Cafal's Coner the 24th



How long have you been searching Dm for that one special drop??

Saturday the 24th of August at 20:00 CET, you might find that one special item in SotL's grand garage sale!

So drop by Cafal's Corner, enjoy a beer and buy your new favorite weapon!

(A list of all the items for sale will soon be posted here..)


<Shamelessly bumps it, to gain money for SotL> :eek:

EDIT <i want percentages> :p


wow, im really getting the hang of this bumping stuff!


Erm funnily enough a weapon would probably be the one thing no one should buy... Seeing as hendrick is still alive and well and churning out high level weaps.

Quality difference is shocking now that epic armour has been introduced. I've been experimenting. Kings Nail (93% quality) does about 57 damage to a chainwearing thane now (without a style, thane is level 50 with high thrust resists and epic armour). A Hendrick crafted 97% dirk does closer to 80 damage. That's a -lot- of difference.

Don't use weapon drops unless they're ~95%+ quality or have something fabulous on them (like a Bladeturn proc).

It's a bit silly seeing as both Mouths Tooth and Kings Nail are epic drops from Barfog - Mouths Tooth doesn't even have a proc on it, just 3 charges which cost 100 gold to replenish and get resisted. Only thing I've found it useful for was distracting mids into thinking a hib is shooting at them while I'm trying to run away ;)

Level 50 Infiltrator Gryphon Knight


The problem with damage now is not the quality so much as the difference in bonus between weapons and armour. Epic armour is all 35% bonus. The best dropped weapons bonus-wise people are likely to see are 30% (from Llyn Barfog) or 25% (from Dartmoor and DF). The difference gives a 5-10% reduction in damage and chance to hit when attacking someone with epic armour on. On top of that the quality is lower as you rightly say with 90-91% quality DM drops, 93% quality LB drops and 94% quality DF drops.

You do have to factor in other things though such as what level of opponent you are fighting on a regular basis and how you actually fight. If you aren't fighting level 50s all the time then it won't be such an issue because most non-50 people wear armour with a 25% bonus (with a few parts 30% perhaps). In fact if you aren't ~48-50 it won't matter anyway because you won't be able to do much against a level 50 in the first place.

Additionally, for someone not engaged in melee directly (such as most casting classes) the stats/charges on a dropped weapon are probably more useful than the ability to cause 20% more damage in melee the one time you get stuck fighting someone hand to hand. Certainly for me as a cleric the strength (for carrying rams) and HP I get off my current hammer outweigh its marginal usefulness in melee as by the time I'm down to hitting people with it the fight is over one way or the other :)

As you mention some weapons do have a very nifty proc as well, particularly a lot of the DF drops. A lot of our guild carry round a couple of weapons now that they beat on PK doors until they proc the buffs/damage adds/self hastes or whatever (useful for solo RvR). Plus there are some nice situational ones like the DOT proc thruster, BT proc one and so on.

Basically if you are a level 50 class that does its damage in melee then you want high quality enchanted arcanium weapons. Otherwise you would probably be better off with dropped ones that have stats as well.

That said most of the items that will be up for sale are non-weapon anyway :)

- Pathfinder -

CG Gloves 2x
CG Sleeves 4x
Holy Crushed Gloves
Pygmy Death Beads
Sorcerer Ebony Staff
Ghastly RIng of Bone
Belt of Deathly Might
Runic Troll Hide belt
Cailondar Breastplate
Crimson Blade Stopper
Kraggon Sword
Kraggon Helmet 2x
Crushed Helm
Kraggon Arms
Bloodied Bow 3x
Necklace of Glowing Ebony
Theurgist Ebony Staff
Cyclops Eye
Ring of Etiquette 2x
PotSO 2x
Belt of Etheric Mist
Regal Jerkin 2x
Malevolent Helm 2x
Bloodied Leggings 3x
Putrid Staff 2x
Festering STaff 5x
Gloves of Stoneharvest
Coif of Stoneharvest
Cailondar Bastard Sword
Crushed Leggings
Bounder Fur Leggings
Virulent Fishing Hook
Majestic Mantle
Eldspar Coif
Hammer of Stonewatch
Hammer of Crushing Might
Crush Born Sword
Ilmenite Coif

List of the more common items for sale :) Gid will provide some fleshier stuff (LB/DF drops etc) as well :cool:


hmm..the secret is out it seems :D The "fleshier" stuff will be sold wednesday in a regular auction also in Cafal's Corner ;)


There will probably some more items along the lines of those listed as well. You'll have to turn up to find out what they are of course :) Some people are slow to empty their vaults of old dusty things :p


I have just been going through the pricing list and I have cut many prices in half!!!

Believe me, you will NOT get a better deal anywhere!

And as a special treat for all of the ladies, I have hired the one and only Rodriguez, Charmeur extrordinaire, to serve refreshments while you browse through the wares <winks>


I was supposed to empty my vault?! Damn it's still full of crap. :eek:


<laughs> poor danyan

Awww vault full of crap.... well i am used to it dear minstrel, give it all too me <grins> i happily hold on to it.

but anyways, sotl you have to much equipment for your own good. glad you making some of it available to the rest of us. thanks. May our gold be useful to you.

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