Can someone give me a litle help chosing a character?




I just bought DAoC today after hearing it was very good. I am about to make a character in Albion on Excalibur but... I can't decide who to pick? I've read the guide but i thought i would ask anyone for some help as you guys have tried the characters... Please help me out :)


Can you be any more specific? =)
All I can give you in general terms is: don't roll an infiltrator, nor a scout. The latter is hell to level, the former is about second-hardest. Also hardest to equip (imho) and, due to the huge number of existing infiltrators, they tend to be a bit unpopular.
All the alb tanks are viable. All the alb casters are viable, though once you get to 40+ you may find yourself depressed by comparisons to hib/mid casters if you choose a wizard.

Anyhow, if you have any more specific inclinations I'll gladly try and help... but atm I'll just say, do NOT make any of the following:

ice wizard
2Hand-wielding paladin
spirit cabalist :clap:


Just create the character u THINK is most fun to play.
Go play the character to about lvl10 and create a something opposite character of the first one (i.e. 1st one caster, 2nd a tank) then u will know what character u will probably want to level to 40+ :p. If u're still unsure, create a 3rd, etc...

Create a friar or minstrel if u're not sure if u want to be a caster or fighter, cause they are both a bit.


Think of other characters you picked in other rpgs, or which characters you enjoyed playing the most(ie in diablo my first char was a warrior, in diablo2 a barb etc etc so i chose armsman for daoc).
Pick a character that fits this slot best and stick with him, swapping and changing wont get you anywhere.


oh and LS im just waiting till post office opens so i can get this ram weighed to send it off.
The envelope doesnt have your name on it, and the cellotape on it was added by me(shite sticky, ram woulda fallen out :p)


Originally posted by arwen

I just bought DAoC today after hearing it was very good. I am about to make a character in Albion on Excalibur but... I can't decide who to pick? I've read the guide but i thought i would ask anyone for some help as you guys have tried the characters... Please help me out :)

Ranged: Scout (don't even think about it, they really are bad bad bad), wizard (these have 2 bolts), theurgist (quick to nuke, range suck).

Tanks: Friar (damn i love them, with that stick), arms (hardest hitting tank), paladin (..., don't pick), infiltrator.. (soon be to nerfed, dont pick, ppl also hate them .. so .. )

Doesn't matter which character you pick really.. they all get nerfed soon enough .. they constantly change the rules in the game.. so .. when you have fought 50+ days to get lvl 50, then you have to play another character to have fun in rvr..

Enjoy daoc..

Buy the game and come craft with me... that doesn't change.. (atm)


make an avalonian merc

with the starting 30 points put 10 piety, 10 empathy and 10 charisma

then spec as follows

50 parry

50 shield

16 crush

16 slash

16 thrust

6 dual wield.

this is a very good all round spec, allowing u to quickly change weapons depending on who u fight.. hence giving u the edge.

Also with merc uber dex, parry and shield should come in handy as you will block loads..

hope ive been able to help :)


Yeah funny Gunnerr. I dont think you should be telling prospective newcomers to the game shit like that.

<<100th Level Bad Boy>>

Herbal Remedy

things that are needed and hence you will be able to find a group easy with

rejuv cleric (not everyones kettle of fish playing bash the red hp bars tho....) always wanted always loved hotter than a winning lottery ticket with all 6 numbers on a roll over week

friar stick swinging ninja that could take down jacky chan but still does some heal so can get a group fairly easy

wizard to many fire specced ones about so better going ice or earth as they have great spells for keep defence while still retaining good general nukes

pally the king of pve and i mean the daddy, one of these makes the xp go so much faster especially if theyre not a mappet and know how to twist

armsman hard hitting with pole but fairly slow hit harder than the pally in rvr also shord and sheild spec not so much dmg but good to keep the casters safe

theurg bt always wanted for group sadly bugged pets but good nooke and also short aoe mezz with air spec

minstrel sometimes hard to group due to so many of them atm, great soloer but also good in group rvr. Dont spec much stealth tho as its gimped for minstrels high slash/thrust and instruments is the flavour of the day atm

mercs good all round tanks duel weilding chain wearing tank class never played one but they do good dmg in rvr and pve

scouts if u havent got a 2nd ac for a buffbot or are willing to die alot dont bother tbh how ever if u play them right killing machines of the 1st degree

infils everyones alts, nigh on impossible to get a group for but quit frankly own in rvr if u have a buffbot / your not a complete retard

cabby not to easy to get a group but who cares once u past lvl 46 your a soloing machine from hell pymgy goblins in lyon = cabbies favourite sport pick this class if u want plenty of cash (althought this is stopped in the next patch) good offence at wall fights and great at keep defences, over all fun but u need a suicidal edge to play one right.

sorcs everyone wants one everyone loves one but less hps than a hamster and rvrs biggest target expect to spend alot of time in rvr w8ing for a rezz ;/


Easy classes to play:

Fire Wizard (50 Fire just nuke)
Air Theurgist (26earth 45air just nuke and run crappy PBT)
Earth Theurgist (35earth 41ice sit on your arse running nice PBT)
Armsman (just /stick the mob and hit until dead repeat until level 50 with occasional slam)
Mercenary (just /stick mob and hit until dead)
Body Cabalist (just nuke and debuff)

Moderate classes to play:

Friar (have to balance healing and fighting since lack of clerics)
Reju/Enhance Cleric (need a thick skin for the endless 'u have mana and u didnt heal me' 'REZ ME' and 30pms a second asking for rezzes in dungeons)
Ice Wizard (group needs to have some knowledge to make u effective)
Paladin (need to know what to do i.e. chants/aggro/guarding)
Matter Cabalist (evil)
Earth Wizard (are u a nuker or a utility class?)

