Can't be old




Under the Emergency Powers Act (1939) as amended by the Defence
Act(1978),you are hereby notified that you are required to place
yourself on standby for possible compulsory military service in the
American Conflict.
You may shortly be ordered to depart for the Middle East
where you will join either the 3rd Battalion The Queen's Own Suicidal
Conscripts or the 2nd Foot and Mouth. The regulars are too busy driving Green Goddesses to be there themselves.

Due to the recent rundown of the Navy and the refusal of P&O to lend
us any of their liners, because of the deplorable state in which they were returned after the Falklands adventure, it will be necessary for you to make your own way to the combat zone.

H.M. Government have been able to negotiate a 20% discount on one way trips with Virgin Airlines and you are strongly urged to take advantage of this offer (Ryan Air also do a nice little £9.99 trip).
Because of cutbacks in Government expenditure in recent years it will be necessary for you to provide yourself with the following equipment as soon as possible:

Combat Jacket
Trousers(preferably khaki - but please no denim)
Tin helmet
Boots (or a pair of sturdy trainers)
Gas mask
Map of the combat zone (the Ordinance Survey 1:25000 Outdoor Leisure Map of Iraq will do)
Ammunition (preferably to suit previous item)
Suntan oil

If you are in a position to afford it, we would like you to buy a tank
(Vickers Defence of Banbury are currently offering all new conscripts
a 0% finance deal on all X registration Chieftains, but hurry, as offer is only available whilst stocks last).

We would like to reassure you that in the unlikely event of anything
going wrong, you will receive a free burial in the graveyard of your
choice, and your next of kin will be entitled to the new War Widows pension of £1.75 per calendar month, index-linked but subject to means testing, and fully repayable should our side eventually lose.

There may be little time for formal military training before your
departure and so we advise that you hire videos of the following films and try and pick up a few tips as you watch:

The Guns of Navarrone
Kelly's Heroes
A Bridge to Far
The Longest Day
Apocalypse Now
The Matrix
Blazing Saddles
The Desert Song
Mary Poppins

We do not recommend that you watch Khartoum.

To mentally prepare yourself for your mission try reading the works of Wilfred Owen or Rupert Brookes. This should give you some idea of what may be involved.

Yours faithfully,

G Hoon, Minister of Defence.

A Bush - Blair Production
Sponsored by Mars, The Official snack of World War III

Cap'n Sissyfoo

What do people have against denims?! We can't wear them to work on 'Casual Dress' days and we can't wear them to war? Why the FUCK not?!

We would all look sooo cool charging over the dunes in our latest designer Levis. The poor bastard Iraq soldiers would be defect to us in an instant when they see how groovy and hip we look!!

Umm...old btw. :p

old.Gombur Glodson

Amusing indeed.

/em smiles a bit to himself.

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