Careful of the alts Jenifer Lopez and Zxcv



Today this alt ask me to excange some cash and items. She gave me 500 gold and some items. Logs her alt in Zxcv and turns round and says "i gave u 600". Now im not sure if this is her dodgy counting, i really hope is was a mistake and she did not just rip me off, but well it dont look that way...........

Anyway i got a money transfer from mid/excel (300G) so i just gave her the extra 100 g so i wont get a bad rep, but its money i could of really done with to start out. Whos everyone gonna belive the level 12 bard or the level 35ish one (jenifer)

I know i know, its just a game, but its anoying, u know what i mean........


This is best discussed with an officer of Jenifer's guild, which is Soul Pact. They will then look into it for you and see if it was a genuine mistake or something less pleasant which has gone on. Next time you're in game, do a /who soul pact and then ask one of the members to put you in touch with an officer and they'll handle this.


i transfered the cash to scotty on hib/pry he gave me on mid/excal.

so i can vouch for him to say he would not make it up. Also gave me some kick ass items in mid :>


before i would have said that you should be trusting... but then i got ripped off a number of times... for a few large, and many small sums of money...

take a screenshot of all item transferes before you accept... make sure you get a line of text from you saying what is in your trade window and a line form them agreeing...

also take a screen shot of all crafting requests before making things begins (if you are a crafter or a customer)... make sure you get agreed price, method of payment (e.g. half now half on delivery), delivery (if its going to an alt), minimum quality, timescale, and the exact details of what items are required (type, af/dps, material level)... if it is to be in installments for delivery of items for part payment, then get a screen shot of every installment made...

if a problem does occur that can not be resolved then you should email the photographs to one of their guild officers... and posting them here might not be a bad idea either... never underestimate the public embarrassment factor...

as i said... i used to just trust people, but i have got burned too many times for that anymore... call me a cynic, but hey... at least i dont lose vast sums of cash to people who just chance their arm or thise that cant read / type / count anymore.


I am a Soul Pact gm, contact me ( Rhani, Sophi ) or Etharion ingame and we can sort this out.



i am sure a few day of powerlvling with sophi would be nice :)


You know what, its cool, its only 100 gold so its nothing to be worked up over, sure its was just a mistake(i mean what could a alt level 40ish want with a 100 gold??). Although I will taking the advice and taking a screen shot of every money transfer.:)


If doing transfers, I always take a screenshot and also /send the person quoting how much they have given me before alts get logged. Makes sure no 'mistakes' are made :)

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