Can a caster beat a stealther?



Just wondering, I heard once that revmister failed to kill a caster but that is the only time. Also I have played with my shadowblade some and I didn't even need to use my crit strike to take down the caster.

Is there any possible solution to this or ain't caster having loads of problem in RvR (as everyone is going stealther the way it seems now, not many without a stealther alt)

Ex-Weirdeus first complain on the new forum, feels like home.


When you say stealthers I'd argue that Assassins will have a much easier time taking down casters compared to hunters.

Casters with PETS are a real pain in the arse for stealthers as the pet will unstealth you.

Here's a recent example of me (playing Midgard Hunter) vs a Hibernian caster (eldritch is it that uses the underhill companion/champion/wtf pet?):

Me (hunter) targets yellow con caster.
Critical Shot - I miss - thanks to Caster's Bladeturn.
Caster does /face, attempts root - root fails.
I hit caster with normal shot I take 40% of his HP away.
Caster has already sent pet to attack me.
I line up 3rd shot...oops I'm rooted.
Caster uses quickcast bolt of some kind (presume he used quickcast it was damn fast:p). Hits me for about 33% of my HP.
At the same time the pet is now on me and is hitting me for a decent amount of damage nothing special.
I cant use bow as pet is on me so I change to spear.
I close in on caster but before I can get there I'm nuked and pet lands a blow - I die.

This is just one example, other times I've wiped casters in 2-3 hits. Depends very much on a) pet user? b) bladeturn up? c) are they any good - do they use face? :).

the above is all personal OPINION but yes casters can kick stealthers butt - bearing in mind I speak from an archers point of view. I should imagine assassin classes fare a lot better.

Hope this helps


assasians are a lot better, i can easily take orange casters surrounded by orange\reds (i die after but i still take the caster)

the pet class you refer to is the Enchanter

as for bladeturn thats unlucky :p as a nightshade i never miss my PA :)


ahh Enchanter thanks Aeiedil :)

I played Hib way back in October (US) and this just shows I've managed to wipe the nightmarish experience from my mind ;).

cheers mate.



hmmm, i think i need to be looking for you in rvr :p


Depends if you miss the critical or not really. Heh... in that case they can mex/root whatever, send pets or do many other nasty things... then again assassin classes have quite a sure shot since they get to melee range and can woop the crap out of you in no time. An infiltrator will get you poisoned quite nicely and then the caster is pretty much screwed since they can't really cast can they, except quick cast maybe.


if casters want protection from an assasins, group with an assasin from your own realm and get them to protect ya. And stick with your group that way even if the assasin does get you, you're group is gonna kill him easily.


Some follow up questions...

Does bladeturn protect from a critical shot from an arrow? I know it doesn't protect against PA but how about arrows?

How are ministrels doing against casters though?

and I need 4 rezzers and 3 high level assassins to follow me when I am going on a trip somewhere? my shadowblade could go whereever he wanted. Well well I will dominate all non-stealthers hopefully.

Iunliten the eldritch


bladeturns are only negated by hidden attacks by assasians :)

and being with a group wont stop the caster dieing, unless the assasian 1-shots then it just means that the assasian dies with you ;)


Solo casters I am yet to fail against. Very easy to kill up to orange con... Stealth up, start mez, throw 2 dds, let mez hit, wait for dd timers, throw 2 dds, if caster alive, melee, if they try to quickcast, use insta-stun. :)
Yellow or lower casters are usually dead after 4 DDs, some of the oranges last a bit longer but not much :) I even managed to kill a green in two DDs, that's pretty much an instant death. :p
Pets are no problem for a minstrel either, Start mez on pet, switch target, 2xdd and mez the caster (possibly stun if they try to quick). Then wait for timers and throw 2 more dds. Down they go.
Note BT is largely useless vs a minstrel as DDs aren't affected by it. :)

Best tactic for a caster vs assassin is to try and quickcast your best stun or mez and then blast them as many times as you can. A high level eldritch could get off a 9s stun potentially, that's 3 nukes, which is a lot of damage...


The weird thing is, I've never seen Tylar use /face. EVER.

Isn't he like hib/excal's highest caster? lol


one of the highest characters full stop :p

and i think youll find a caster will not get a chance to qc against me :) at least they havent so far :) they always go straight for the nukes rather than mez\stun


I've only been qc'ed once by a caster and that was a runie and he qc'ed a nuke for about 170 damage... a root would have been a much better plan I'd think.


I have taken out a yellow con Hunter before. He took down BT, I face, cast nearsight (2s casting time), bolt, get hit by arrow, qc stun (8s), three DDs. Shadowblades (especially higher con ones) just run thru me like a hot knife thru butter though.

I also had my first minstrel experience yesterday. Isn't that a class that needs to be twacked with the nerf bat a bit? I'd like to see a bard doing something like that. Anyway i screwed up (in my haste i pressed qc twice, so couldn't get stun off) and died.


Minstrels are really fearfull class, I wont yell NERF them, but I feel they are kinda out of perspective. I mean, having stealth, speed song, power song, being able to charm pet, have insta shouts that are more damaging than other bard classes (skald and bard) AND have insta mezz/stun? I mean, come on...


Sorry, my mistake. That sure changes things a lot. *cough*


but the stun is instant if I have understood right :D


but he is a pain in the ass to play with, changing weapons etc


imo theres a few alb classes that need whacking with the nerf bat :\ clerics for one, minstrals for the other

i would say theurg's, but tbh they really do need those pets, though they maybe are a bit overpowered :\


Minstrel pets are crap as you can't do anything but cast shouts while holding a pet (ooo thanks mythic). Also (currently) it's only charm humanoid, a later patch will allow charm magical and should fix the unable to do anything thing.
Mez is a song - no mana cost but a casting time of 3s.
Stun is insta, 10s recast
DDs are insta, 15s recast.
Main weakness is no AE whatsoever. Minstrels are very powerful vs 1 to 3 enemies, more and they get ganked.
Not to mention minstrel melee is barely better than bard...
I wouldn't say minstrels need nerfing, you should try all the damn weapon switches and quickbar switches required, all I can say is it's a good thing the lute isn't much used. :p

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