Caer Sidi Raid - Sunday 20th July



Meeting at Ft Gwyntell for 1pm (UK) Sunday 20th July

This is to be a guild sign-up raid, with the main goal being a fast, efficient and successful raid (~3 hours from meeting to leaving)

Please sign your guild up if your are interested and you can guarantee that you will field at least 1 fully-funtional guild group, with level 45 absolute minimum, preferably level 50. Post with guild name and numbers you will bring, I'll draw the line when I feel I have enough.

Fully-functional means the sort of group you would field for high-level exping or cash/seal farming. Ideally this would contain 1+ Cleric, 1+ Paladin, 1 Minstrel/Sorcerer, 1 Theurgist, 1+ nuker (very strong preference for Ice Wizards), 1 Friar.

Attending Guilds (to be edited as signed up below)
1) Shadowlords Society (2fg)
2) Guardians of Light (1fg+)
3) Herfolge Boldklub
4) Dragon Knights
5) First Cohort (1fg+)
6) Legion of Darkness (1fg)
7) Knights of Pendragon (1fg)
8) The Prodigy (1fg)
9) Black Falcons (1fg)


- I aim to leave Ft Gwyntell at 1.15. That is 15 minutes from the official meeting time until moving out to group up, buff up and be given specific instructions. Be there before 1pm rather than after, or be waiting at Sidi bridge beforehand.
- I do not plan to hold the zerg up waiting for individual LDs on the way to Sidi. If your group loses a member, either wait for them as a group, or guide them to Sidi after they return.
- I aim to cross Sidi bridge and move up to the dungeon with the main force at about 1.30. Move together with your whole group to enable safe movement.
- I will leave around 3fg at the bridge for a further 10 minutes to escort people who LD'd on the way. The rest will move in, buff up and begin on the first mobs.

Plans for once inside
- For some parts of the dungeon we will be proceeding as a zerg, just killing everything in our path, but for the most part mobs will be pulled to the army, to be mainly dispatched by casters.
- When mobs are being pulled, please stand as tightly as possible and allow PBAE to do the work. PBAE is the fastest way to clear the whole dungeon and should be allowed to do it's job. Therefore if you have aggro, just pull it into the zerg.
- It will be important to clear several areas of mobs before pulling certain keylords to avoid massive aggro. In particular these are the areas around Crypt Lord, Soul Reckoner and The Host. Patience will be required.
- Pass all loot to me (character TBD :p )

Tactics for Apocalypse
- My belief is that if the groups are solid enough, Apocalypse is killable with as few as 80 people, but this will be tough. Anything around 100 people should be straight forward and 120 he's a walk in the park.
- The first main tactic is keep everyone alive. This will require Clerics and Friars to be working overtime. If people die, Harbringers spawn. I believe the deathcount required for spawn is 4. So keep everyone alive and the job is much easier.
- Apocalypse won't be doing VERY heavy damage to people. He is tankable by fully buffed defensive Pallies, and Heal chants should be twisted to keep aggro contained.
- The most dangerous thing in the room is the raining fire and boiling earth, so give all members both con buffs and preferably both the heat resist Friar buff and the tri-element resist Paladin chant.
- If people die and Harbringers spawn, these MUST be killed immediately. If they kill more people, more Harbringers will spawn and from there it's just downhill.

General Rules
- Listen to and follow what you are told.
- As a guild you are responsible for the people you bring.
- If you have questions (such as where we are? how far we have left? what's the stats on a drop? etc), first direct them to your guild/group. I won't be able to answer most PMs during the raid.
- Avoid unneccessary spam and chat through both general chat and chatgroup.
- Repetitive mis-behaviour by guild members which (in my view) jeapardises or obstructs the progress of the raid may result in exclusion of your guild from the lottery (not likely to happen).

Loot Distribution
- Loot will be distributed by guild. Sort within guild according to own rules.
- I will require one representative from each guild to attend the lottery after the raid. Everyone else will be free to leave as soon as the raid is over.
- There will be one single lottery, with each guild having multiple rolls (/random 100) based on number of attendants they bring.
- The number of rolls each guild gets will be determined by [Number of Drops]*[Guild Attendants]/[Total Attendants] (rounded down).
- The results will be ordered from highest to lowest, and the guild representatives will then choose which drops they want in that order. (Make your individual wishes known to your representative before the lottery takes place).
- The remaining (least-desirable) drops will be distributed with a further roll by each rep, highest chooses first.

Sidi Resources
Albion Encounters Guide (including Sidi bosses):
Loot List:

Aule Valar

i believe gol will come, can't say how many people as yet though, although 1fg minimum i guess


Falcor INC. Raids all the way free for all ppl fast too and succes guaranteed :D


i come to heal u all =) dont give poop about drops, but i hate XP but raids r always nice, muh ubah cleric can be reserved by inviting me when im at gwyntell =)


With this lotto rules I believe its now almost impossible to win a drop or even join in the raid since most sidi raid active people in my guild are switching to SWG (2 pally's, sorc, wizard, friar). And that that will also count for some other people, I doubt you will get 100ish people to slay apoc but you might have a chance to kill the horsemen. Oh and these look like the same rules of dragon raids, witch I never attended to unless for 2 raids for the respec stones.


