Cast and attack speed question


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 11, 2004
Can you improve your cast speed? Like in Daoc, where more dex would make you cast spells faster. Anything like this i WAR? Or are they just fixed at the original cast time on each spell?
Seems to me the cast time is rather slow from what ive seen in the videos so far.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 7, 2004
As far as I know, you cant reduce cast time with stats. Might be some talents and renown thingys that do that, not sure.

Shaman for example gain waagh by doing damage (and healing aswell, but the oposite) depending on your waagh some spells get their casting time reduce and others become better.

Example: 5 waagh in damage will make your, otherwise 3 sec, greater heal become and insta cast.

Hmm, maybe a bit pointless post from my part, but im bored.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
You cant,stats/renow/talents won't affect cast/attack times. White Lion get's an talent which gives 50% auto-attack speed but that's all i can think of.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 19, 2004
Some abilities have a cast time, this ranges from 0.5s to 3s typically. Casted abilities can be set back (like WoW) some moreso than others (3s heals can take 10s to cast if being hit by multiple opponants).

Many abilities are instant cast (like WoW).

All abilities are subject to GCD which is currently 1.4 seconds (like WoW which uses 1.5s GCD mostly).

Some abilities are channeled. These are concentration spells. These range in duration from 3 to 9 seconds depending on the ability. Most of these abilities can be interrupted but not all (Supplication/Blood Offering?)

Many abilities have their own cooldowns which are longer than GCD.

Any ability that has a cast time > 1.4s effectivly removes GCD, that is, GCD starts from when the cast starts, not when it ends. This means for example, if you have a spell cast that is 2s cast, you can spam it, while you have AP.


Regular Freddie
Mar 12, 2005
i thought WoW GCD was higher than 1.4 (1.8?)
there is a 0.3? second spell queueing (for lack of better words)


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
There are some tactics that reduce recast on instants (though everything still has that 1.4s GCD) and maybe some that decrease the cast time of spells.

But there's no "overall faster casting" stat improvement or buffs - so no 0.8s pbaoe spamming in WAR.


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 11, 2004
Really gonna miss the castspeed on my sorcs laiftap then, i guess :(

imho, 2.6-3 seconds is just to long. Maybe fine at low lvl´s and without buffs etc, but not at end game :eek: Just feels wrong

Could ofc just be hold habits dying hard. Come to think about it, wow had them fixed aswell (allmoust).

But thanks for the very clearifying answer :) Still looking much forward to this game, even tho it wont exactly be daocII :m00:

Tbh, isnt that what we all dream about? ;)


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
gives you more time for thinking about running around etc. rather than just spam the lifetap and hope it dies before you do though ;)

Might be I'm just getting old... where's mah pipe and slippers..

I like to think WAR's RvR is like DAoC's but with a lot of the irritations removed. Will have to see it in practice on live servers once everyone's had a chance to find new irritations ;)


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 11, 2004
gives you more time for thinking about running around etc. rather than just spam the lifetap and hope it dies before you do though ;)

But that was what made my day! Building up templates to max your cast speed and range, was so much fun. Allmust rocket sience, wich ment you could WTF pwn the nublets who didnt knew how to use the temp calc ;)
Plus, with those buffed up cast times, it felt like being fast thinking, and fast on the keys, would make a difference in the game aswell. Call me FPS minded, but i think it added a great factor of fun to the game :)

Nah, ill live, guess it might just inspire me to go melee for a change.. But honestly, LAIIIFFTAP was the best thing ever :flame:


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 21, 2005
Its 1.5s in wow, and 1.0 for rogue I believe (may be wrong). I meant GCD like wow rather than the same duration.

nope, not wrong
1.5 for all classes besides rogues which have 1.0 in WoW


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
As far as I know, you cant reduce cast time with stats. Might be some talents and renown thingys that do that, not sure.

Shaman for example gain waagh by doing damage (and healing aswell, but the oposite) depending on your waagh some spells get their casting time reduce and others become better.

Example: 5 waagh in damage will make your, otherwise 3 sec, greater heal become and insta cast.

