chainpulling gone?



Is it just gobbos that wont chainpull anymore? Or is it the case for all mobs?
They get their health back as soons as they get back, which results in 1 chain mob + the crippled one back...

Scouts are gonna have a busy time :p


yep noticed this morning on my scout, orange mob got out of range before i could drop it and it was regenning like it had IP or summat ;(

no more kiting. oh well good job the RA's mean downtime is minimal and dmg is up up UP! :D


yeah def think this is true any word on the tree chain situation?


It's true of all chaining situations as the crips hp will regenerate so quickly that after 1 group has come the crip will return.
Oh well, dunno if its good or bad seeing as I have had enough of trees after 1 level and a bit.
35-40 are going to be hell, definately glad i've passed through them levels.

Hit ^_^

aslong as mezzer is about lvl38+ you can make tanglers on a lvl35+ group. so no use of chaining.
going to be crowded at gobo beach tho.


Ok so chaining is dead, sad, but they freaking killed my root soloing to, usually i can have a small breather after rooting my prey, but i guess not any longer.


I believe this is offcially 'anti-kiting' code.

Quite why it's necessary is beyond the comprehension of mortal men.

However, I suspect it has something to do with Mythics firmly held belief that their "vision"tm of how the game should be played is of supreme importance. Any innovative or unusual solutions to the challenge of getting past the xp grind or any alternative playstyles or tactics used by players in rvr or pve should be immeadiately stamped on. Hard.

So chaining is out.

Using CC to rest is out.

Kiting is out.

Daoc. Otherwise known as Progress Quest II? ...


As someone asked above, yes this counts for every mob you can chain anywhere.

no trees
no goblins
no clerks
no chaining

Better hope we can keep DF open I guess :( .


Chaining!! over at last

WEEEEE happy happy happy
Chaining is over!!!!!

maybe some more peeps will know this game little better=)

Chaining was based on mobs HP, when it had certain amount HP chain ended, well now mob gets back his HP like rocket =)


no is bad for scouts, now we have a little work like pullers :)


Hahaa, Dark Age of Lyonesse is over :)

As for me, I don't regret it a bit that they fixed chaining. People will even have to move and run around to get xp ... what a great improvement :p

This may sound a bit bitter or sarcastic but just a bit fed up explaining to lvl 40+ a lot of the following things :
- Where are our relic keeps
- Hadrians Wall, what's that ?
- What do you mean ... 'taunt', 'agro' , ...
- And lots of other stuff :(

...also it gets rid of the looks of complete horror when you say you don't do trees :p

Honestly people, I know 50 is a great level, even more with the epic armor and I want it someday too but at least take the time to explore your realm a bit, get to know other peeps, get to know their classes, ...

Have fun & gl :)


No more chaining! :eek:

Although it depends on what you want from the game, for me this has to be bad all round :(

I've found it very slow lvling from 35+ and without gobbo chains this would have been even slower. I'm interested in getting lvls as quickly as possible - RvR is where i want to be and I'm too chicken until I'm lvl40+ :p

at least take the time to explore your realm a bit, get to know other peeps, get to know their classes

I think that I've done a fair bit of exploring and certainly have spent time getting to know other people and their classes.... Also this is something we have always been able to do, unless you think we should be forced to do a tour of the realm and answer an exam on the subject ;)

How else can we xp as quickly and easily?
How can chaining not fit with the game? Why get rid of it now when everyone is used to it and have been doing chains since day one?...

/em wonders off mumbling to himself


i was wondering about this yesterday now i have an infiltrator at lv42. What i did like the sound of was the middy groups that kill the mobs round there dragons lair, they have 2 groups divided by levels something like 42-45 and 45-50, both groups just constantly kill all the mobs. To get a spot you have to add your name to a list or something, this is what i have heard anyhows, i think stonelords would be ultimately better, better xp, better drops and dartmoor is a BIG place so more space for ppl to xp instead of 3 tree spots.


