Camlann XML



Seems the XML for Camlann is available :D
So if any of you techies are waiting to make an XML site with all the info on then your time is now :D



Here we go, first site (as far as I know) to bring you Camlann rankings: DAoC

I've been looking for those xml's since server came up but you saw them first, thanks for letting us know Xanthian :clap:



Excellent work 1hr 45Mins after I posted it :)

OMG @ Nolby 30 lvl 50's :eek:


Originally posted by old.Xanthian
OMG @ Nolby 30 lvl 50's :eek:

i remember saying before pvp server started beta that NP would own over the rest, i also remember wrongfuly being distincly put in my place by a few people saying NP are NO match for the german/french power gamers.. how gay do u guys feel now.. :rolleyes:


lol theres only 12 blademasters with RPs :p so i take it theres only 12 level 10+ blademasters


Originally posted by old.neenee

i remember saying before pvp server started beta that NP would own over the rest, i also remember wrongfuly being distincly put in my place by a few people saying NP are NO match for the german/french power gamers.. how gay do u guys feel now.. :rolleyes:

Quite frankly I dont feel gay at all, Homosexuality has nothing to do with this.
Choose your words wisely young padowan.

I don't actually play on PvP myself so really could give a rat's ass, but I just find it quite shocking that they have so many lvl 50 in such short space of time.


Originally posted by old.neenee

i remember saying before pvp server started beta that NP would own over the rest, i also remember wrongfuly being distincly put in my place by a few people saying NP are NO match for the german/french power gamers.. how gay do u guys feel now.. :rolleyes:

Admitting when you're wrong is not one of the things you do on forums, you either edit your post or don't post anymore.

Just look at the amount of members in some of those guilds. 369 people in red hands and already they're starting to double that with alts.

Molten Lava

Look at the classes

Hahahahahaha 8 Enchaters/Spiritmasters in the top 10....seems Mythic have to nerf two classes hahahahaha (about 40-50 of them in the top 100 :))


I was laughing at the blademasters...
then I looked at the thanes :)

Might have to roll one.

That or a scout/ranger :)


Funnily enough I also remember being criticised for saying that NP were the only "English server" guild to play PvP who would get anywhere. In fact here is the post. It is nice to see that I was right. Also from that thread :

@ revz:

what's about avalanche, cf and ce ? afaik they have plenty of members so far. don't think 50 powergamers will be enough to stand against german and french guilds.


Avalanche - 249 active members (3rd place)
Cutting Edge - 179 active members (11th place)
Celtic Fist - 245 active members (39th place)

I'm sorry but it is shameful to see guilds of that size. That is your very own zerg when all you hear on these forums is how much zerging sucks. For a long time I tried my best to keep SotL down to about 50 members (it crept up a bit since I stopped playing because of so many semi-actives but is still only at 78) because there is no skill in just throwing bodies at something until you succeed. This is why I think the dragon is a broken mob, there is nothing worth shouting about in killing something with 200+ people.

No matter what I think about some of their indivdual members it is heartening to see that there are still guilds out there concerned with small numbers of dedicated people. And not only that but they are beating the shit out of all the people who wanted to use the PvP server for some kind of revenge against them (when you all started from exactly the same point only a week or so ago as well). Respect to Xan for organising and leading that.


Anyone talking about owning the server after 1,2,3,4, weeks is a TWAT!!!!


lol @ the people saying "told ya NP would own Camlann". Its like only been open just over a week :rolleyes:

And Revz. Just because SotL dislikes zergs and zerging and only has 80 members, you decree that the dragon is broken, because your guild can;t kill it alone. LOL.

How do people intend to measure if a guild is 'owning' Camlann. Relics held? RP? If so, numbers > all. A hardcore of dedicated players won't mean anything on a PvP server if you have a zerg of 300 lvl50s with 50k RP each. 300*50 = 15mill RP. NPs 80 members will each need ~190k RP to 'own' the zerg guilds on RP terms.

Zergs suck on RvR servers, no doubt. But on PvP servers, the zerg > all. Time will tell this story.....


