catacombs .. go away :/



you cant be serious that the newly itemised catacombs drops better items for all you high levels than anywhere else ???

please find some other place to farm items so ppl can exp :/

having 10 individual lvl 45 odds running round soloing everything AND when we finally get 2 in a pull stealing the one i mes is getting so annoying :/


and some guilds ..

hade attitude issues.


no m8 stealing youre kills is harsh youre right there but ppl can hunt where they like ppl do have alts they want items for i have been down already to lower lvls usually to a quiet spot and many are simply curious as to what drops are to be had i know am


true :)

nobody liked that tomb.... wanted to get out as fast as possible , rather do ponies then catacomb..... now it's full of 3x - 4x ppl ;)


Going to be a level cap on dungeons in future patch.....


Lvl cap on dungeons

Good that way cleric and paladins will never again make their lvl 40 epic in keltoi =)


I think not, the level cap is for Mordred only because it's PvP


Persoanlly I don't mind the 3x 4x ppl in long as they know that we who are xping in a hall have first dibs on the kills...I mean earlier today I politly asked a lvl 41 guy to only take what we left behind. He was very nice about it and left most of the hall for us and only took what didn't add for us. Best of both world, we got our xp and he got his drops. If we can learn to share (did some of you miss kindergarten?) we can all hunt catas together. Oh, and thx to those lvl 3x 4x guys who saved our asses a few times when we had bad pulls and failed mezzes!

old.Im pac man!!

i expressed my 2 cents on this matter in the "another one bites the dust" post if any one cares to read it


besides, the lvl 40 epic is there for some classes anyway, so they probably would never put a lvl cap on catas.


Well, I myself plan to 'harvest' catacombs and tepok for a while with my armsman and probably with a lvl 40 wizzie... Just to get items for our low levels...

I'll ofcourse try to do this when its quite and without kill-stealing..
(Since we should be able to clear out catacombs pretty fast)

But saying 'high levels stay out' isnt the way to go (they are still green, ask some guild mates, I actually wanted to stay my current level so I could farm a bit of items there, since next level grays will probably start to popup in catacombs)...


OMG, the attitude, dont know who, but I just came from a nice little catacombs drop hunt (got 5 drops or smmt in 15 mins ;))

But the emperor room was camped, but 1 of the group ran through it (her mistake)... The guys that where camping where like 'wtf, go away', so while my group m8 kills off the agro... I say 'sorry lads, we'll leave'... And we get back 'go fucking away' (and a few other nasty words)...

I mean, we appologized and said we where leaving... But still got that shit, so I said 'be nice!' and got a whole load of nasty words again...

Well, there's moral too... We had a drop from the kill there, they wanted it... Now if they where nice in the beginning, they would have gotten it for free ! Well, now they can just look back in their text log and see that it dropped... Because they wont get it from us...

Then some guy messaged the person that got the drop, saying he wanted to buy.. We refused and he starts some shit about hate lists etc...

Is this where it has come to? Oohwell, it was our first catacombs 'raid' but wont be our last... If we are in 'your' camp spot, just ask us to leave... But ask nicely... Otherwise the result might not be what you desired ;)


as long as you pick up ALL the loot mate ;)

ran across a cleric downthere today and there where loot all over the place and this is the conversation that followed
GM= groupmate :)

Me "pick up your loot lady"
GM"and clean up your room" (obviously joking is it misunderstandable)
cleric "well"
cleric "seems my ignore list just got longer"

I mean ????? at least if you´re drophunting take all the loot nothing is more annoying that having a drop blocked by forgotten loot......

and yes I know I can use F7 to cycle looot, problem is that it only cycles the 2 on top not rest of a stack


Like I said, we can all camp catas and get along. As long as the drop farmers respect that we're there to xp, wich is what it's ment for, and the xpers respect that high lvls want the drops. As long as the hihg lvls don't clean out a hall everytime it pops I don't mind anyone camping there....and as long as the lower lvls don't get bitchy when the drop farmers take a few kills there's no problem is there.

If you have a problem with this then maybe you should think of re-visiting kindergarten and learn to share, while you're there learn no to eat the glue as well :p


its fine if people want to camp...
but camp .. dont runa bout killing absoloutley everything so theres nothing to xp on..

i.e. in barrows if some1s camping advisors u leave them to it .. not run past n pull them ;/

for example atm 1 group in catas and 5/6 soloing lvl 45 odds ..

result = hard to find a single orange to kill anywhere ;/


hard to find greens anywhere m8 :) ps its not all the high lvls i do take all my loot and have given some drops to peeps in there as there no good to me all u lower lvls even those of u that are usin alts have at least once or will do farm a dungeon for another char its what lets u get those alts lvled quickly


theres a lot of peope that missed out on the items in Catacombs, i've level 37 but i still go down there to hunt for items for the lower level members of my guild. you should feel greatful that there may be some high level rezers running arond now as there more lkely to come to your corps that a ower level one that will get agro (getting killed while going to res someone in a dungeons is one of the worst thing that happens to us clerics) so don't knock us for being there.

P.S there is a level cap on all dungeons it called Mobs coning gary :m00:

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