Camping and cheats



Being new to CS (about a month now) I would like you people to give me some tips on game etiquette.

I only play on the BW sever' and it's getting to be a bit confusing. I am fed up with the word camper. Can someone from BW or someone with authority in the game define a camper?

My personal opinion is there is no such thing. You are a counter terrorist and your job is to rescue hostages well if you camp in one place for the duration of a game, whilst the terrists should be happy to let you stay there as time is on his side, and vice versa on bomb maps (makes a shit boring game though). If you are the last person in your team left against multiple opponents you will be silly to run around like rambo i think!


This word is used all the time and I find myself getting dragged into many heated discussions about them. I always end up sticking up for the so called cheat, one person throws a wild accusation and everyone on the server jumps on the bandwagon and wants to kick this player. All because the person throwing the accusation has been playing shit.

What about some solid evidence like a demo or calling BW admin? I am not sticking up for cheats, I think they are scum and what they get out of it I don't know. Lets stop these wild accusations and get some proof, so we can get these w......s named and shamed.

Thats it I think, remember I am a new player and if you think my way of thinking is wrong, let me know.

I wish I never posted this, as I think I am going to get slagged out :)



Where someone sits in one place and does not move over a long period of time. Or waits near one spot (say the quad in some games) and every round/game stays there.

Your comments are totally right :). There is no way in hell a terrorist will leave say hostages unguarded, yet they get called campers? Best thing to do is ignore it.

There are a lot of cheats around, but from what I see your lucky to see one guy using them in a game. Proof is impossible without watching the player closely, and as for the calls of "cheat!" again ignore them. Sadly it's always used when a good player scores well :(

Posted by S.A.S


hey...I even get called a camper when I'm guarding the flag in TFC LOL!

tho it is annoying when a CT camps somewhere but needs to rescue the hostages (cant blame them seeing how hostages are as thick as pig shit) or a terrorist hunts for CTs rather than planting the bomb. I wouldnt mind if the rounds were shorter.

as for cheating..well I usually scream at my monitor about the guy who just shot me for being a cheater...but I know that isnt true but it makes me feel better :)

hey SAS...where abouts in plymouth do you live? I used to live there (my parents still do)

[This message has been edited by bee (edited 19 August 2000).]

old.Mad Bloke

So called camping in CS is allowed in my opinion, at least for Ts protecting hostages and CTs covering a dropped bomb or bomb site etc.

The only people who shout camper at you are the nobrain deathmatchers who rush off at the start to get frags and die in the first 30 secs of a round and have to sit out for ages.

As for cheats, there are a lot of cheats about and due to the average maturity level of CS players being very low, so, the acceptance of someone actually being good is unthinkable and for someone to be better than them is impossible therefore that person must be cheating.

If you get accused of camping or anything else, unless you are guilty, just ignore them.

~ MB

PS. no offence to the mature players but I reckon you'll know what i mean. :)


As i have said on more than one server "camping is like fine wine,For the mature player" LOL.....


campers suck. im not trying to make CS like quake but i cant stress enough when little kiddies come home from school and play it like quake. running off in all different directions getting fucked up. then the next round they camp in their own little hole (like under the window in cs_italy at the CT spawn) for the whole fucking map. then they are the last CT alive and there are 3 T's looking for them and he kills them all.
am i the only person who finds this utterly annoying?? i think they should go back to school/quake2 where you have 500 million guns/rounds.

CS owns you


In my opinion most CS maps are attack and defend, depending on what map be it a de_ the terrors are attacking and the counters are defending, and in cs_ maps the roles are reversed.

So as for being a 'Camper' i totally disagree with it being a bad thing, although it does make some games rather boring. :mad:

The above is only true if the 2 teams are doing what they are ment to be doing, if this is not and you have a T or CT defending when he should be attacking then this is the dodgy type of 'Camping' which people dont agree with :)

As for cheating i dont really see much of what i would class as cheating and i never acuse people of doing so. Always remeber that It could have been a lucky head-shot, and remeber to look at there ping it could be either of those factors that make it look like some one is cheating when there actually not. Ahh yes and there is the question of skill as well ;)



you are meant to camp in cs,depending on the situation and which moaned about CTs (Ts?),camping at there spawn point in italy,well it all depends on how well the rounds are going,if the CTs are ripping the sh1t out of the terrors i know i will camp at my base.and if you do rush at the start of the round as a T you dont go back to your base if the CTs have wiped out most of the Ts best thing you can do is find a corner at the start point and wait for the CTs to bring the hossies down.
its the same for militia,if the CTs are owning the map i will generally head for the garage and pick them of 1 by is camping but thats the terrors job( and it does get boring).oh remember those little things called flashbangs? they work wonders,u should try them sometime :)


Thanks for all your thoughts on camping and cheating ppl.

Its bean a great help to a newbie like myself.

When these irritating ppl start calling other players camper becouse they stop behind a box to reloud a just tell them to come here and have a read.

O and I am starting a clan and we are looking for some fun ppl.

This is a temp address and the site is still under construction but it is different so go take a look.


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Riggz:
Always remeber that It could have been a lucky head-shot, and remeber to look at there ping it could be either of those factors that make it look like some one is cheating when there actually not.


How true..

People need to face the fact that people do get head-shots from time to time and that you do get ur fair share as well.
Also when people say "But i fired 2 rounds into him and i died in 1 shot....'


But when he's sniping u with a sniper rifle and ur using and AK47 in the same situation holding down the fire button u can just shut the fuck up

Thank u 4 ur time



the AK and colt are the sniper rifles of cs no respect to newbies with awps

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