Caer Sursbrooke



Albs how is it going :)
wanna try ous again?

Regards from,
- Sign of the hammer


We just wait till you leave then we'll take it. It could take some week though with you powerplayers!

Nalle Puh

Ty for stoping by our beloved keep.
Next time plz bring more albs so we don´t kill your 35 as fast as the 2 times earlier.

Well well ty for rp.s and plz come for abit of cake and coffee again :)



you complain Albs don't retake keeps... they try...they fail..and you laugh at them...

I say grats to those who still bother to retake keeps when we don't even have Relics...

You should be glad they even bother tbh...

Ow its gonna be

OMG YOU ZERGED US !!! 500 Albs for 2 FG mids etc....

pls stop making these stupid threads when you take a keep pls...its boring...

You know the keep taking-retaling thingy started on 1st day from beta?

Yet we don't make a Thread on BW for every time we take DC/Bled etc....


well you zerged our small force but that is what you should sence its albion homeland, Nice night tho and grats on the keep. =D


u should thank the nice thane from Cutting Edge for giving u a target for ur ae dot...

nice fight good night


Give albion gtaoe in another class than wizard or in wizard fire line and you will never have our keeps more than 1/2 hour.

Nalle Puh

Must say some always miss the point in the threads, but i give a salute to the albs that showed up even a 3 time when they had gotten whiped 30/35 against our 8 ppl..

Tbh was 1 of the funniest keep defenses since i started playing this game cos it was really defence all the time due to infs/ae dots/gtaoe etc.

Only thing i didnt like about it was that we unfortunately got another realm member missing the point in hiding out from ae dot´s etc.

Nuff said was really fun and we´ll do it again some day if we get same respons from u guys if we take 1 of your keeps again.



Must say some always miss the point in the threads, but i give a salute to the albs that showed up even a 3 time when they had gotten whiped 30/35 against our 8 ppl..

i think everyone got the point the moment this Thread was made...

You so own in this game...we suck bigtime...

You gonna make a Thread when your guild takes it's first Hib keep too? and post in the Hibernia section?

Nothing wrong with a RvR thread...but each day you mids take beno, surs or have to post it here...brag about good you all are...etc...

It's nice & fun to read the 1st time... after 1000th times its BORING! :sleeping:


is thius the same sort of "ipwn u" thread by a mid that mids whined aboutcos albs were farming them constantly ? i recall MANY times inpast albs took a mid keep and 100+ mids came to retake and got farmed BIGTIME by albs :)


How very true. And in each case, people like Poon come along and say things like "omg, a mid guild defended a keep or the first time, jolly good job!" Well, then I'll do my part: Omg, a mid guild defended a keep or the first time, jolly good job!


Originally posted by Deskiziado
Give albion gtaoe in another class than wizard or in wizard fire line and you will never have our keeps more than 1/2 hour.

Albion does have gtaoe on scouts, namely volley, 300-500hp hits, 5, every 15s. Costs a lot of cash, and 14 rp's, but they can get it.
Works well with /groundassist and another inf, you can keep hunting people inside the keep pretty well.
Shame mythic gave this ability to all 3 realms, and at a cost of 14rp's, while it was meant to be only for scouts at one moment in time.
Scouts are based on the typical archer as used in the English army, and this is the way they would fight (firing a massive wall of arrows).
Regards, Glottis


Originally posted by tazzke
i think everyone got the point the moment this Thread was made...

You so own in this game...we suck bigtime...

You gonna make a Thread when your guild takes it's first Hib keep too? and post in the Hibernia section?

Nothing wrong with a RvR thread...but each day you mids take beno, surs or have to post it here...brag about good you all are...etc...

It's nice & fun to read the 1st time... after 1000th times its BORING! :sleeping:

... well that was not the point why i started the thread at all I wanted to have more albs trying to take back the keep so we could have a nice fight over a keep nalle and byffa obviously tho wanted to brag about we killing more numbers then we where but nm to me.

I think albs who came and took the keep also thought it was fun there.... but sence noone of them who where there replyed and this turned into one of the useuall rvr threads that is on the rvr part of the board maybe I shouldn't post anything next time.

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