Hard classes to play:

Minstrel (how many freaking hotbars????)
Scout (get ready for 50 levels or PAIN)
Infiltrators (see scout)
Body/Mind Sorcerer (if you like dying alot)

classes NOT to play:

spirit cabalist
smite cleric (unless u like being unpopular/soloing undead mobs for 50 levels)


Anyhing but albion, they got too many ppl already, come to mid where we actually still have fun :)

(joking for all you flame grilled type tin can ppl)


He wants to have fun, not to get laughed at with the game's weakest, slowest and worst-dmg-type PBAE...
Ice wiz = gimped eldritch/spiritmaster

Fuck knows why he's rolling in albion anyway =)

Sharp Thing

Originally posted by old.LandShark
He wants to have fun, not to get laughed at with the game's weakest, slowest and worst-dmg-type PBAE...
Ice wiz = gimped eldritch/spiritmaster

Fuck knows why he's rolling in albion anyway =)

its the same as eld except that its cold, and with sc everyone will have capped resists so whats the difference?

and ice wiz has a snare DD so isnt a gimped sm nor eld ;)


I wish people would shut up with that "SC will give everyone capped resists on everything" line.

For every person with max resists on the main damage types, there will be 20 people in plain old epic armour wishing they had the time to farm 25plat too.

Anyway. Don't make a sorcerer if you suspect you will be crap. Too many crap sorcerers.

Don't make any support class if you don't have a sharp eye and superquick reflexes; not so you can support better but so you can spot who fucked it all up and start bitching about it.

"He moved out of heal range so it's his own fault! I HAVE SCREENSHOTS!"

Take screenshot = "-" button on numerical keypad.

Make a pole armsman and be done with it.


Sharp Thing

Originally posted by ApathyEndymion
I wish people would shut up with that "SC will give everyone capped resists on everything" line.

For every person with max resists on the main damage types, there will be 20 people in plain old epic armour wishing they had the time to farm 25plat too.

Anyway. Don't make a sorcerer if you suspect you will be crap. Too many crap sorcerers.

Don't make any support class if you don't have a sharp eye and superquick reflexes; not so you can support better but so you can spot who fucked it all up and start bitching about it.

"He moved out of heal range so it's his own fault! I HAVE SCREENSHOTS!"

Take screenshot = "-" button on numerical keypad.

Make a pole armsman and be done with it.


with 3p you should get yourself a nice set, using 99qua armors, should be possible


99% quality tattered robes?


You just wait and see.


Sharp Thing

Originally posted by ApathyEndymion
99% quality tattered robes?


You just wait and see.


indeed, instead of spending 3p on the robe allone just so you have 1mp you can get 6pieces 99qua for the same price


Originally posted by ApathyEndymion

For every person with max resists on the main damage types, there will be 20 people in plain old epic armour wishing they had the time to farm 25plat too.

well i think my MP epic set cost me 1.5 plat, the UBER MP staff FROM COWLED!!1 was just under 2 plat

and all the SC'ed jems etc come to 500 gold so i make that

4 plat in total




Sharpo, lol....Elds have a snareDD. Elds lose a weak AEDD with a 5% resist debuff, and in return get AE str/con, nearsight and AEmezz in the secondary spec....
Ice wiz = crap version of mana eld, and you can't deny it.

On the subject of costs - well, alchemy is way way more expensive than spellcrafting because in spellcrafting, ppl will very rarely use +8skill gems or +11resist gems... i.e. most of what spellcrafters will be called upon to produce, is 700skill or lower items. They still need to have 1000+ for the sake of overcharge success rates, but the actual gems ppl buy will be damn cheap.
So yeah, 25plat is a ludicrous exaggeration unless you're insisting on doing 5-pt overcharges on lvl51 entire-MP suits of armor and weaponry...
I know my MP chain set has cost me around 4-5plat. Expecting another plat for MP reinforced shield, paid about 700g (ages ago before weapcrafters suddenly became cheap!:p) for each of my 99%qua slashers....
Expecting about 1.5plat of gems, given my plan is going to use a fair few higher-lvl ones and also require a lot of 99%qua gems. Alchemy... will have to wait until I can afford 2plat for reactive procs. =|

Also, Apathy is right about the amount of ppl that won't be using full MP SC'd suits. To say everyone will have all skills, stats and resists capped is a load of rubbish - you can get capped resists already, it's just fkin hard and suprisingly few people bother to do it.


well realy paladin isnt that hard to play, just run heal chant and make sure ur armor is updated :)
and took me 4 days to get from 44-50 with my matter cabalist :)


I recommend a polearm-armsman, minstrel or a merc. I would not say that scout is that bad :). Eventhough it takes a lot of heart playing one (not easy).


Originally posted by Gunnerr
make an avalonian merc

with the starting 30 points put 10 piety, 10 empathy and 10 charisma

then spec as follows

50 parry

50 shield

16 crush

16 slash

16 thrust

6 dual wield.

this is a very good all round spec, allowing u to quickly change weapons depending on who u fight.. hence giving u the edge.

Also with merc uber dex, parry and shield should come in handy as you will block loads..

hope ive been able to help :)

Marry me plz gunz.


Dont pick albion its a gimped realm ;> make a strong Hero or something on hibernia! :D


I wouldnt make a hero when they got me huting them :)


will stop rezzing with my paladin next patch(end chant cost power) :)


Seems like your proud over that. Proud over lack of solidarity, whats this society turning to. Move to the US, buy a gun and feel safe.

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