can fellow albs lend a hand!



Ok, today was patch day, which means the new dungeon Darkness Falls, now im sure many of u know that in order to access DF u need to hold more keeps then any other realm!

There were many ppl helping out on keep raids, a group of mixed guilds went to Emain and took 2 keeps i believe, whilst Legion of Darkness along with Black Falcons went to Midgard territory and also got 2 keeps. Although i wasnt at any ports at the time cause of defending keeps, im sure many were allowed to enter DF.

whilst others that were not partaking in keep raids were entering, we were defending keeps in an attempt to beat of the midgard force and get back to Albion to enter DF ourselves, unfortuantly the midgard army was too big, and they retook Bledmeer faste, and thus we all died ;(

Obviously this ment that the 2hrs work some of us had done to get entry to DF was waisted, and myself and others were quite annoyed.

Anyways i have now noticed there are queues of ppl waiting outside the Demon ruins port getting ready to enter, do these ppl think that Keeps are ganna get retaken by themselves, or that the selcet few that are trying to get keeps back will succeed! Why can u all not help with the keep takes, get a massive Ablion army, and raid more then enough keeps so all of us can access the new dungeon!

I know i babbled on abit there, but im trying to get my point across, basically it comes down to this....... Keeps being taken first = Darkness Falls for alot more ;)


I was at 4 keep raids thru the day very tired of it and was eventually lucky to enter the DF. At some poin I died and released down there. I went back and could not enter, I waited there for about 5 mins chatting with some ppl. The others that waited there might also have done 4 raids today and also very tired of it.. I eventually stopped thinking about the DF, since it seemed up to me get a keep ( which is partly true). So I did the lvl 43 arms epic..And btw there is a nice ring reward for it ( lvl 45 ring). I wont tell the stats and spoil it for you all.

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