Calling all computer geeks...



If you know nothing about computing, please ignore this post as it is a little off topic...

Basically, I am at university at the moment in my house on campus. Now, being a gay system, they give us a phone, and a network connection. The network connection in this house is disbaled at the moment, still being wired up, and I have to access the internet via a 1p/min service - you can't use 0800 numbers...I know. I can also dial up a free internal number to access websites and email within my uni's domain.

I have managed to obtain some apparently legal software called a "Tunneler". This means if I connect through the uni freephone ISP and activate tunneler it reroutes the data (or something, I'm no expert) so that I can access the internet for free, and MSN seems to work too. Peachy.

The problem I'm having is I have no idea how to set it up to access camelot/mIRC or any other services on different protocols.

I can add forwarding addresses to the software...for example at the moment it has...

Listen interface:
Port: 8080
Destination host:
Port 8080

I can add as many of these as I want. I can also do server-client forwarding if that makes any sense.

Anyone any ideas on how to access other services like camelot? Something to do with proxy servers or something I don't fully understand I'm sure.

Thanks in advance!


DAoC probly goes out on a special port number.... im not sure...

but if it is that then u will hav to find out the port number it uses and allow the tunneler to forward the port to u comp... basicly the software is acting like a router... it is fining 2 comps urs and the server that the uni uses... ull need to asign the port fowarding to ur program...

if u need any more help i advise u to pm me and ill give you further details



Cant remember offhand the port numbers but goa or mysic have a doc in rightnow somewhere on playing daoc through a firewall. (do rightnow search for 'firewall').

This lists the UTp and TCP ports you will need to forward.


ask someone what the ip and port are for the server.. shouldnt be too hard.


Well, I know what port the DAOC update server uses, and have tried everything I can with the program, but no luck.

If anyone wants a go, pls add me to msn :

I'll let you use the help system to access the program on my computer and have a go yourself.

Many thanks

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