Camelot reboots my PC whjen i try to quit out..



Like i just said , my comp reboots itself when i try and quit out of Camelot, it does it on a few other games as well .. Star wars jedi academy for example...

Im using a Ge Force 4 mx440 64mb v43.45 graphics driver
Direct x9.0b
512mb ddr ram (just put 256 in and call of duty didnt crash.. i think it did before.. not sure tbh :( )
Windows XP sp1a All fixs etc


Reinstalled the game.. no effect
Reinstalled graphics drivers : no effect
Reinstalled Direct x + tried lower versions again.. no effect

It does it on my Dad's computer as well, hes using 256mb ddr geforce 2 mx 400 64mb and direct x9.0b with windows xp sp1 etc

Im senseing XP ahs something to do with this but ive asked other people with xp and they dont have the same problem as i do :(

Help! :)


Kinda same thing happens to me, only when I run two accounts at the same time tho. When I try and log one out I get the blue screen of death and have to reboot. It says somethings wrong with an ATI file. Using Radeon 9600 pro :eek:


Originally posted by Mills
Im using a Ge Force 4 mx440 64mb v43.45 graphics driver
Windows XP sp1a All fixs etc

It does it on my Dad's computer as well, hes using

geforce 2 mx 400 64mb
windows xp sp1

ok here´s what to do

1. buy new graphics cards, I would suggest 2 Geforce 2 GTS if you can find any, or alternatively Geforce 3 TI 200/500 (G2 GTS is the cheapest of the mentioned and still WAY better than both your cards)

2. buy 2 licens for Windows 2000. (or get a pirated copy what do I care :))

3. format computers, turn off computers, put in new gfx cards, reboot machines install win2k.

the problem you have is that you are using MX cards... these cards are called low-end for a reason... the chip on your G4mx440 is a modified g2 chip, it is NOT a 3rd generation gfx-chips as the G4TI chips are.
Your fathers card is also a MX and equally poor.


Originally posted by FoXeH
Kinda same thing happens to me, only when I run two accounts at the same time tho. When I try and log one out I get the blue screen of death and have to reboot. It says somethings wrong with an ATI file. Using Radeon 9600 pro :eek:


might solve the problem


I had this problem while running XP a while back, solved it by running Windows Update and installing the latest Microsoft fix packs.. you might want to try doing that :)



Originally posted by Thrildif
I had this problem while running XP a while back, solved it by running Windows Update and installing the latest Microsoft fix packs.. you might want to try doing that :)


MX cards are evil and should all be destroyed!

now hush


thanks for the help, Cant afford a new Card atm, ran windows update but got nothing, it sitll does it, and windows 2k is shit imo, Unless youre using it as a dedicated server, then its pretty good..

thanks for all the help tho, Altho i think what Foxeh said about it doing to her card using a radeon 9660pro pretty strange... but thanks for the help guys :)


Originally posted by Mills
and windows 2k is shit imo, Unless youre using it as a dedicated server, then its pretty good..

to be honest if you think that you as a private user can feel a difference between XP adn 2K it´s because you did something wrong when setting 2K up. :p

it´s the same thing (almost) try turning of all the fluf in XP and you just have another 2K


Yes Yes i know that both XP and 2K are built on NT, however the XP driver database is serverly updated, its alot easier to use, yes taking the fluf out would give you an OS similar to 2k, but the fact is once XP has any kind of Service Pack, and Blaster/other Virus fixs, its far more stable than 2k, and Microoft are far more likely to be updating XP further than they will 2k..Dont forget 2K needs the horrid blaster fix etc as well ;) But everyone has their own Opinions and mine as a It technican is XP for private use and 2K for any kind of server use... atm ;) Altho i am becoming a fan of linux ;)

98/98SEWhat? .. Millenium Edition Who? ;)

Anyway back top my original whine.... Thats all people normally do on BW anyway :/

Recently had a small pacth on my computer, about 178kb, a few small files, and i tried to quit out of camelot, and it worked!!1 i quit out!!!! and it did the same on my fathers computer!! :D

But then i went into camelot about 1hour later and it rebooted againwhen i tried to quit out :( and Did the same on my fathers PC :(

So back to square one, but o o o for those few moments when it didnt reset, Bliss!...!

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