CHALLENGE! Against BOTS - Quake1/2



If you're at home, and you're bored, then try my bot challenge.
Against Reaperbots and Gladiator bots; try these challenges.

Q1 - DM2 - 10 min. against a single Skill 3 bot. As many frags as you can in 10mins.
Q1 - DM6 - as above.
Q1 - DM3 - Against 12, Skill 1 bots. 15 mins.

Q2 - Q2DM1 - FFA against 4 bots; 10 mins. (Reaper, Spartacus, Player and No.9)
Q2 - Q2DM8 - UKPCGC Challenge - 20 mins - against the same bots.
Q2 - Q2DM3 - 15 mins. Against Reaper - No powerups; as many frags as you can manage.

If you like messing around with bots, then try and create an unbeatable record. Top scores will go up in the Hall of Fame; soon to be posted on my web-site.

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