Cailleach Guard attacking Cornwall Station – Events on Alb-Pryd??



Yesterday night on Albion, Prydwen, a Cailleach guard (around lvl 66 and normally located in Lyonesse, so a bit faraway from Cornwall station really) attacked the Cornwall outpost and killed about 20 guards there. While I myself did not witness it, I received the reports of guildmates about it. As the guards did respawn very fast, the Cailleach killed about 20, then at 50% health he ran away towards the Avalon Marshes. I hear that he did not follow anybody to the Station (first thought someone had tried to kick him and then ran away), but instead attacked on his own. Now reading that events have already started in Hibernia, I was wondering if this could be the start of something in Albion. Though I really really do not want to mess with level 60+ enemies at the moment :rolleyes:

Any comments? Or can anybody unveil that mystery?


I hope there'll be some stuff for us lowbies too (nooo, i've turned into a whiner).
Maybe i should really start to level up so i can play with the big boys.

Yay for events! :clap:

old.Reckless <Lion>



I own up!

Was in a group killing Cailleach guards in lyonesse, when we had a few deaths. We managed to get all ressed, but then we got attacked by an add (Cailleach guard). I mezzed it and ran down the road....turned round and it was chasing me. So i carried on running (i didnt want to quit as he may run back to my group) all the way back to the dunters, turned round and still it was there. He was a pesistant bugger.

He chased me all the way back to cornwall station; where the guards attacked him. He was purple and there were 2 guards, one orange and one green, as soon as he would kill one, another would spawn. I left after he had killed the 5th guard :)


Haha, good one Reckless! :clap:

How do you feel have started a rumor of such magnitude? I think everyone on the server got the message ;)
(And when do we get real events? :m00: :whip: )


Persistent Buggers these Cailleach ;). Okay, good to have this mystery cleared. My guildmates (all round lvl 20) were quite scared and we all got a bit uneasy, hehe.

old.Reckless <Lion>

Apologies to the (green to me) friar (i think) who tried to heal the guardsmen and drew aggro.

As to why the Cailleach guard ran off to Avalon marsh, i have no idea. I stayed in Lyonesse for a long while after. Maybe he was attempting a raid on Aribards? :)

I dont think we are getting events until after the next patch (and probably a long while after, judging on GOA abilities).


Originally posted by Reckless <Lion>
As to why the Cailleach guard ran off to Avalon marsh, i have no idea. I stayed in Lyonesse for a long while after. Maybe he was attempting a raid on Aribards? :)
Well maybe we might see an event soon. :rolleyes:


The hibs already got one. That was no bugged guard for sure.


I was there in Cornwall when this guard attacked, i immediately headed for the roof of the stable and watched the massacre in safety ;)

After it had killed the guards about 20 times and a few pc's, a high level cleric attacked it and drew it away towards avalon marsh, after a bit it came wandering back, i followed it a bit and it seemed to be heading back to Lyonnese, so i left it alone ;)

I must admit, apart from pc's that got killed it was quite fun to watch, although i didn't feel safe for the rest of the night.


i had a similiar experience in midgard/excalibur

... a fire giant was wandering round about mularn, killing all that stepped in his way :)

i thought it was some event, eg. the muspelheim baddies are sick of thier dwarven neighbours and want revenge...

i was dissapointed when i found out that someone had aggro'ed it and ran :(


It's not uncommon for pygmy goblins (low 40s) to aggro all the way back into cornwall, you can end up with about 10 or so of them running about near the yarley's at times :p
It's a dangerous place is cornwall, I'm still waiting for someone to train the dragon back up to cornwall or something equally silly ;)


Well if it was some guard, he should be ok after yesterday around 10pm GMT :)

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