Casting through walls



Not sure if this has been covered before but something thats really bugging me now is this ability that Hib casters have of been able to cast damage spells through walls. Anyone know if this is something being adddressed?



Yes, they gave the same ability to Alb and Mid casters in er... when they were making the game. That's right... your casters can do it too, it's not as powerful as ours, but you can do it. And as has been stated before, it's flippin' dangerous for our casters to do it cos every time they get close to the door they get whacked by all the tanks on the other side. On the other hand, I don't know any Hib casters that have that really annoying AOE dot that some Middies seem to have... and I haven't fought enough Albs to know what sort of things they do to us that we can't do back.

What, so we have one spell that's only useful in keep defense and you want to take it away? You ever seen anyone use it in the field? I think not.

(Yes, it is useful for xp groups, but that's not what you're complaining about :))

Anyway, it's certainly not changed by 1.50... so don't hold your breath :p

Oh... and it does damage through doors, not walls.


Ermmm us Hibs don't get much in the way of good spells but I do know that mana specced Mentalists do have an AoE DoT spell.



Im actually referring to the few occassions at AMF gate not so much keep defense whereby i was getting hit for some horrendous dd damage while stood out way of door behind the wall. Although i cant say for other casters as a wizard i cant target unless a see the target, just get message saying target not in view so yes i dont thinks its fair u can hit through walls. I certainly cant plink you through a wall and yes i do think its something that needs to be addressed.


Originally posted by Freda
Ermmm us Hibs don't get much in the way of good spells but I do know that mana specced Mentalists do have an AoE DoT spell.


Whoops... don't tell him that then ;)

I certainly cant plink you through a wall and yes i do think its something that needs to be addressed.

Well... I like it :) Still, I rather lose track of the number of times insta-mezz has turned me + group into a bunch of grass inspectors. I KNOW that Hibs and Albs don't have that ability. All realms have some ability that the others don't have... you albs have plate armour for one thing... another 7% less damage per hit on all your tanks. It's clearly not that unbalanced or we hibs would be ruling all over the shop, not just every now and then.


I think those % are more based on close combat damage then on spells...


Isn't it all damage? That's what I always thought anyway...


As far as im aware , blunt weapons get a bonus against plate also.


Yes, but otoh, there's weapons giving bonuses against all the different armour types. What I'm saying is that this one spell isn't unbalancing the whole system as other realms have counterbalancing abilities. Perhaps they're not so useful in the same situation (Keep assualt/defence) but they give you an advantage in other places such as combat in the field.


Albion Wizards who spec in ice get a point blank AE spell that can go through walls, and I don't think it needs a target to be used.


Actually some realm casters other than hib's CAN cast through walls.... My mate was sat in one of our keeps and got hit twice from beneth by such a cast. Now I still believe he was killed by some cheat using the wall bug but don't have enough proof to say yes. There are many bugs in this game it's just a shame so many ppl have to resort to using them :(

As for the pbeo spell certain casters in our realm have.. Big deal! When you think about how long we had to put up with the bow of flames.

Wrong? yes
Moan? like fk!



I dont think it unbalances the game at all , just a little irksome being whacked by what is obviously a bug. Then again there are a few of them i spose so what the helll ......


Was it just you that got hit Ozwin or were there others hit at the same time ?

I think my AE smite hits people out of sight at the gate cause I cast one last night when I could only actually see 3 people but more than that were hit but spose they might have been stealthed.

If I get a certain way through casting a smite and the target moves out of sight (behind a wall etc) I can still hit them.

Same thing seems to happen when I'm targeted by other realms casters cause I'm regularly hit when there's no line of sight. If I'm inside a Keep jumping up and down and I get hit, I move back and still get hit so I move further back and keep getting hit til I reach 1/2 way down the stairs usually.


I think, its actually a good idea, to let casters have spells that can do this

if they couldnt, they would have to redesign the keeps, and put holes in the walls on the sides of the gate tower, so they could be attacked that way. otherwise, the inner door makes no sense. the idea of having 2 gates like this (from a realistic, and historical pow), is to make the defenders able to catch the attackers in crossfire, within the gate tower, with xbows and burning oil (which would, btw, be a really cool feature :p ). This is an acceptable sollution, if you ask me.

also, it makes sure, that someone will actually BE an ice wiz. theres not alot of em around, and if they could not do this, there would be even less :)

so Keep it allowed please


Not sure congo as noone else was near me, however the damge seemed a little high for an AE spell as i got hit twice and was down to 1/4 -1/3 health , may have been a void dd spell by the effects not sure. I may have been targeted when gates opened but moved out of way but was whacked twice and ouch.

ps off the subject but how have u specced your cleric, im up to 23 now so need to think about final templates soon.

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