Car dealerships


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Anybody here had a good experience with a dealership?

I bought an Audi TT nearly 2 months ago, 30k on the clock, for £18 500. As part of the sale I wanted various things done to the car, such as replacing the interior door levers (scratched to buggery), fixing the gearknob, a tracker, and an Audi cupholder. All this was agreed on the contract. During the test drive, I noticed the rear parcel shelf was squeaky, the salesman said it was the temporary number plate.

Went to get the car, no cupholder. Apparently they sent the wrong colour. No problem, just come in next week it only takes 5 minutes to fit. Arrive next week, only to be told it takes an hour, and nobody was available, I'd have to book it in. Fuck that I thought, I took it away and installed it in less than 2 minutes.

The parcel shelf was still squeaking (very noisily), and while out one day, I tilted the passenger seat forward to get to the back seat, and the tilt lever snapped off in my hand.

Took it back, they said they'd have to order a part, and booked me in. Went along the following week, 'oops sorry wrong part has come, dont worry its a 5 minute job', make another booking.

The car starts making scraping noises from somewhere underneath the engine/exhaust/gearbox.

Go in the following week (was working in the morning), 'no sorry it requires the seat to be stripped, cant spare anybody this late in the day'. They install a new parcel shelf, so thats that done, and they promise to look at the noise when I'm in next (it requires a 'master technician')

Make another booking, go in this morning, 'oops sorry Audi have put the wrong part in the bag we received'. Now extremely annoyed, I ask about the noise, 'what noise?'. I remind them, and its 'oops sorry nobody is available'. I keep my calm, and in a very level tone with steam coming from my ears, tell them you don't need to be moving to hear it. They get it up on the ramp, can't find whats causing it, 'right lets have a look at it when you next come in'.

I'm thoroughly pissed off now, the guy detects this (its the only thing they've detected tbh), he offers me a courtesy car for the day, so they can drive out and pick up the seat lever part. I look at the courtesy car contract, and notice that the small print makes me personally liable for the first £1 000 of a claim where their insurance company cannot recover any money; basically if an uninsured driver hits me, and fucks off, I'm stiffed for a grand.

I tell him no way am I signing that. He asks if I can phone my insurance company on the spot and transfer my insurance. 'you ever tried getting through to an insurer in the day?'. Scrap that idea.

Now they've booked it for 2 weeks time, they are personally going to come and collect the car from my house, and return it, with a full tank of petrol (about 50 quids worth).

What should I do? All the repairs/replacements are free, but its the time and inconvenience and general incompetance thats making me consider a serious complaint to their manager/head office, and a bill for my time (I'm self employed, I charge about £250 for a days work).

Oh yeah I forgot to mention, they fitted a tracker device to it, its been giving false alarms ever since, and when I told Audi about it, the salesman's response was that I would have to drive to the garage that fitted it for them, and have them fix it. Its still faulty, tracker uk are sending a man out to check it out.

Never mind the fact that I paid Audi for the installation, not the other garage, they still told me I personally had to sort it out.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 30, 2003
Never mind a letter to the manager, how about one to Audi in really big clear letters. Maybe then they'll be able to read it and put the right thing in the bag ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003
I have some friends at work who have audi a3s they seem to be forever fighting their audi garage to get their shit sorted...sounds like it could be a common problem, they were whinging about mercedes dealerships on top gear the other week again, I think its just a case of, we have you 18,000 ha. ha. ha.

I hope you get it sorted though mate.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Well it wouldn't be the first time. Mate of mine knocked the steering out on our Volvo V70, and scuffed the wheel. Dealer said it would be £400 for a new alloy, as it was 'buckled and damaged'. Had it checked independantly and it was fuckign perfect. Also, another Audi dealer cheated me out of £114 by lying to me about the longevity of wheel bearings, when I was trying to track down a funny noise (which was eventually diagnosed, by me, as a faulty tyre).

Wankers the lot of them. I really wish Stelios or Branson would come in and shake the car market up.


