Cant connect to a server!




ever when i want to connect to a server i get the error server connection timed out.

I have already installed the patch 1.11

Can anybody help me?


are u using any gamebrowser software to connect such as all seeing eye or gamespy, and which servers are u getting this message with?

it could b that either ...
a. yr trying to connect to a passworded server
b. yr trying to connect to a player hosted server that is still in the game browsers serverlist coz it hasnt been refreshed
c. perhaps u have a firewall blocking yr moh clients ports.

or it could be something else :(


STEP 1, install patch. ususally works for that error.

STEP 2. If you have windows xp disable the firewall


Connection problems

Hi netsrac,

I have discovered another way of joining a server when it gives you that "server times out" message. It works every time, hopefully it'll work for you too.
I don't use Game Spy anymore 'cos it's unreliable, so I use the MOH in-game browser ok ....
What I do is popluate the list from within the game's mulitplayer options.
When it has popluated this, you need to bring down the console and type in the password and press return.
Leave the console down.
Using the mouse, scroll down the list until you get to the server you require.
Either double click on it or just click once and press Join Game.
The game will load without any more irritating error messages.

This has worked without fail for me m8, if you have a problem either email me at or visit the dadclan forum (visit and post me a message there.
Alternatively I should be happy to talk you through it if you call my mobile 07786 627930.

Good luck m8!! :clap:

DAD clan co-founder

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