2 groups, G1 and G2

G1 would have pbt, healer, mezzer and a main tank + peeler.... all as high lvl as possible.... rest would be the highest level

G2 is everything else... usually lower levels..... they hit the xp cap anyway, so no point in getting them in G1

And it's not just at lair..... we do it at DF too, and I've done it in other zones too, such as Raumarik (like Lyn Barfog) and Vanern (like Lyonesse)

Only problems is getting enough mobs, but DT is non existent and the xp over time is great


yeah the spawn in dartmoor is very very quick, only problem is getting people to co-operate, would be great though as the stonelords are lv55-63 so the xp would be great but as with pbaoe, albs are too set in there ways when it comes to xping.

gobs yawn, tanglers yawn trees yaaawwwn


spawns in epic zone is incredible fast
We once had 6 full groups xping in one big free for all type of thing

3 pullers, 1 in each direction (except dragon, natch) and lots of mezzers

Mobs died before they got of their second hit

Great fun, all drops went to one person and was auctioned to pay for relic doors some days latter

Great fun


LOL at you all... lyonesse is lost looool.
You will still get as fast exp without chaining, I guess people are just a bit too retarded to figure that out, or too lazy (and retarded) kkthxbye


But it wont be fast?
Lyonesse exp is generally shite, but due to chaining(faster) it made it semi worth while.
Exp at DF/DM is generally better and there are alot of mobs.


set up shop at shreders.... one person does CC, one does healing, theurg has pbt, and your laughing.... got a bub an hour at lvl 45 doing shredders..... I aint complainging


My best xp ever was in DF. two groups down at the inqs/knights/earls/dukes area. They pop so fast you have to fight continually or die pretty much. Made 0.5 at 48 in about 15 minutes of continual fighting. :)


hard to do knighs in 2 mid grps... only peeps with vialble CC is shamans and healers, and they are pretty rare,


Originally posted by orm-
LOL at you all... lyonesse is lost looool.
You will still get as fast exp without chaining, I guess people are just a bit too retarded to figure that out, or too lazy (and retarded) kkthxbye

or a bit to narrowminded to try anything different, the only good thing about lyonesse was the fact you could chain cause otherwise the xp was bollox.

btw when you char gets in the 30's you will see lyonesse suux for xp :)


Originally posted by Rollie

btw when you char gets in the 30's you will see lyonesse suux for xp :)

I can promise u I've had more 35+ chars than you, but that's beside the point.
Regular pulls don't have to be slower than chains if you just do it right. Especially at trees.


chains are easier than normal kills as you only get the adds, no pulled monster... but you get all of the group xp.

However I'm glad chaining is gone - it has to be the most dull experience in the game.....
Unfortunately the existance of it meant noone would go anywhere else other than pygmys from 33-38 pretty much.. so you can't get an 'interesting' group going.

Guess I must be weird thinking that the PvE is there to be played through, enjoyed etc.? and not just rushed through to get out of the way....


Guess I must be weird thinking that the PvE is there to be played through, enjoyed etc.? and not just rushed through to get out of the way....

Nope - your not alone.

However given the limited amount of content from say 45-50 (espc for full groups) it gets dull due to the excessive amount of time required to level.

Well at least thats my excuse for still being 49.3, and Im sticking to it ;) My cleric is too much fun to be ignored for now.


Originally posted by Draylor

Nope - your not alone.

However given the limited amount of content from say 45-50 (espc for full groups) it gets dull due to the excessive amount of time required to level.

Well at least thats my excuse for still being 49.3, and Im sticking to it ;) My cleric is too much fun to be ignored for now.

limited amount you say? there is 3 frontiers with mobs, entire lyonesse, barfog and Dartmoor...

you call that little?:p


Originally posted by old.Second

limited amount you say? there is 3 frontiers with mobs, entire lyonesse, barfog and Dartmoor...

you call that little?:p

Alb Frontier: If it moves Ive seen it, killed it, and got the T-shirt ;)
Hib/Mid Frontier: Sadly Ive not yet seen the Glacier Giant dead. PvE wise Ive seen little else of interest.

Lyonesse: Yes there is more than trees and goblins, but its all been done.
Barfog: Epics get very dull after a few kills. Its just pure boredom - sorry, item farming ;) And the rest has been done enough already.
Dartmoor: Still fun once in a while, but Ive covered it all at least a few times.

DF is a nice solution for now - and itll last long enough to get me to 50 without resorting to trees I hope. That is if we ever have the portal ..... ;)


Agreed... there could do with being a bit more :) however the people that complain about being bored at 40-50 when they've never left the chain-spots in lyonesse for xp.... really have only themselves to blame.

With any luck shrouded isles will give more stuff to kill in the 40-50 dead-zone.

That said I had fun killing wacky stuff in Uppland the other night ;)


Actually the XP in Lyonesse isn't that bad - just keep the mobs coming and as they coming usually in 3/4s at Tree Spot 2 the XP is good..... well got me to 50 w00t !!

Just make sure you have a good puller in the group.... :)


was in a nice grp yesterday!!:)

was pretty shocked in the beginning with the idea of ME petpulling from trees=) but it went pretty good:) and my lvl 44 went stright inn hehe.

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