Cant Connect to ANY servers



I just tried connecting to DAoC and i get to the loading screen with the castle in the background. All i get is this:

Establishing Communications With
Stream Socket Opened
Datagram Socket Opened
Hit ESC to Exit Game

I've posted this on Rightnow, but as i won't get a response for a while i was just wondering if anyone has had the same problem.



I had this problem, although in a slightly different situation. I sarted DAoC with my firewall running, then ctrl alt deleted from it as i didnt know that i had to press y to get zonealarm to let me in. I then tried it again with zonealarm off and the above messages came up. If thats what happened to you (restarted game) then all you need to do is restart your PC and try again, and press y when connecting message comes up (if you have a firewall).

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