grrrrrrrrrrr

Chesnor, I think it wasnt until lvl 25 or so I ever saw the need for a ranged pull. Its so easy to body pull.. did it in sprags den even ( much to my team m8s horror, as you can imagine! )


Originally posted by Bedroc the Hero

Chesnor, I think it wasnt until lvl 25 or so I ever saw the need for a ranged pull. Its so easy to body pull.. did it in sprags den even ( much to my team m8s horror, as you can imagine! )

lol, body pulling went out with the ark Bedroc :p

Seriously, there are a few skill every class absolutely needs. A pull is one of them. Body pulling is done by maniacs who think they are tough guys for doing it, but its just plain dumb at the end of the day. If any hero in my group body pulls, I politely explain the error of his/her ways ;)


if i cant body pull, i dont pull.

only REAL way to pull.

Those sissy pulls you get from conventional ways... well, keep em.


Seriously, there are a few skill every class absolutely needs

Well, since my zerker didnt get throwing axes until 1.52 I've always had to bodypull. Works pretty well when you have your sprint-button ready for when the adds come :clap:


Never played a Hero but... I have a Champ on Excal and I must say I have been very disappointed so far. My Thane is nearly 40 so I am used to playing Hybrids and she really was a pleasure to play from level 5 but my Champ :(

However, I still play her from time to time in the hope that she gets better. She has been bit spoiled, has orange con armour and 99%Qua crafted weapons and near cap dex, but regularly missing 30-40% of the time when I was farming blue cons was just a touch too frustrating.

Hopefully she will get better (or I will get better at playing her) or she'll get deleted soon.

Just my 2Euros

Toodle Pip


Originally posted by old.chesnor

lol, body pulling went out with the ark Bedroc :p

Seriously, there are a few skill every class absolutely needs. A pull is one of them. Body pulling is done by maniacs who think they are tough guys for doing it, but its just plain dumb at the end of the day. If any hero in my group body pulls, I politely explain the error of his/her ways ;)

You should have seen the L50 healer we were with at the lake in malmo last night!! :eek:

Body pulling dracs is not funny


While exping hero is faaaaaar better at tanking, champion however is a good puller :) Both are very good in RvR, just depends which one you like more, hybrid caster with melee power or just, well, more melee power ^^ (and more hp's)


Originally posted by old.Downanael
You get all same RA`s than hero expect Hero unique style but heard it bad anyway :D

not true. champs dont get determination, they also have to pay 10 for purge as well as the outrageous 14 points for IP (first aid not count in.. which would make it a total of 23 points for IP...).
A champ without IP is also very dead if he tries soloing... so you pretty much have to live with that 23 cost for it :(
But with IP its not impossible to take down 2-3 same level targets... alone.

If you make a champ, make a luri.... youll get a huge advantage due to your size, cant say how many times ive seen Malev run around in zergs and be the last one to drop... its hard to click the little bastard :)


Since we get some love from Mithic in the last patch I can say champ is one of the better and funiest class to play.I have a lvl 50 , my selt buff actually gives me 75 str/cons specing valor to lvl 50 , for example I can solo red pookas(defuffs actually are great vs mobs)wout lose more thn 1/4 of my total Hp (1751 self buffed w aug cons 2 toughie 2) and red glimmer warshades are 2 of a few test ive done on mobs, and 2 ofmore impresive ive done is soloing 2 infiltrator and a minstrel at the gorge all yellow to me w my buff and warden ones and IP :),and kill a lvl 50 infiltrator w 4 hits(he used IP).I think that is one of the better tank class to play (if you want to go LW path).


erm champs have more hp now with the buff, thats fucked up


Spearo Power

I dunno if this could make you change your mind but spearos does BAD damage to the chain wearers of midgard... lvl50 Firby Spearo did 700dmg to me (okay i was lvl 42 but still) with a delay of about 4 seconds... That REALLY hurts... :(

And since almost no items in midgard gives thrust-resist you'd be in for a real barbeque party with middie-on-a-spear. ;)


Bleh who cares about middies? Our real enemies are the cockroaches that infest emain otherwise known as albs.
Crush LW vs. skirt wearing tin can = GOOD.
Thrust weapon vs. skirt wearing tin can = Not as good.


On a more serious note LW is the best style line in hib and my lickle champ can solo oranges to him so I say forget about the moose (only thing hero's are good for is entertainment value - dancing moose ahoy! ;) ) and make a luri champ instead :)


btw LW is better than spearo because you can choose between slash and crush, slash is neutral on all albs, and crush is neutral on all mids.

and spear, LW both do same damage (over time) and twohanded weaps look cooler.

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