


Ok, I've been lead to believe the only difference between the US and EU version of DAoC is the CD key, so does that mean that if I found an american who wanted to play the EU version, and I wanted to play the US version we could just exchange CD key's and play on the other servers without buying a whole new copy of the game?


Nope... The american ingame text is still different then the EU version. And your EU version connects to the European Servers and not the US Servers...


Yes. I bought a copy of the US version on e-bay and he just e-mailed me his cd-key, he didn't have to send me the cd-rom or anything.

What you have to do once you have a valid cd-key is copy your CAMELOT game directory to a new one, say CAMELOT-US. Then you need to replace the european UPDATE.DAT file with this one:
Mythic Patch
Then run the CAMELOT.EXE in the new folder. It will connect to the US patch server, validate your new cd-key, and patch your european version of DAOC to the current american one (was about a 24MB download when i did it a couple of days ago). Then you can create an account with Mythic using the american version of the DAOC launcher, assuming the cd-key has never been used.

As long as you keep the US and EURO versions in separate directories you can switch back and forth whenever you like.

I find the US servers unpleasantly laggy, by the way, using Noos in france as my ISP. You shoot a mob and it doesn't react for 5 seconds and then it warps and is behind you, hitting you from out of LOS. But that will be different for everybody depending on your ISP's connection to america.


Oh, but the scenario you are describing would be more than exchanging CD-KEYs. Since you have each used your respective CD-KEYs to open accounts with Mythic and GOA, you would also have to exchange your game logins and passwords. Note that this is officially against the rules, and if the person you traded with was untrustworthy and stole your account or deleted your characters, or logged them on and started griefing and cheating or anything nasty, you would have no recourse with GOA. So make sure you know what you are doing!


Thanks Alrindel, I'll try that. Only problem is what if you do you what did, buy it from ebay, then the guy who I bought it off sells it again to another person with the same CD key, would I only be able to connect when the other person is not on and vice-versa? On the issue of lag I was talking to someone using the same ISP as me who said he got less lag on the american servers than he did on the EU ones, so I'm hoping lag won't be that big a problem. Looking back I think your way would be better though, your above post states why.

ohh and I went to look on ebay immediatly after I saw your post, have you seen the price of gold for Andred and Mordred? $20 for 10gp!!! And whats even crazier is people are actually paying that!

/em mutters about crazy Americans



The CD-KEY is just there to let you connect to the patch server, and then create an account. Even if you have somebody else's CD-KEY, you cannot connect to play the game unless you also have the login and password for the account associated with that key. If you buy a CD-KEY that is unused, then you connect to the server, create a new account with a login and password, and then that CD-KEY can never be used again to make another account. So even if the person sells the CD-KEY to somebody else (or tries to use it himself), it will be useless to them.

ohh and I went to look on ebay immediatly after I saw your post, have you seen the price of gold for Andred and Mordred? $20 for 10gp!!! And whats even crazier is people are actually paying that!
That's cheating, and I have no time for people who do it either way (buying or selling). I don't particularly like people selling their accounts, either, but I understand that it's common and Mythic have said that they are unofficially OK with it, so I will keep quiet about that. (The account I bought was unused, and had no characters made on it). I personally would never sell my ranger - not that anybody would ever want to buy her, the big gimp. :m00:


ahhh ok thanks again, looked on ebay, $5 for DAoC american version, $10 dollars to "buy it now" :)


Well im updating with my CD-Key i have probably misread it but shouldent that mean i can by a new account ?


My tracert goes from Helsinki > New York > Paris to EU servers... soo :)


The CD-KEY is a 'one time start account' thing...

Once it's used it's gone.
If you buy a used CD key online it's not worth the paper it's written on...

(think about it)

If an account has been started and is used then you need the login/password as it was registered with.


Which reminds me, what am i gonna do, i have forgot my europeon loginname/password *gulp*

All i have is the CD-key, What am i going to, can they find out login name and password from the cd-key, i hope they can :(


/em takes a deep one (and i mean a deep one)

I finally rememberd my login name, using the power of right-now they sent it login/password to my e-mail, all i feel so much better now

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