Can a Mod pls delete some posts pls



While i dont see advertising a site or forum is in any way wrong, i do however grow tired of seeing those "old style" boards posts everywhere on every forum on these boards. They are on the rvr prydwen they are on here they are on the general prydwen and god knows where else. Its called spamming and one thread was enough. They have been moaned at in each thread for continuing to spam their addy and they continue still. Maybe a deletion of the copycat threads would fix the problem.

Just my thoughts.

Brannor McThife

Pffft. Mods. Who needs 'em?

I mean, locking multiple forum threads...what next...



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You hit user for 4782 (+113).



I also think that it is being advertised WAY too much. Why can't they just tell people somewhere else besides other forums. That is like killstealing :)
Originally posted by Brannor McThife
Pffft. Mods. Who needs 'em?

I mean, locking multiple forum threads...what next...



You succesfully perform your Mod(+43)
You hit user for 4782 (+113).



well we (atleast I do) want to get all people to those boards (and yes people are spreading the word to other boards aswell)
so perhaps if people like that board they will move, I am not forcing them or anything, im just showing them that its there

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by Gorthol
damn brannor that avatar is scary :mad:
Aye, that it is. Put it this way. Come PvP server time...and there'll be a new assassin on the prowl... ;)



I've been at work, so forgive my inactivity.

I'm not a fan of locking threads, but I have locked a couple now on this topic. Freedom of speech is great, but sometimes people need to change the record. We all know the url backwards, sideways, and have heard the evangelistical choir singing its praises. So I'm fairly sure that those that want to know/go/buy the t-shirt and sing the euro pop sing about it, probably already have done. And those that don't are beginning to want to throw things at the monitor every time yet another thread appears.

You've had your say, the point has been made. And made. And made. I will be locking any new threads on this subject as and when they crop up.

Damini xxx


Originally posted by Gorthol
well we (atleast I do) want to get all people to those boards (and yes people are spreading the word to other boards aswell)
so perhaps if people like that board they will move, I am not forcing them or anything, im just showing them that its there
Nooooo! Stay here! It is much better and has no chance of being closed/suspended for too much traffic (like most server-space individuals own :p).
Why don't you people at the so-called-returned-old-forums setup some adverts and make money out of it :p


im gonna give the other board a chance first


Originally posted by Gorthol
im gonna give the other board a chance first
I won't, in the sense that I won't use it as my default DAoC forum. This place is it :)
Other people can give it a chance though.

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