Carebear Server - In Testing


Generic Poster

You might've heard about the Carebear server before, sounds strange but here it is:


To provide the Camelot community with a way to adventure cross-realm with no worries about being killed by other players, we are unveiling our first Co-Operative Server, named Gaheris. On this type of server there is no type of player-vs-player combat at all (except for dueling) - any members of any realm can group and form guilds together, and everyone can communicate with everyone else.

For players who want to concentrate on the player vs. environment experience, this server is the type for you; by having access to the dungeons and territory of all three realms, you'll find much more content that you're used to while playing on the standard server types. Guilds who have, in the past, had problems deciding which Realm to join now do not have to worry about this, since players from any Realm can join the same guild.

For the next week or so, you will be able to charcopy to Gaheris and test it at any level you like. When we are confident that the Co-Op server is ready to go, we'll wipe characters and bring it up into open beta, much the same way we did with Mordred. After Gaheris goes open beta, we will not wipe characters there again (barring some extremely unfortunate event).

For those players who are enabled to be Shrouded Isles testers, please note that Gaheris is SI-enabled, so if you want to charcopy to Gaheris and check out the Co-Op server, please feel free to do so.

This is basically the PvP server without the gankfests... but what the hell is the point?

What happens when you're lv50?

At least 90% of the population will not be assassins, but without something to do at lv50, it's unlikely to work.


they should leave rvr areas as it is, but allow inter realm transports, much better :p


They should implement it so that you can fight, but only in the frontiers - if they insist on this weird format...


I will craft in all trades at this server :) sounds like 1100+ would be a good goal since most ppl will be uber high lvl :))


Woohoo ! In my opinion much more fun then PvP, hope we get one over here though its unlikely, and at least they still have the /duel system in it. But personally I find this much more unique and interesting then the pointless pvp gank fests, and the chance to try out the other realms dungeons too.


I think it's a great server to start with. Nothing to worry about (relics, claimed keep) just pure player vs. npc :) And with the upcoming new dungeons and addon i think you will have loads of fun finding all those new items and make a really cool char :)


Is this for real, Carebear server? Does sound odd and a little silly, but if it were for real, could be a heck of a lot of fun, all those new areas to explore and visit. Like a super giant realm. Just hopefully, they change the name.


It will probobly be like playing on a blue EQ server (never done it myself but ive heard its the same idea).
When you get to lvl 50 your supposed to gather as much uber equipment as you can and duel some poor guy with less uber equipment...

The server will probobly be a great place for some crossrealming roleplaying that you never really could do before... i think it might be fun...
With alittle luck we get one here in euro and some new players along with it.


Originally posted by the_chimera
They should implement it so that you can fight, but only in the frontiers - if they insist on this weird format...
Exactly what I was going to say...
My ideas:
1. Frontiers are PvP zones.
2. Portal travel to all realms just like on PvP.
3. Trainers for classes of other realms in the capital cities.
4. Each race can become some classes of other realms.

Generic Poster

Levelling is fun for only soo long.

The XP grind post-lv40 is horrendous, and I don't see many people doing it for nothing at the end.

As for collecting new items from other realms... etc, once you're lv50, uber equipment is pretty standard and with spellcrafting, even more so.

You won't really have unique characters as most classes are cookie-templates these days. Although there will be a little more variety, but still not enough.

I thought about the idea of leaving RvR zones open for PvP. But if your guild can claim keeps and relics, you'll end up with the same problem of Uber Guilds forming, which I suspect this server is trying to prevent.

imo- Mythic are now using DAoC as a test-bed for Imperator, their next MMORPG. PvP and now this Cooperative server, are two extremes. I wouldn't be surprised if a forth server makes an appearence, something with PvP and non-PvP areas.

As it stands, Mythic have made back their money on DAoC and they now have a huge player base, who are being used to test new ideas.

When Imperator is released, it will be the final result of all this testing. Mythic knows it needs to be balanced from the start, as they will be going up against SWG, AC2 and EQ2.


This i would try.. not the PvP with the gank-punks...

as it says .. this one is for PvE'rs what the PvP servers is for PvP'rs :) .. but i hav no doubt it wont be crowded :).

I was planning ot go to the PvP server 2-3 months after the leet bunch has ran all over it and and play for fun with my friends.. mix and match and explore the sights :).

But now i might aswell wait ;).

(btw .. why the HELL do i use smilies as punctuation marks? :))


I think its a very good idea and there are lots of people wo play just for the pve aspect of things. If its not your cup of tea then u dont need to play it however its an extra option.


