Caster Improvement for RvR.



We all know casters suck pretty much in RvR. The reason being Uber resist's and tanks that have seemingly limit-less HP's. I was thinking of a way to help the caster community a liltte that would actually let them do some damage instead of being " Free rps" which sucks.

Basically it's:

Give all Casters a base 5% chance to ignore there target's resist or at least a very large amount of it.

Then create a new RA for all casters that spec for nukes which would be same format as usual. lvl 1 = 1 pt lvl 2 = 3 pts etc etc
Each lvl in this RA gives an additional 3% to ignore the target's resist. so 20% chance to ignore target's resist at lvl 5 is pretty damn good imo. Also for Primary nukers of the realm's Eld/Wiz/ RM give them a base 10% chance to ignore the resist of the target as they are sacraficing damage for utility < maybe not mana eld and RM but still :D>.

This RA / base ablility would only effect DD, Aoe DD , dot's , Bolt's.

Dont want pbae effect'd as quite frankly it's ok as is :D.

I think this woudl greatly help the caster population out ther and I dont think it's overpowering either.

Leave Comment's below anyway. :)


Seems like a nice idea.

I assume you refer to the main casters from each realm giving up utility for damage, and not the other way round? :)

I would argue it being used with bolts mainly due to the fact that the AF calculation has been changed increasing their effectiveness.

Would be a nice implimention to the game.


or just make resist buffs over cap 1/2 or more there value


They wont nerf EVERYBODY's SC. The amount of time some ppl put in and cash. That wont happen, this is giving the caster something rather than taking something away from everybody.

Dont want to get back to the old tradition of:

Mythic monkey 1214145234: This works well, a little 2 well. Lets Nerf it !!

Mythic Monkey 2453634: but couldnt we add something that would help the class'es charcters involved rather than nerfing everybody else?

Mytic monkey 1214145234: WHAT!!?!!?! ur fired. pfffft these new guys trying to make sense.

Improve The weaker not nerf the strong < depending on the situation ofc :D >


D u really think casters are poor dmg dealers?.... omg then all these tanks targeting first all the enemy casters must be stupids cos casters aren't dangerous.


Originally posted by Everhate
D u really think casters are poor dmg dealers?.... omg then all these tanks targeting first all the enemy casters must be stupids cos casters aren't dangerous.

Reason = soft target, Easy rps. Nothing more.

The more ppl u can kill in fg the weaker it becomes < kinda obvious :D> if the tanks kill the casters of an enemy grp in a few secs it becomes 8 V 5 enemy's. 3 casters killd in a few secs happens all the time. u could actually kill more in under 10 :D


Originally posted by vindicat0r
Reason = soft target, Easy rps. Nothing more.

The more ppl u can kill in fg the weaker it becomes < kinda obvious :D> if the tanks kill the casters of an enemy grp in a few secs it becomes 8 V 5 enemy's. 3 casters killd in a few secs happens all the time. u could actually kill more in under 10 :D

Yep i was about to say that :)


Originally posted by starflame
wouldnt it just be easier to cap resists?

Wouldn't it be easier to just get rid of all resists all together? Apart for racial resists perhaps...


Removing from all resists, excl the ones that spells give or races give. That would rock I think. Also debuffing below 0% should also be imposible....

Still keep the realm abilities in (determination, avoidance of magic, etc).

But the chances on that are 0, in case it would ruing Spellcrafting and a recalibration of all items in the game. Disregarding all the people who would beel screwd.


The Kingpin

Getting rid of resists would not be a good thing..

I remember when casters used to wipe tanks out very fast..
tanks used to just be rp cows, then resists went over board...

Mythic is yet to still find a balance between to two.


getting rid of the CURRENT resist system i think would be a good idea. the fact the figure has a direct impact on all damage is the problem. they should make it so that resists are hardcapped at something like 20-30%, but the figure doesnt affect damage, it affects your chance of actually resisting the spell completely. just like a shield would 'resist' the blow of a sword, your resist stat should 'resist' the effect of a spell.

would make it a lot better for casters imo.


Originally posted by vindicat0r
They wont nerf EVERYBODY's SC. The amount of time some ppl put in and cash. That wont happen, this is giving the caster something rather than taking something away from everybody.

where's the distinction between targets having less effective resists or casters ignoring those resists? it's exactly the same (except your way just means you need a higher realm rank to bypass the resists effectively, which won't go down well in general)

Anyway, read the Mythic responses to the caster TL reports. Resist changes are coming. We alreay know all this though.

Resists will be capped or have diminishing returns. Resist buffs won't be as powerful. Resist debuffs won't be as powerful. Caster damage will be more even and acceptable all round.

The only thing that needs looking at now (considering that resists are under review) is the interruption code. Currently interruptions are a % chance to be interrupted, based purely on level difference of the combatants. If they are the same level, there is a 100% base chance to be interrupted, if the interruptor is higher than the interruptee then this figures gets higher, the other way around and it gets lower.

This means that casters are almost always interrupted by the enemy. My opinion is this should be more like 70% if they are the same level.

(MoC reduces the base figure by 100%, but this is still above 0% against enemies higher level than you, so you can still be interrupted with MoC up)


whatever you do as soon as you give casters more damage. It will be a nerf to people's SC. As someone already said before me, every boost is also a nerf to somebody else.

and I think its fair for interupts to be changed as Pin said, allthough moc might need to be decrease interupts to 0% if both are (caster+the one doing the interupting) same level. So if interupt chance = 70%, moc is 70%. Allthough thats just a feeling and wont be that important in RvR anyway (in pve it is though) as most people are lvl 50 :).


