Can someone do an age pole?



Can someone do an age poll?

Hehe I have been reading the posts on here and LOL! How old are you people?? If I knew how I'd set up an age poll, but I'm very VERY far from knowing even a slight little bit about how stuff like work.
Scroll back to your previous posts, it's hilarious.
I just bought the game today (again, kinda missed good ol' Prydwen) and I find the sub page is down, bummer, but I doubt me screaming and shouting like a kindergarten class is gonna make GOA work any faster, I sure as hell wouldn't, I'd be too cracked up reading these posts to get any work done ;)
Bottom line, cool it, have a smoke, read a book, stop neglecting your girl friend and take her out for dinner and a walk around the park or something... It's a game! Just a stupid computer game, if it was a dealy virus and GOA had monopoly on the antidote but wouldn't give it to the general public for what ever reason I might understand the fuzz, but please act as adults, I assume most are over 16 and therefore are entitled to act accordingly.
Flame away if you feel like it, like GOA I won't take it very personal.

Oh and you belgian guy (you know who) sorry, but I don't know how to change my damn nick here, as I said I'm not a wizz when it comes to technical stuff


i'm waiting since 4 days .i'm using pc 16/17hours/day coz it's my job.then i'm 23 years old.

what ll be change with doing an age pole???


Originally posted by neiron
Bottom line, cool it, have a smoke, read a book, stop neglecting your girl friend

You need to read more of the messages here, its pretty apparent that some DAOC players are way to young to smoke, some havent even learnt how to read... and as for a girlfriend ROFLMAO :)


Originally posted by neiron
if it was a deadly virus and GOA had monopoly on the antidote but wouldn't give it to the general public for what ever reason I might understand the fuzz
Why? It's just a stupid computer :rolleyes:


Originally posted by icedguardian
then search for me.....

Well if someone was making me work 16/17 hours a day, then I don't think I'd stick around very long...


icedguardian if you use the pc for that long everyday in work what on earth do you want to sit in front of it and play games for all of your spare time, would think you would be glad of the break to go out and get some fresh air...


Re: Re: Can someone do an age pole?

Originally posted by -Nxs-
You need to read more of the messages here, its pretty apparent that some DAOC players are way to young to smoke, some havent even learnt how to read... and as for a girlfriend ROFLMAO :)

..or spell.


Originally posted by Annouk
icedguardian if you use the pc for that long everyday in work what on earth do you want to sit in front of it and play games for all of your spare time, would think you would be glad of the break to go out and get some fresh air...

hehe i have cabLe in my housse and wireLess network it's to easy and funny using internet playin game with fresh hair:)


Originally posted by Annouk
icedguardian if you use the pc for that long everyday in work what on earth do you want to sit in front of it and play games for all of your spare time, would think you would be glad of the break to go out and get some fresh air...

Hey, i make games all day, get home and play games all night :p

Don't diss it until you tried it :D


Originally posted by old.Tohtori
Hey, i make games all day, get home and play games all night :p

Don't diss it until you tried it :D

difference is he sounded like he was complaining bout doing it..


Originally posted by Annouk
difference is he sounded like he was complaining bout doing it..

The problem isn't that he sounded like he was complaining about it.

The problem is that he makes sounds.


Re: Re: Can someone do an age pole?

Originally posted by -Nxs-
You need to read more of the messages here, its pretty apparent that some DAOC players are way to young to smoke, some havent even learnt how to read... and as for a girlfriend ROFLMAO :)

LOL - im 31... i remember getting my first pubes... to some ppl, it was yesterday i fear.

Yes that was meant as a joke to the fact that majority of peeps are younger than 16.

But im guessing the age range is more like

20% 10-15
44% 15-20
35% 20+

and 1% will be unsure.


Why should age make a difference? Admittedly some younger people are just immature whiners, but i'm quite young (in fact very young compared to some people - i'm still in school etc) and I try to act with as much maturity as I can mostly just to disprove people's theory's on why young people are always the one's to blame. :D Although, you're mostly right. Notice the mostly. :)


Age simply because a maturity poll would be much more complicated :D


How can you take this thread serious? He can't even spell poll correctly. :rolleyes:


Maybe he wants an age POLE.

Like this:

50 |
45 |
40 |
35 |
30 |
25 |
20 |
15 |
10 |
05 |

I even added a flag to the top :p

EDIT: Fixed the pole. Bugfix 1.62d


If you are intrested in know the average ages of people on these boards, a poll would be good I guess.. I remember reading somewhere that the average age in MMORPG's was 23, but after playing DAoC for a while I've noticed that most people are even older than that (atleast the people I meet). I would guess that the average age in DAoC is abit higher than 23, but I might be wrong.


24, but i like to act like a 12 year old counter strike player sometimes, it breaks the monotony of the day to day grind.
I have to take things seriously all day at work and IRL so when i log in or browse forums I like to unleash the inner moron.


Originally posted by choonz
24, but i like to act like a 12 year old counter strike player sometimes, it breaks the monotony of the day to day grind.
I have to take things seriously all day at work and IRL so when i log in or browse forums I like to unleash the inner moron.

w00t, someone who understands something at least. Think quite many do that tbh :)


Originally posted by mele
Some ppl need a several change in their life.

umm, you mean severe I assume, and I assume you talk about yourself since you probably sit there and think people spill their guts out and talk about their real-life here on BWs in a way that actually would reveal something important about them. Gratz on reaching that insight :)


Originally posted by Shike
w00t, someone who understands something at least. Think quite many do that tbh :)


For reference when i say "inner moron" it usually just means acting like a gimp, making chars and giving them silly names and talking like a tard "wtfpwn, 4tehwin" etc :p And wearing silly hats :D
I dont grief people, and im not mean to people.Quite the opposite in fact :)


Re: Re: Re: Can someone do an age pole?

Originally posted by tripitaka
LOL - im 31... i remember getting my first pubes... to some ppl, it was yesterday i fear.

Yes that was meant as a joke to the fact that majority of peeps are younger than 16.

But im guessing the age range is more like

20% 10-15
44% 15-20
35% 20+

and 1% will be unsure.
You are saying that every 5th person is 10-15 yrs old!!! Thats impossible since 80% peeps (at least in the forums) got lv 50 chars I doubt these small ages would have enough addiction + dedication + time to do that.

I know how it is, just going to college this year :) Their mommies would fuck them up if they'd be spending all this time playing.


Originally posted by old.Tohtori
Hey, i make games all day, get home and play games all night :p

Don't diss it until you tried it :D

and you can see what happened to him, he lives on an icefloat for gods sake!!! ;)


Re: Re: Re: Re: Can someone do an age pole?

Originally posted by Nivellen
You are saying that every 5th person is 10-15 yrs old!!! Thats impossible since 80% peeps (at least in the forums) got lv 50 chars I doubt these small ages would have enough addiction + dedication + time to do that.

I know how it is, just going to college this year :) Their mommies would fuck them up if they'd be spending all this time playing.

i got my first lvl 50 while i was 15......

(i'm 16 atm, does that really matter?)

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