Dec 22, 2003
Without knowing exactly what was said in the original contract, its hard to know what to do. I'd definatly write to them(keep a copy) saying how dissatisfied you are with them and possibly inclose an invoice for your time. However its worth remembering that they may be being "nice" to you and if you start getting shitty with them, they could potentially cause you more problems.
Perhaps just ask them to pay you for time that they waste (due to wrong part, nobody around etc) in the future. ie. if you go in and they sort it, then they dont pay, but if they go in and cant do it, then they pay you for your time.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
whats your warranty Tom.

Can you drive the car in and tell them the deal is OFF unless they fix it as per your original agreement?


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 25, 2003
dysfunction said:
Virgin already sell cars...

And apparently they are shit. They were on watchdog a few weeks ago IIRC. Something about taking months and months to deliver cars, and then a couple of them turned out to be crashed damaged motors.

Is there another audi dealer you can take it to Tom? I thankfully have a good Mazda dealer that looks after my chine (RX8), but on the RX8 forums there are some tales of some shocking dealers.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Hey Tom, do you perchance own an Audi TT?

Just a stab in the dark there :)


Not as old as he claims to be!
Dec 22, 2003
Wow man...its are psychic Nath.



Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
Trem said:
Wow man...its are psychic Nath.


Hehehe :D.

Hmmm Tom, try a different dealer maybe? Best suggestion I can make really. Ford weren't any better with me, the driver's seat had a tear in the seat that was meant to be totally re-upholstered but the best they did was ... 'glue' it or something.

As for the courtesy car, if you're hit by an uninsured driver you can claim for compensation from the Motor Insurers' Bureau who compensate victims of uninsured drivers, so you'll get cash out of them. Personally, the law/DVLA/government should sort their fucking act out over uninsured drivers.

tbh, and this ain't going to help, VAG and their dealerships have a cock-ass reputation and their cars are overrated and overpriced. My colleague has a 2000 X Golf with less than 50k on it and it's never out the garage with faults.

Brand new Golf costs £12.5k for the fucking pish-flap 1.4 base model, fucking robbery if you ask me.



Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
Apparently VAG reliability has gone down the toilet recently, I've had two Mk3 Golfs in a row now and neither has skipped a beat. However I've heard some horror stories involving Passats. The VW dealer I take mine to has always been O.K, but then again I was far less concerned about the service than the really pretty service advisor who was booking me in ;)

Mmmmm she was nice. I'd buy another VW if she booked me in every time.


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
Ah I forgot you have a Golf Bodhi, I wasn't slagging 'em 'cos I know you have a bit of a legend in the Golf stakes - but the new ones are just guff and nothing like they used to be.... except maybe the R32, but even that could do with going on a diet.

Don't make 'em like they used to.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
I liked the R32 when it came out, it really is far too heavy tho. The new GTi however = :D :D :D

Panda On Smack

Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
TT's are a bit gay :(

dont handle overly well and are pretty common now

Other Audi modles are pretty nice though


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Fucking great. They collect the car, and can't find the problem. They don't bother phoning me to ask for help, they just return it. I go ballistic at them, they return the next day, I demonstrate the fault (again), and they take it away. Then they say it needs an entire new exhaust something-or-other, so I book it in a week later. They collected this morning.

Just had a phone call "Sorry sir the part we ordered isn't right, we're going to have to do it another day"

They're sorting me out a courtesy car.

Is this just the most incompetant bunch of idiots ever?

Healer McHeal

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
theres only one problem with new cars, catalysts, hate em, any old car i can fix or get fixed sharpish (handy having a dad as a mechanic :) ), other then that, try explaining what the actual noise is from underneath, as i can garuntee it wont be exhaust unless its a hollowish sound or a accasional clunk/bang, they dont make many other noises unless there grinding along the road :eek6:


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Tom said:
Wankers the lot of them. I really wish Stelios or Branson would come in and shake the car market up.

