can't access account

O pegasus

Has anyone else had a problem accessing their account?
my free month came & gone today so i decided I wanted more & went to access my account to give my details to start paying, but to no avail as when i typed in my subscription login & password instead of taking me to my account it just went back to the login screen.... i have tried several times & contacted goa, they sent out my login & password details but these were the exact ones i was using????? i then thought i would post in rightnow.. now 3 days later i still haven't had a reply even though i keep updating my post...... so now i've went 4 days without daoc through no fault of my own & see no way of solving my prob, I'm just hoping someone else has had this problem & can advice me of what to do. :-(


How are you entering your account details?

Are you typing them in or are you copy and pasting from the emails?

I subscribed for 3 months last week with no problems what-so-ever so the page itself is working.

I can only assume that it doesnt like the paste if you copy & paste. Sorry if this is a bit elementary - but its best to get the simple stuff out of the way before looking at the tricky stuff =)

O pegasus

its ok to ask me that, but i don't cut & paste, especially passwords, i finally got a reply from rightnow & all they said was to make sure my internet settings were at default, have cookies enabled & make sure i'm using my subscription login & password, this didn't help me one little bit so its looking like i ain't gonna be playing doac again :-(


what browser are u using and what OS?

Netscape? IE? A.N.Other :)

Is JavaScript enabled. Are you using a firewall? A proxy? A webcache?

Have you tried accessing the page from another site??


O pegasus

my os is win98 & i'm using IE 6!!

javascript is enabled, i'm not behind a firewall. or using a proxy or webcache.

I have been able to access my account now using a friends computer, which as you can imagine was a relief.

it has to be something to do with my comp, heck i can't even access the forums as when i type in my username & password it say that username doesn't exist, but when i type in that username in the lost password section i get an new password for that exact username it earlier said didn't exist, but when i use this new password with my username i get the that username doesn't exist, i think i've either got a comp thats off its rocker or some settings somewhere is to blame.
O pegasus

is it possible to access my account through another web site or can this only be done throught the official site?


sorry no I meant can u access your account from another site as in somewhere else =)

It is definitely a gimped computer issue I am afraid. My advice is go over to your friends place and order another 3 months - problem resolved. Then my advice is to install another browser and try again to see what happens.

It most probably is a silly setting somewhere. Have you made the page viewable offline? Have you checked your security settings? etc etc

Sorry I can't be more specific but you are now into the realms of checking to see what has changed since you were last able to access the forums and your account.

hmm I don't suppose you have installed any new software?


O pegasus

thanks for all your advice legopirate, i've signed up noe for another 6 months (usen my m8's comp to access my account)

the only really sore points from this episode is the friends I had been grouping & having such a great time with are now to high a lvl for me to group with :-(

but at least i'm able to play again.

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