Catacombs Character Builder, now with SI classes



Catacombs Character Builder, now with SI classes AND Reaver Epic Armour Screenies

I took a look at the Savage, there's only Valkyn shown on the site, and the Valkyn starting stats are pretty weird - 55 str, 45 con, 65 dex, 75 quick... some of the savage buffs are nice though, buff evade, parry, and resist thrust, slash and crush... every kobold and their mother is going to be rolling one of these...

Bonedancers get an AE snare in the suppression line, and AE DoT in the "Bone Army" line.. not sure, but it seems they get multiple pets...

Valewalkers get a Damage shield, Lifedrain, DoT shout and a kind of bladeturn, as well as Evade 4, but only cloth armour...

Animists look very crazy to play, with one spec line giving a pbaoe, and all giving some sort of.. ground target pet(s) - Sylvan's starting attributes are nice too, 70 str, 60 con, 55 dex, 45 quick, 70 intel... seems they would make nice 2h champions, although I'm not sure if they can become champions or not.

Reavers look, quite frankly, amazing. Fighters with a very nasty weapon-spec (flexible weapons) chain armour, evade 1, self buff line that includes a PBAOE DD shout - and large shields, plus 2.0 spec points instead of 1.5 for the other new fighter classes... this class looks incredibly fun to play, and finally Albion will stand a chance ;)

Necromancers also get a pbaoe, but, correct me if I'm wrong, are the first class to get a pbaoe DoT as well... lethal, I'm guessing.. they also get some nice debuffs.

This leaves me wanting SI even more, especially for the Reaver...

The Exile

According to the char builder Valkyn will be excelent rogues/casters because of their high dex/qui.
And the Bonedancer gets additional pets after speccing 15+ in any line, besides their main pet they also get specialized pets ie; Archers, Fighters, Mages etc

Can't wait for SI :D


Suprised that Valkyns have such low strength, I'd have thought they would be at least as good as norse. Oh well.


Wonder if all this disillusioned Thanes will roll a Reaver in order to play the class they originally signed up for.

Evade I... PBAE chant... usable damage spells... sounds bizarrely familiar


Read this... to quote one question about Reavers:
Q: OK, so what is this Wrack thing?
A: Wrack is a chant on a 5 sec pulse. Every 5 secs anything within it's PB-radius that do not outright resist the effects take damage.

Q: Does it drop the stealth of those pesky assassins?
A: Yes, yes it does.

Q: That's mean! How can my assassin sneak up on him?
A: Don't approach a reaver with a pulsing effect around him every 5 seconds.

Mwahahaha.. ahem.

And here are the Reaver Epic Armour screenshots:

They look nice, sort of across between warden, shadowblade and runemaster ;)


hmmmmm i remember earlier on in the year, Midgardian players were yelling for a race with an initially high piety for better mana pool, turns out mythic did not listen :(

as if they ever do...


Jesus, that epic rocks... so the Reaver is basically the collective wet dream of every Thane player then. Looks like I'll be joining the collective when SI hits :/

On a related note, something I'm interested in finding out (given it would apply for the Reaver as well). If you take a class that auto-specs a single weapon line, spec to 40 in a different line, then /respec, do you get the benefit of the auto-trained points? For example, take a Paladin. He auto's Slash (iirc). Train him in Crush as his primary weapon up to 40, and you'll get a few free levels in Slash auto'd. At 40, /respec Crush and put the points into Slash. Will you have some points left over at 40, because you got those levels auto'ed? Anyone know the definitive answer to this, preferably with screenshot evidence? Loads of people say yes it works, loads say no it doesn't (and don't tell me you've tried it on your Warrior and it doesn't... Warrior auto's ALL THREE weapon lines).

Edit: the Necro skin got changed ALREADY? Glad that some classes' calls for a change in their decidely sub-par skins (Thanes, Skalds?) haven't fallen on deaf ears for months then. Oh, wait, they have.


If you respecc, you cannot gain skills in autotrain lines whatsoever. When you respecc, the lines are put to the appropriate level in relation to your char level. Those points are taken from the total pool.


Yes, but that total pool *includes* auto'd points. 2 or 3 shadowblades told me that they respecced at 50 and kept their auto'd stealth points.


LOL our new race suck arse.. and the classes are about half as cool as the others... weee we get shafted again

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