cd key



Recently ordered a new copy of the game from Amazon which was delivered without a cd key - as it was for a birthday present and not opened straight away it seems the only option I have is to return it - Amazon can't help, and GOA initially replied stating that they could not help as they didn't supply the CD keys. Upon enquiring WHO did and an email address for them I got the following reply:

"Unfortunately, NO ONE has NEVER supplied the CD Key's numbers.

The only one solution that we can give you is to return the game to If you think it's not a good suggestion, then, you can purchase anoher copy of the game.

Sorry for any inconvenience and for the delay in our reply... "

Customer service?

My arse!!

Hit ^_^

why couldet amazon help?
its like u buy a car and there aint no engine in it...


damn that sucks :(

but yeah - it's like buying a game with a faulty CD or whatever... pester amazon :)

the first copy of DAoC I bought (from GAME) had already been registered :(


pestered amazon already - eventually said I could return it - speedy response? (Took Amazon a week and a half, Goa 2 weeks! )


Well... Techically, it cannot be GOA's fault that Amazon screwed up, right?

The CD Key is used when creating an account. If ppl could just get one sent to them, you could have several accounts, but only have to buy one copy of the game. So I see no reason to blame GOA on this one... Blame Amazon (which you did...)


So amazon stick the cd key stickers on the manual? I think not...


No, but neither do GOA. That's down to a third party.

Amazon still has the responsibility to take back the faulty item and exchange it.


I stepped on a banana, slipped, fell and landed on my butt this morning. Promptly send an email to Goa and it´s 18:30 now and I`m still waiting for GoA´s reply on who the hell put that banana there and what to do to get rid of the ache on my butt. Shitty GoA customer service! :)

Seriously.. what happened there sucks. But what do you expect from GoA? Merrily send you a CD key via email? They can´t do anything. Send the CD back to Amazon and order another copy and if that doesn´t work (i.e. the new one comes w/o a CD key again), find another online store.

Hope you´re gonna sort it out, gl

Cap'n Sissyfoo

The first copy of DAOC I got was from Game...already registered. Spooky, huh? I reckon that Game are involved in a massive underground pirating business.

Other option is this: I knew someone who phoned up WH Smiths and told them that he was a customer service rep for ID Software and that he had been getting reports of faulty Wolfenstein CD-Keys and he wanted to check that the CD-keys that Smith's had in stock were working correctly. He got some poor lady who didn't know anything about CD-keys to grab a bunch of copies of the game and read out the CD-keys to him...OVER the phone. Sheesh.

Pretty cunning but it was still a pretty shitty thing to do. :/


dammt thats a fine prank. ye GAME are pretty stupid imo with the 10 daty refund no questions asked. dunno how they make money doing that, cos nealry everyone has a burner, so copy and return.
You know u can even return it to a different store. so if u do it frequently, they dont catch on.


so was i a 2nd account or you getting a new main ? :p


Originally posted by Flimgoblin
the first copy of DAoC I bought (from GAME) had already been registered :(

That's because GAME used to have a product loan facility for employees. It was great for a while, then head officer finally decided that "ah... this is promoting software piracy!" and stopped it ;)


Originally posted by darksbane1
dammt thats a fine prank. ye GAME are pretty stupid imo with the 10 daty refund no questions asked. dunno how they make money doing that, cos nealry everyone has a burner, so copy and return.
You know u can even return it to a different store. so if u do it frequently, they dont catch on.

Incedentaly there used to be a clause in the 10 day no moneyback thing that exempted online games for this exact reason. :)

I stress used to be, it was a while ago I worked for them :)

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