Originally posted by SFXman

4. Each race can become some classes of other realms.

I'd love a luki zerka, that would be funny as hell especially in hampser mode:)

shame Mythic have to go for the realisim thing and say that luki's will probably onle be able to be warriors and skalds :/

though you have to wonder, in a game with magical wizards shooting fire bolts at each other, people stunning and mezzing, ressurection from the dead? why try for realism anyway ;)


awwwww :) Let's all go to Mag Mell and have a picnic, then maybe even have some cross realm treehugging?

Yeah, I actually like this idea as a way of doing something different. Maybe PvP could happen in battlegrounds?


No. All realms will have to hug and shake hands before porting to the BGs. And when they arrive they will discover that the centre keep is being guarded by...THE YARLEYS!



but it would be great if we could /charcopy our existing chars over there, and go hunt with hibs & albs in their epic zones, all 3 realm dragon raid tour where we kill all 3 dragons?

With the new SI dungeons we could do massive raids there would be awesome....


I like the idea as an alternative.
But I agree, it may get boring once you hit lvl 50.
But then if there's a lot of roleplaying there it could be fun.

Makes me a little sad though that we don't have so many ppl on servers here.
I'm jealous of the US servers, so many servers and so much variety..:(


Well when you hit 50 on PvE it's like hitting 60 on Everquest - what do people do on EQ at 60? :)

There's a lot of high level 'raid-type' content coming out with shrouded isles (dungeons you don't wanna even think about going into with less than two groups and that you won't get very far into with less than five) which will perfectly suit this server.

I quite like the idea (being somewhat a fan of PvE... although I do like a good bit of RvR too of course) of being able to go and hunt in the Sheeroe hills instead of Dartmoor, check out the Bog of Cullen with my current characters and friends/guild (rather than levelling up on Prydwen).

PvE is boring because people go for the fastest xp they can find. No matter how dull and tedious it might be (camping trees for years, camping tanglers for years). I'm sure there'll be people on the PvE servers that do this too ... but on the whole it'll be more relaxed.
You don't have to worry about healer instamezz as a sorceror, as they're on your team. Who cares if that hero gets moose power, just means he lives long enough for you to kill the monster....


I hope GOA will give us one of those too when it's done testing in US :)


Originally posted by danskmacabre
Moose Power?
Did I miss something?

Heros can transform into a Stag, gaining 50% extra hp on top of their normal :)

commonly referred to as 'moosing'


Originally posted by Fingoniel

Heros can transform into a Stag, gaining 50% extra hp on top of their normal :)

commonly referred to as 'moosing'

Oh...This is a Hibbie thing right?
Can't Luri's be heroes now..
Does that mean there are little teeny Luri Stags (or Moose) running about hib then? :D

[edit]Just saw your other thread, question answered.


Originally posted by Khalen
I hope GOA will give us one of those too when it's done testing in US :)

That'd be nice, but does Europe have the required population on the servers to support ANOTHER server.

old.Trine Aquavit

It seems strange that each server variant strives to move away from the central concept of RvR, when that is DAoC's main selling point. If you don't want any PvP then you should really be playing EQ. If you want single PvP then play CS.

I wish they'd put those resources into extending the RvR with more content instead of tinkering with what will be mostly empty servers.


Go to and click on "Cooperative Server Information", there's the full rules of it.

The interenting part is the way RPs are earned; this will be the paradise of the I-love-taking-keeps people :D


More people will want to play this way than PVP: I bet that after a month there are consistently more people on gaheris than on andred and mordred combined.


In comparison to EverQuest, Daoc lacks the creativity in zones/dungeons, world size (even opening 3 realms), an economy, mobs and level of difficulty in leveling - aspects that EQ all has implemented and this is why I believe this server is doomed to fail. I play Daoc primarily for the PvP aspect which it does excel at over EQ, so to take this aspect out is unworkable in my opinion.


Yep, Mythic made a design mistake. People do play daoc for the RvR and in 99.99% they consider exping a necessary evil to get to lvl 50.
I'm pretty sure loads of people play -dred servers for the cross-realm teaming and not so much for the pk aspect . As some said before me, implement RvR zones where people can kill each other in cross-realm teams.

My suggestion , put monster spawns between mg's and pk's in all 3 realms (for charming classes) , and clean them from monsters otherwise (why do you think alb frontier is as empty as a really empty thing?)

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