Can Admin pls confirm rules


old.[RA]Ring Peace

After reading the mess with MUF and SLH I went and reread the rules and I am none the wiser, I may be stupid but can someone confirm how team numbers are sorted out.

Quote from Rules

1 The minimum number of players for a war is 6 vs 6. The number of players for the war must be arranged beforehand and finalised in the prematch.
2 The number of players for the war (ie. 6 vs 6 or 8 vs 8) can change between the maps. The number of players per team is decided in each prematch. This rule is incase (as sometimes happens) players drop between maps.
3 For a 8 vs 8 war each team can have anything up to 8, one could have 5, but it is still a 8 vs 8 war and therefore the other clan can use up to 8.

Points 1 and 3 seem to conflict, can an Admin clarify this for an aging senile idiot.

BTW RA would start a match with even teams whatever it was prearranged for.


Wot the rule tries to say is that the mininum number of players for an agreed war is 6 vs 6. But in a 6 vs 6 war it doesn't mean that both clans must have 6, one could have 2 and get serious beats, but the other team may play with 6.
This'll probably change for season2, too late for season1 tho


Important Rule #1.
The minimum is 6, the real minimum is 2, 1 is totally unacceptable. 3 is possible but improbable, 4 could be construed as bad , and 7 would be an overkill in these circumstances. 8 would be violently over-agressive, so we're left with friendly old 5. Which is beneath the minimum (see Rule #1).

I would like it to be known that all facts are either absolute truths or tautological linguistic fallacies, and consequently the above is lies.

old.[RA]Ring Peace

All i really want to know is if the match was arranged for 8 v 8 and one clan terns up with 6 does the other clan have to play 6 or is it down to their fairness?


We have had a similar problem. My interpretation of the rules is this. If the other clan confirms that it is an 8 v 8 war then if they turn up with less, the fault lies with them. You don't have to drop players if you don't want to. Now this many not seem like good sportsmanship but I think it's pretty low of a clan to turn up with less ie 6 and expect players to drop. Get reserves lots of clans do why cannot you? I believe some clans are doing this on perpose. Imagine the confusion of telling your players to leave server a few mins before match starts. What strategies do you use when you only have 6.

I've played in matches when we've dropped players for the other team and then we've lost peeps for connection reasons. Absolutely crazy imho. Most of the clans in this league I don't know from adam. Past experience (100+ games+ ) has told me to be cautious.


hmmm /me puts on a serious hat for a mo

Sorry - but the rules are the rules, however:

1) an 8 v 6 game is gonna be crap, the numbers are too uneven to make the game fair or enjoyable.

2) go back thru some old posts, didnt Chefamen bring up this point along while ago and highlight the short comings in the rules?

3) according to the letter of the law,

Quote: 11 Clans who fail to turn up for matches are likely to loose by default.

[MUF] should have had a default win. If this were [RA] we wouldn't have been chuffed either. However, we have had times when we are only able to field 6 or 7 players (usually matches at an early hour, i.e before midnight) and we would be frustrated if our opponents thrust our noses into the rule book instead of playing a fair game, fair by conscience not by rules.

t!mo - I do take your point with regards to dropping players and altering Strats during the pre-match, but WE have managed it fine - infact we will drop players during the match if our opponent is suffering. Not something we expect in return, just sporting we think.

I dont want to stir things up - I enjoy this league very much but [MUF] seem to have been hard done by on this occasion. Make ammends pronto I would say.

PROPOSED NEW RULE - Teams MUST start the match even regardless of what numbers were pre-arranged (minimum of 6) blah

Ok, have I offended anyone? No :)

Rebel Alliance

[This message has been edited by xs (edited 18 July 2000).]


'[MUF] should have had a default win'. Is this based on substantiated fact or my able friend Chefamen's 'MY views and MY views only'. I only raise this point because [SLH]ICE has asked the entire clan not to post on any forums because we don't want to be known as a flame clan (see the MMD uktfcl forum debacle). It would appear that only one side of the story has been told. If you know otherwise Xs, and have actually witnessed the events feel free to contradict/flame me below.

I am personally going to adhere vehemently to ICE's no posting rule.......DOH

I would like it to be known that all facts are either absolute truths or tautological linguistic fallacies, and consequently the above is lies.


Ok - I'm not posting anymore serious crap.....from now on it'll just be silly stuff. I know much more about this subject matter and its totally uncontrav.... hmmm I can spell that word, is it a real word infact?

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he gave out a yelp!
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