Can't Spawn?



Ever since the 1.1 patch for the MP Demo, I have been getting the "no spawn" bug quite a few times. I had hoped it would be fixed in the final, but unfortunately, it's still there and worse than ever.

What happens is that when I connect to a server, and join a team, there are no spawns, not even those 'always on' spawns. This is very annoying cause it means that I would have to wait until my team captures another spawn. But if that spawn would be lost, I'd not be able to spawn again. It happens at random it seems.

Anyone else have this problem as well and/or know a fix for this? (no, I am not going to format :) )


this happened to me occasionaly.

I found I could spawn if I changed teams.


I got this last night on Omaha I got a sound loop at the same time I pressed Escape and rejoined the game and got a spawn point.


I've had the same thing... it was a bit frustrating coz I was waiting for my team to get another spawn point, they got it, I selected, had to wait 15 seconds or something... 1 second to go & the flag goes into dispute :( It was near midnight though so I took it as a sign to give up for the night...


Reconnecting seems to be the only solution for me - going to the menu and back, switching teams, etc. Doesn't seem to help.

It has been happening quite often too. Perhaps it's packetloss related, but I don't know...

Scooba Da Bass

I got it once or twice in the demo, looking over the EA bf1942 forums it certinaly seems to be a syncronisation problem. It seems you either wait till a the end of the round, or reconnect.


I hope they're gonna sort it out soon...


After this stupid problem happened again, I just waited for a spawn to appear on the map, but then I noticed that the spawns I were missing were sitting in the bottom left corner of the map - unselectable.

So, I just clicked on the map near the corners and found that if I clicked near the top left corner, it would select the spawn and would put me in the game.

At first I thought this was a fluke, but it happened again on another map - spawns showed in the bottom left and clicking in the top left area selected them....very odd.


Ah. Yep. I had this problem and I too noticed they were stuck in the bottom left. But I hadn't tried clicking the top left. Hmm!


Only seen this once myself. It seemed to be caused by connecting and spawning JUST as a round ended. Literally I spawned on a ship, and it disappeared under me as the round ended, then I had the no spawns problem. I think I solved it by switching teams.


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