I remember reading the caster TL's trying to lobby for Quickness to reduce chance of interruption around half a year ago. Could be wrong as usual though :p Nothing's happened as of yet, anyhoo.


Driwen, a level 50 caster using MoC has 0% chance of being interrupted by any enemy, level 50 or lower. It's only if the MoCing caster is below 50 that the interruption chance/risk increases above 0%.


Originally posted by Belomar
Driwen, a level 50 caster using MoC has 0% chance of being interrupted by any enemy, level 50 or lower. It's only if the MoCing caster is below 50 that the interruption chance/risk increases above 0%.

yes i know, but if interuption chance is decreased to 70%. I think moc should be changed to match this. So that you still have no chance of being interupted if someone is your own level or lower, but still a small chance if they are higher. But this is only if the change interuption chance goes in and it is only something I think is fair. Allthough it wont effect many in RvR :).


Originally posted by The Kingpin
Getting rid of resists would not be a good thing..

I remember when casters used to wipe tanks out very fast..
tanks used to just be rp cows, then resists went over board...

Mythic is yet to still find a balance between to two.

yes and now its the other way around, gifv balance imo

SC was a shit idea from the start anyways, wish they never implemented it ;|


It looks like Mystic always fails to balance the game well:
It started with über Sniper then the time came where RM + Healer (aoe stun) was best way to get RP. Then with RA a short time of poab mages came.
At moment mages are realy weak. Crap damage and low hp and 0 defence is not a good combo.
All changes that went in where more or less mage nerfes:
RA, SC....
Next patch RF ....

Waiting for WoW ....


Originally posted by Fagane
Removing from all resists, excl the ones that spells give or races give. That would rock I think. Also debuffing below 0% should also be imposible....

Still keep the realm abilities in (determination, avoidance of magic, etc).

But the chances on that are 0, in case it would ruing Spellcrafting and a recalibration of all items in the game. Disregarding all the people who would beel screwd.


Are you serious?
Do you realise how much casters hit for if you have under 10% resists??
Crap idea. Remove BAoD, fix/change interupt code so that casters have it a lot easier to actually cast, give em maybe some reduced cost RAs - longwind, purge, MCL/RP/MoC and they're fine.


*Remove resistbuffs, we all have access to SC.

*Remove MOC+PBAE.

*Fix the interupting-system, taking damage would interupt you - not by being attack speed-debuffed.

*And also debuffing below 0 shouldnt be possible.

Caster were overpowered in the beginning of DAOC and tanks were easily stopable. Full mez-duration, no resistbuffs, no epicarmor, no WC/AC at lvl51 items. Think 700 was max-skill.
No SC, no SI-items, hib had clearly the best melee-resist items.
And no RA's either :/ I played a paladin in 1,36-1,45, but was spending my time mostly mezzed 1+ min, stunned 9sec, nuked for numerous damage and the list goes on. Wasnt very fun i tell you :) But, tanks were given too much love unfortunately. A common and classic misstake made by Mythic - which they continue doing still today :(

I think by removing resistbuffs it could make CC last longer, and give casters some time to assist and position better. Also they will nuke for more than 220(-2xx) and maybe tanks will fear a caster once again. They will still die quick as usual, but Cloth isnt supposed to absorb much damage anyway :)


If you get rid of resist buffs you have to get rid of determination too.


Agree with tildson, just get rid of resist buffs. It was fine before sc, but together with sc it's a bit too much.

And excactly WHAT is the reason for removing determination if they remove resist buffs? That just doesn't make sense at all.


I agree with that they should remove resist buffs, if only because it means i wont have to keep casting the damn things every 10 mins on my druid. :p
But i also think that if they remove the resist buffs, they should remove the resist debuffs aswell.


The problem of mystic is that they want longer RvR battels. But mages are very farst killers. So the trunned mage damage down. But forgot that mage have not realy a defense.

My opionon is that:
>Resist and resist debuffs need a rework (maybe even drop debuffs)

>determination and all cc need better balance. Cc should not be useless against tanks but also not so powerfull as it has been at the beginning ("Break mezz with stun" old rule)

and more anti stealther skills becuase the only classes that hunt steather at moment are stealther and that is stupid ....


* hard cap resists at 50% (26% normal + 24% resist buffs). RAs like AoM and BAoD can still allow u to go over cap but should be capped too at max. 70-75%

* give some ability that improves the interrupt problem, something like Concentration I-VII (similar to evade I-VII) and a similar RA.

* remove mana reg. penalty. end and health regeneratiing normally, so wtf is mana regenerating at 1/4 of that if you go under 25%. either make an end reg penalty or drop mana reg. crap.


Originally posted by vindicat0r
We all know casters suck pretty much in RvR. The reason being Uber resist's and tanks that have seemingly limit-less HP's. I was thinking of a way to help the caster community a liltte that would actually let them do some damage instead of being " Free rps" which sucks.

Solution: put some time in & gain higher RR, makes all the difference between nuking for real & nuking for fun ;)


Re: Re: Caster Improvement for RvR.

Originally posted by Gwizz
Solution: put some time in & gain higher RR, makes all the difference between nuking for real & nuking for fun ;)
You will find that even high-RR casters share these concerns, so realm rank has little to do with it. In fact, as a fire wizz, I am surprised you have not noticed the huge resists SC and castable resist buffs brought.

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