Myself/Yussef/Dantrag/Steveirwin etc or something organising. (Well I'm organising they're helping ;o )
Non-TLW raid <-- Please read :<
6.00pm/6.30pm kick off ..<-- time may be edited but will be around this time.
Meet fort.gwyntell.
Sign up below if interested.
level 50's only.
Required: 5-6 theurgs (either pbt (earth spec) or air pet spammer)
7-8 palas
7 ish clerics
around 3 sorcs
3-5+ necro's
anywhere around 6 friars
upto 10 slash mercs
upto 10 slash infs
upto 10 reavers (note : we realise most likely 10 reavers will not sign up)
around 5-6 wizzies (preferably a mix of earth, ice and fire wizzies)
Oh there's no mods, as it is seperate from TLW raids, loot will be lotto'd by /random 100 between classes that can use a specific item. So newcomers to sidi will have just as much chance as everyone else ;o
Non-TLW raid <-- Please read :<
6.00pm/6.30pm kick off ..<-- time may be edited but will be around this time.
Meet fort.gwyntell.
Sign up below if interested.
level 50's only.
Required: 5-6 theurgs (either pbt (earth spec) or air pet spammer)
7-8 palas
7 ish clerics
around 3 sorcs
3-5+ necro's
anywhere around 6 friars
upto 10 slash mercs
upto 10 slash infs
upto 10 reavers (note : we realise most likely 10 reavers will not sign up)
around 5-6 wizzies (preferably a mix of earth, ice and fire wizzies)
Oh there's no mods, as it is seperate from TLW raids, loot will be lotto'd by /random 100 between classes that can use a specific item. So newcomers to sidi will have just as much chance as everyone else ;o