Can a cabalist pet 'steal' realm points?



I don’t think the cabby pet leeches rp, but it definitely leeches exp if it hits the mob (but not to much)


What do you mean by ‘steal’?

Damage dealt by a Simulacrum will be considered as if it were done by the owner as far as I’m aware, so that the realm points will be divided into the group or given solely to the Cabalist depending on whether or not they are soloing.

There was a change in a recent patch that assigned a pet kill to the owner (for want of a better word) rather than saying “xxxxx was killed”

The realm points aren’t absorbed into nothing in the same way exp can be with a pet. The amount of exp a pet will take is based on the amount of damage it deals and is generally insignificant. The myths about them taking 75% of the exp is based on people misunderstanding the exp cap and blaming the fact that they get little more exp from killing a red con compared to an orange con, when in reality the exp cap for anyone soloing lone mobs is a low orange.

So if you are asking whether or not a pet attacking the same Mid/Hib as you will lose you RPs, the answer is probably yes, they will be given to the Cabalist or Cabalist’s group.

If you are asking whether those RPs will be absorbed into nothing in the same way exp can be, I’m fairly confident the answer is no.


The amount of exp a pet will take is based on the amount of damage it deals and is generally insignificant.

I find the most efficient way to solo with a cabbie is on blue/yellows, using spells only when the buffed pet can't handle something itself - so the pet does the vast majority of the damage, exp loss isn't insiginificant, but nor is it catastrophic.

Simulacrum pets take 25% of the xp if they do 100% of the damage.

All damage that generates pet aggro rather than caster aggro counts as pet sourced damage. (that means damage shield damage counts for the pet)

It scales from 25% to 0% as the pet does 100% to 0% of damage to mob. For what they are worth these days, here are some grab bag notes......

Q: I know pets get a share of the experience when a pet user is fighting monsters. How will that work with the Bonedancer?

A: Exactly as any pet class does. The experience the pet skims off the top is related to how much damage the pet did in the first place. The amount of damage that a pet, or multiple pets, can take is capped at 50% - so the bonedancer won’t share more than half the experience with a pet, no matter how many pets he has up and running. And of course, the more damage he does directly, the less exp the pet gets.

Q: What about the Necromancer? He can’t actually do anything without the pet.

A: True, which is why he will be treated as a non-pet class in terms of exp.

Q: Last Grab Bag there was a question about pet damage, and you said that the possible pet exp share was capped at 50%. I thought it was 25%?

A: I should have said "up to" 50%. There are three exceptions to the 50% cap – enchanters, spiritmasters, and cabalists all have their pet’s exp share capped at 25%. And of course, as I said last week, the necro is his own exception, being that his pet is an extension of him.

Remember, that’s “up to X%” – the more damage the pet’s owner does directly, the less exp the pet can earn. And of course, these percentages only apply if the pet owner is soloing.

Q: You addressed the share of experience the pet takes when an owner is soloing. What about groups?

A: In a group, the pet gets experience based strictly on the total damage the pet does to the target. The pet is NOT treated as another group member (group member experience is total exp divided by number of players in the group modified by player level vs. the levels of the other group members). It’s not much, unless you’re using the pet as the main tank for some reason, and even then it would not even be equal to a character’s share.

So in summary....

Sorc pets take up to 50% if they do 100% of the damage.
Theurg pets take up to 50% if they do 100% of the damage.
Minstrel pets take up to 50% if they do 100% of the damage.
Cabby pets take up to 25% if they do 100% of the damage.
Necro pets take 0%.

And nobody takes any rps.

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