Chesnor got it right atleast :p

About the other guilds not getting anywhere. Do you define "To get anywhere" as leading the RP list by killing greys with superior levels, Revz? Is that skill, isn't that more like 'got more time to spare to get lvls to kill greys'?

Does guilds at #3, #11 have less skill because they don't prioritize to spend ~4 constant days /played during less than 7 total days the server has been up?

Lol.. Revz, 'Skill', right ;)

Originally posted by old.Revz
there is nothing worth shouting about in killing something with 200+ people.

But to shout about killing guys 20 levels below is worth it. Hehe.
That's a guild oozing with skill. :rolleyes:

Nolby owns at lvling fast, that's correct. But to claim that the guild owns every grey after a week isn't my view of skill.


NP is by far the best tactical guild there is :p comming form a hib. :D


Ok I gotta ask, I've seen it alot over on exc and camlann forums, it might have just been the same people going on and on but anyway.... What is everyones (somepeoples) problem with NP?

So they kill greys, last time I checked thats part of the game

So they are powergamers, fair enough nothing wrong with that

So they only join guild RvR groups, I sure as hell would like to group with the same people day after day in RvR and know you can trust these people to do there jobs properly.

No offence but it seems to me that alot of people here are jealous because;

a) NP have loadsa RP's
b) NP have 30 (!) level 50 players on a server that has been open for a week (read as dedication)
c) NP aren't letting other people join there RvR to get RP's.
d) They aren't in NP and secretly wish they where, so have decided to slag them off and barrysworld ;)
that however, is just my opinion

Correct me if I'm wrong here and NP have enough players that RvR to just overwhealm the enemy with sheer numbers but doesn't the fact that they have 45 active chars and more RP's than any other english server guild (anyone know where you can get the german and french server info in english?) mean that they... <gasp> are actually good players!

Just seems dumb to me that alot of people insult NP for actually being good at the game that we all (presumably) play.

As I said I've never played on exc or talked to a NP member in person so they might all be arrogant assholes but at least admit that they know how to play there class and in groups very well.


Of course, if most of the zerg guilds (150+ members) don't actually have those 150 logged most of the time, NP will own them. Seems like NP are all prepared to put loads of hours in to win. The skill isn;t in dinging to 50 in 3 days, its in assembling a guild of 70 ppl who are truly hardcore.

Its no good having a zerg guild if people only play a few hours a day. Its probable that 75% of NP are logged at any one time. The zerg guilds probably have less logged than NP for most of the day. When that happens, NP are the zerg ;)

Generic Poster

Originally posted by old.Revz
For a long time I tried my best to keep SotL down to about 50 members

Also worth mentioning that those 50 or so members were 'hardcore' players and for a while, sotl would have more people online then most other guilds.

There aren't many guilds which could beat sotl's total /played, for the first half of Prydwen's life.

That is, if you count each member's /played before they reached lv50 and deserted their guilds.

My point being, you might have lower numbers in a guild, but if one member of Guild_A, plays more then two members of Guild_B, you can't call Guild_B a zerg.

A 'zerg' only happens with people 'online'.

This again is the case with NP. I'm sure they have members with a higher /played, than the total /played of a smaller guild!


It is an open ended game so we have to bring our own definitions of skill to it. By all means find zerging skillful if you want but I'm not going to agree with you no matter how you try and phrase it :) Also stop coming up with excuses, you either have 250+ active members as defined by the chronicles or you don't. If you can't get them all online regularly then you shouldn't have recruited them in the first place.

Oh and if I offended the guy from Cutting Edge then perhaps you shouldn't have let all of your fans (or rather anyone who didn't like NP) talk you up so much beforehand. I was expecting something special and I am feeling a little let down now :mad:


Originally posted by old.Revz
It is an open ended game so we have to bring our own definitions of skill to it. By all means find zerging skillful if you want but I'm not going to agree with you no matter how you try and phrase it :) Also stop coming up with excuses, you either have 250+ active members as defined by the chronicles or you don't. If you can't get them all online regularly then you shouldn't have recruited them in the first place.

