Cant move fast


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997

Thought I would post it on here as the official forums are utter shite.

Poxy game, I am carrying nothing but run like I am in treacle. The only way i can run fast is to use the spring spell but obv cannot do that for long.

Everyone else in the game overtakes me all the time and I cannot keep up with anyone.

Any ideas? Could a slow framerate cause this? Anything else that could do it? My class? I am a lvl7 warrior.

Any pointers appreciated.

fyi: machine is a p3 600 with 512mb ram on an ADSL connect.

/me sighs.


Framerate/cpu speed/etc should make no difference whatsoever. Skalds will ALWAYS outpace you, as will anyone who is grouped with a Skald - coz they have a speed song. I believe Healers also get something similar at some level, so ditto for them. If non-grouped other characters run faster than you tho, it's for another reason. Also of course other people can be sprinting, but as you said they overtake you all the time I doubt it's that.

Check your "Enc" number in your Character window - the first number's what you're carrying, the second is your max. However, if you're not carrying anything, it shouldnt be a problem (unless someone's twinked you with phat heavy high level items), added to which if you were encumbered it would tell you in your info window when you tried to move.

Make sure your walk toggle isnt on? (obviously)

Just as a stab in the dark tho... are you a troll? And what did you put your 30 starting points into? I have no idea if any of the base stats affect running speed (Dex or Qui would be the most obvious), I don't *think* they do, but if they do a troll starts off with the lowest (iirc).

Best thing to do, make a Viking Norseman, and see if he runs any faster.


Just to chuck this in... I'm a troll and can run at the same speed as everyone else (barring speed spells, obviously)

I have nothing of any use to add. :(


Thought that'd be the case tbh... straws, clutching, at, etc... just everyone I play with is a Viking or a Dwarf so wanted to make absolutely sure.


just checking mate, is autorun switched on? turn on numlock if not as there's no reason you should be experiencing it



Thanks for the info. I think I have WALKED the land of Midgard, when i shouild of been running:uhoh:

I'll think I ask DOAC to put a run/walk indicator up somewhere, to stop idiots like me who don't read the manual. (Unless you are going to tell me there is one!)

I thought I was slow because I am a Dwarf! Which makes good sense as far as the RPG aspect is concerned. But not for game play!

I'm going to go home at lunch time and check that num-lock key!

just checking mate, is autorun switched on? turn on numlock if not as there's no reason you should be experiencing it



Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
I am sure I tried that.

I had numlock on and it just keeps running but still same speed to me.

Is numlock the same as right mouse? IE move forward?.

Also, the machine i am playing on has an ati rage pro card in it (dont ask), and it cannot render at 1024x768. any ideas?


Well, its not a great fix but if you complete the Svartnoff quest you can get speed boots which will make you a little quicker. (He is the bear that spawns by Vasudheim).

Hows about starting a char with ludicrously high quickness and taking that for a test drive? If you're still slow motion man, then you have troubles.

You're definately not encumbered? Suffering resurrection sickness? Some enemy spells make you uber slow as well...

Num lock just makes you run constantly, without having to hold down the run key. Press it once, run manicly, press it again, stop.

Have no clue on the ati rage cardy front - someone else will come along with an opinion soon though :)

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