Aaah, hahahahahahahahahahaha! Both fuckin useless. Try stelios's appalling car hire service, or pretty much anything Branson's touched lately (even the airline's gone down the pan over the last few years) to see how wrong that idea is.

If you want good customer service, you buy a Toyota/Lexus, Honda, Jag or BMW. All the rest are shit. There are good indivudual dealers with other marques but these guys are the only ones who are consistently good (and BMW is probably the weakest of that group).


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
DaGaffer said:
If you want good customer service, you buy a Toyota/Lexus, Honda, Jag or BMW. All the rest are shit.

Don't agree on the Honda, my sister's brand new Type R had a cracked cylinder head after it pissed coolant everywhere and they couldn't organise a shag in a brothel - five weeks of palm-offs and half truths they finally returned the car. They did manage to return it prior to that, but the engine and oil warning lights kept coming on.

Muppets, put me off Honda and the Type R.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
In fairness, whilst Im sympathetic to your problems Tom, Ive got a TT, bought from the local main dealer, and they have never been anything but fantastic with me, both in the initial purchase and subsequent service calls. Its had its fair share of little niggles, I probably wouldnt have worried about them had it not been a £23000 car, but they have been great. Im suprised at the loan car thing, I got an A3 S3 on loan and there were no such limitations in the contract.

Similarly, the Volkswagen dealer we bought our latest family van from in Leeds have been superb.

Perhaps its just bad luck? Or maybe they really are just shit?


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
I just think that in general, from my own experience (and I'm not one to treat their staff like dirt) car dealerships really need to up their game. I don't care about big flashy showrooms, or coffee machines that grind the beans between the thighs of Brazilian virgins. When you walk into a shop with that much money, they should be falling over backwards to make sure you are treated right. I've never come across a dealer that would although the chap we bought our Volvos from was actually very nice, and didn't try and bullshit us ever.

Read both pages of this:,,12529-1386441,00.html


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Big G said:
Don't agree on the Honda, my sister's brand new Type R had a cracked cylinder head after it pissed coolant everywhere and they couldn't organise a shag in a brothel - five weeks of palm-offs and half truths they finally returned the car. They did manage to return it prior to that, but the engine and oil warning lights kept coming on.

Muppets, put me off Honda and the Type R.

There are always going to be bad 'uns, but the various customer service surveys seem to back me up. Of the marques I mentioned, the only one that no one in my family has dealt with is Jag; my experience of BMW was pretty good and my parents have had quite a few Lexi(?) and Hondas, mainly because the service has been so consistently good (although they've switched to BMW now). Not that all Japanese marques are good, I've currently got a Nissan and I can't say I've been wildly impressed, especially when I'm supposed to have their top of the range car.

They look like paragons of quality compared to Fiat/Alfa Romeo though. Shittest service by a country mile. Don't get me started...


FH is my second home
Jul 5, 2004
Reagrding the Audi. Call Audi UK direct and report the problems you have had and the dealership. I had similar shit regarding an A4 1.8T. 6 months before the warantty ran out the stearing was making a grinding sound. Took it in twice they basically greased the motors and gave it back. It was booked in for a service the week before the warantty ran out, it got delayed because they were too booked up. the following week, guess what? The stearing motor needs replcement at a cost of £240.

Anyway I called Audi reported the dealer. The next morning the dealer delivered a new A8 whilst they took my car away and sorted all the problems for free.

Call Audi they do take customer support very seriously and hate dealers taking advantage.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Aye Hawkwind I did just that yesterday, and they got onto the dealer sharpish, because their service manager phoned me up not 10 minutes after. Nothing has been offered as recompense yet, but I'm expecting some kind of goodwill gesture from them.

Even now, they phoned and said my car was fixed and would be delivered within the hour - that was at 10 o'clock and I'm still waiting......


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
They just phoned up. Timing belt on its way out - which is very suspect, as they don't normally go this early.

If there are serious engine problems, I'm thinking of handing the keys back tbh.

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