Oh and if I offended the guy from Cutting Edge then perhaps you shouldn't have let all of your fans (or rather anyone who didn't like NP) talk you up so much beforehand. I was expecting something special and I am feeling a little let down now :mad:

Who said that anyone say zerging is skill? You on the other hand act as killing a grey con took skill. The skill I can see now, is avoidance of being brought to the point. :)


Originally posted by -dewey-
Ok I gotta ask, I've seen it alot over on exc and camlann forums, it might have just been the same people going on and on but anyway.... What is everyones (somepeoples) problem with NP?

So they kill greys, last time I checked thats part of the game

So they are powergamers, fair enough nothing wrong with that

So they only join guild RvR groups, I sure as hell would like to group with the same people day after day in RvR and know you can trust these people to do there jobs properly.

No offence but it seems to me that alot of people here are jealous because;

a) NP have loadsa RP's
b) NP have 30 (!) level 50 players on a server that has been open for a week (read as dedication)
c) NP aren't letting other people join there RvR to get RP's.
d) They aren't in NP and secretly wish they where, so have decided to slag them off and barrysworld ;)
that however, is just my opinion

Correct me if I'm wrong here and NP have enough players that RvR to just overwhealm the enemy with sheer numbers but doesn't the fact that they have 45 active chars and more RP's than any other english server guild (anyone know where you can get the german and french server info in english?) mean that they... <gasp> are actually good players!

Just seems dumb to me that alot of people insult NP for actually being good at the game that we all (presumably) play.

As I said I've never played on exc or talked to a NP member in person so they might all be arrogant assholes but at least admit that they know how to play there class and in groups very well.

Maybe we are sick of people bragging and sucking nps balls... LOL
Could that be you? haha


heh sry maybe that was a bit harsh but im just pissed cuz my cd STILL hasnt arrived from amazon!
Myself like many others havnt even started playing yet and we dont really want to hear about people owning the server after 3 days. lol.. So what a guild and it happens to be np, lvled 50 in 3 days and are killing greys.

Generic Poster

Originally posted by old.Revz
By all means find zerging skillful if you want but I'm not going to agree with you no matter how you try and phrase it :)

Also stop coming up with excuses, you either have 250+ active members as defined by the chronicles or you don't. If you can't get them all online regularly then you shouldn't have recruited them in the first place.

Seems you read my post the wrong way. I didn't say zerg'ing requires skill, or even show my approval for it.

Zerg'ing itself is a strange term and can be abused. When is a force, a zerg?

The way I see it, zerging isn't about a swarm of players hugely outnumbering their opponents. Let's say three people attack two, that's not zerging if all are equal in level, as the two can win if they play it smart.

The same three players attack two greycons... have the greys been zerged?

Certainly if 4 groups of players were killed by six groups of the enemy, they'd say they were zerged.

So it's understood that killing players with little other then outnumbering and outlevelling them, you do 'zerg' them. That's what NP are doing on Camlann, although they're bitching about the 'zerg' guilds, they are infact a zerg themselves.

sotl were a zerg aswell, moving about Emain in over one group and generally running back and forth zerging anything in their path.

Now you would say that sotl used skill to get their kills, but the group which has just been steamrolled by two groups will say they were zerged.

Finally, most people who play the game have real life commitments which they cannot ignore for the sake of XP/RP. If these unfortunates could not find a place in any guild because of their irregular playing times, there'd be a whole lot of assholes on the server :D

You see, having large numbers in your guild does not make it a zerg-guild. Having large numbers on the field, does make it a zerg.


Generic Posteris right.
Frmo the days of uo, if 2 people killed one its called a GANK
ZERG = GANK on a bigger scale!
Same thing no diff!!


on tgh it was called gang, and there was badporting to take care of that xD


it shows that NP is a guild only for the elite and hardcore/dedicated gamers, they arent recruiting anyone now and i think the only way you deserve a place is to get to level 50 unguilded :p

zergs dont own all because they are unorganized and most of them dont know what they are doing.


although i have been ganked by nolby a fair few times now, i'd rather see them own the PvP than the big german and french guilds.

and avalanche are a joke, which is a bit sad :(

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