Hmm, maybe a bit pointless post from my part, but im bored.

yep, thats the closest we will get i hope. it got retarded to see list casters in DaoC nuke once every ~1 seconds. at best there will be a tactic that gives a small SMALL chance of reduced casting speed for x seconds, or if its a class trait like the shamans. but that wont affect DD's.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
hmz I'm sure i see some of the tatic's effected cast spd on certain spells .. maybe wrong though and cant check now ..qq

many classes had tatic's that knocked time from long cd spells/attacks/heals etc .. eg: a ability that had a 20 sec re-use cool down when used with a certain tatic would only have 15 sec re-use cool down ..

but there is no "stat" that if its stacked make all yr spells cast quicker .. thank god !

the GCD in war was 1.4 sec but displayed 2 sec as an error.(its being fixed though) wow is 1.5 but caped at 1 sec (u need like 700 haste+ to lose .5 sec on GCD)


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 11, 2004
Okay so aparently, people didnt like the fast cast speeds in daoc.. But tell me. Whats the difference in upping the nuke damage, or the cast speed?
Aint the result the same? More dmg over time, regardless. In WoW, people where running around with like +1500 spell dmg, but fixed cast timers..
Dont think it makes alot of difference really, altho i it feels more action packed with faster casting.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 7, 2004
Dont have anything against fast casting speed in a game. Just not this one. Why? Cause you cant interupt anyone 100%, sure you can delay their nuke/heal but never completley interupt. Daoc was different.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 8, 2005
Okay so aparently, people didnt like the fast cast speeds in daoc.. But tell me. Whats the difference in upping the nuke damage, or the cast speed?
Aint the result the same? More dmg over time, regardless. In WoW, people where running around with like +1500 spell dmg, but fixed cast timers..
Dont think it makes alot of difference really, altho i it feels more action packed with faster casting.

have you played against pre-nerf warlocks in daoc?
you really missed loads of "insta" action

or against the late rr12 wizzies with 3 bolts in less than 5 secs?
or a tank with 2h weap with 6speed , hitting every 1.7secs with red haste and celerity proc?


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 11, 2004
have you played against pre-nerf warlocks in daoc?
you really missed loads of "insta" action

or against the late rr12 wizzies with 3 bolts in less than 5 secs?
or a tank with 2h weap with 6speed , hitting every 1.7secs with red haste and celerity proc?

Well yeah, i played 8v8 in OF, and i played the zerg fights in NF. The whorelocks where not so much fun, i give you that, but they where fixed :)
I guess not being able to interupt people is a very good point, and i actually agree, it would be bad with daoc cast speeds without being able to stop it :)

Then again, i kinda liked that interupt system. How would a wizard concentrate on casting a spell, while being smacked around with a big 2handed axe? I would say he couldnt. Daoc agreed with me, but those next-gen mmo´s, unfortunately dosent.

I think thats part of making the games easyer on the kiddies, and less "hardcore", so the playerbase can expand beond the horizens, like it happened in wow.. (And blizzard made a fortune).

Good or bad.. i guess thats up to each player.


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
But that was what made my day! Building up templates to max your cast speed and range, was so much fun. Allmust rocket sience, wich ment you could WTF pwn the nublets who didnt knew how to use the temp calc ;)
Plus, with those buffed up cast times, it felt like being fast thinking, and fast on the keys, would make a difference in the game aswell. Call me FPS minded, but i think it added a great factor of fun to the game :)

Nah, ill live, guess it might just inspire me to go melee for a change.. But honestly, LAIIIFFTAP was the best thing ever :flame:

There's other stuff to max in your template in WAR other than cast speed and range - though I do agree that was a lot of the fun of daoc :)


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Okay so aparently, people didnt like the fast cast speeds in daoc.. But tell me. Whats the difference in upping the nuke damage, or the cast speed?
Aint the result the same? More dmg over time, regardless. In WoW, people where running around with like +1500 spell dmg, but fixed cast timers..
Dont think it makes alot of difference really, altho i it feels more action packed with faster casting.

I think the average time to kill in daoc as a cloth wearer when an enemy spec nuker had you targetted was probably <3 seconds if you didn't manage to interrupt them. In WAR it's a lot longer to kill someone outright in a 1v1.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 2, 2004
Can you improve your cast speed? Like in Daoc, where more dex would make you cast spells faster. Anything like this i WAR? Or are they just fixed at the original cast time on each spell?
Seems to me the cast time is rather slow from what ive seen in the videos so far.

Not really, but certain classes have abilities which can do just that.

Prime example is the Archmage who casts offensive and healing spells building up Force. When damaging he builds up healing force and vice versa, it's a kind of ying/yang thing effectively meaning he'll "weave" spells. The AM is at his best when doing this which means, while he can spam heal as well as any other healer, this is NOT how to play this class to his strengths. Higher force on the healing side after damaging has several effects, one of those being that the next healing spell will have a greatly reduced cast timer. I think it's a 50% redux, but not certain.

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