Originally posted by xplo
With this lotto rules I believe its now almost impossible to win a drop or even join in the raid since most sidi raid active people in my guild are switching to SWG (2 pally's, sorc, wizard, friar). And that that will also count for some other people, I doubt you will get 100ish people to slay apoc but you might have a chance to kill the horsemen. Oh and these look like the same rules of dragon raids, witch I never attended to unless for 2 raids for the respec stones.

Whilest I understand that your guild may not be able to field a group and thus not able to attend, I would like to know why you feel the lotto rules would be unfair to a guild who can field a group.

Firstly, if a guild is able to field a group, they will be guaranteed drops. And they will be guaranteed a fair number of drops determined by the number of people that they bring in relation to the total number of people attending.

e.g. 80 people attend. Guild A brings 2fg, or 16 people. Guild B brings 1fg, or 8 people. There are 30 total drops.

Guild A will get 30*16/80 = 6 rolls in the lottery and take 6 drops away.
Guild B will get 30*8/80 = 3 rolls in the lottery and take 3 drops away.

The drops they take away will not be restricted by class or person attending, they will take the drops that they wish to take, whichever drop they feel is most valuable to them given the choice available.

The presense of the lottery merely determines the order in which guilds choose the drops they want.


I would also say that my wording above might not be the best as to what is counted as a group. I'm not asking that every group contain exactly "1+ Cleric, 1+ Paladin, 1 Minstrel/Sorcerer, 1 Theurgist, 1+ nuker (very strong preference for Ice Wizards), 1 Friar.", but would at least like them to be able to function on their own with heals, tanks, nukes. Ideally I would like it to be a perfect PBAE farming group, but of course this won't happen. They should still be competant and functional.


Are you trying to fuck up my dragon raid, or what? When you do this, no-one comes to the dragon because they've already spent 3 hours (your guess) in sidi.


Yes WF. The reason I am planning is it to entirely fuck up your raid and day.

If no one wants to go to your dragon raid 4 hours after the Sidi raid finishes it's because no one wants to go to your dragon raid. If no one wants to come to Sidi it's because no one wants to go to Sidi.

I will be attending both events, and SS will be taking at least 2fg along to both. Why do you feel the need to be hostile and abusive when someone else wants to do something?


Originally posted by kenshee-himura
Falcor INC. Raids all the way free for all ppl fast too and succes guaranteed :D

Guild raids are good too :)


it's a bit boring when there's 130 of you and the monsters don't stand a chance though :(

That said - it's the ideal way to get through Sidi fast, kill Apoc and get that loot.

pins raid sounds a bit more close to the bone so more fun :)

I'll stick to killing Ilron with 23 (no I've no idea how we survived ;))

More people = easier to get loot but less fun (to a point.. not much fun trying the place with far too few people... there's a sweetspot :) a duo trying to get into sidi isn't much fun for long ;))


My view on numbers is that around 40 people are required to move around at an acceptable rate. Anything less and certain bosses take too long (e.g. Silencer porting half your force down the pit).

40-60 people is the sweet spot in terms of reward for turnout. This many will get to the last stages of the dungeon, but with bad luck could be wiped around the Host or Bellum.

Between 60-80 people you're just reducing time taken with no chance of gaining extra drops.

With 80-90 I believe Apocalypse is possible with good groups, but tough.

90-100, Apocalypse should be straight-forward and anything over 100 is just too easy, with no increase in reward.


Would it be possible if I could join one of the guildgroups if they have 1 spot left and also have a fair share at the scout drops if they would have won in the group leader lottory? :|


Originally posted by xplo
Would it be possible if I could join one of the guildgroups if they have 1 spot left and also have a fair share at the scout drops if they would have won in the group leader lottory? :|

Drops are not going to be lotto'd individually. There is one single lottery, and then the guilds choose which ones they want.

I believe this method removes issues such as individuals getting an item early in the lottery and not being able to roll for something that they would prefer later on. Different people have different ideas of what is 'best' and what order things should be lotto'd in.

I have no problem with a group of people forming as a 'temporary guild' for the raid, but whether you can come to agreement on which items to choose and who gets them is down to your guild/group.


How about a (spirit) cabalist+sight necro power group? I'm somewhat dubious about it as it's unlimited power, but if it's within the games rules set by GOA, be very good with pet-spamming theurgs/rezing in case of wipeout.

Prolly be there with my necro anyhow, RL allowing.


I was aggressive because quite frankly, arranging a sidi raid for the same day as my dragon raid, when my dragon raid has been planned well in advance, is just silly. The last time this happened, guilds that had promised 2fg pulled out at the last minute because their members had all logged.

"we just did sidi, ppl dont wanna do the dragon as well"



Legion of Darkness would like to attend this Sidi raid with 1fg (if not more)


wildfire's dragon raid has spoiled my Mithra raid :(

and to think we had planned it for months.


Whatever you want to say, what WF is saying is true. It's hardly Pin's fault but there's no need to start with the pathetic cheap shots at WF.... expect more of you Fin, tbh, wouldn't have put you down as the type.


Originally posted by old.LandShark
Whatever you want to say, what WF is saying is true. It's hardly Pin's fault but there's no need to start with the pathetic cheap shots at WF.... expect more of you Fin, tbh, wouldn't have put you down as the type.

What lands said...


It's true, but it's not Pin's fault, and he can't do a saturday Sidi raid as that spot is always taken.


Wildfire's dummy and teddybear are in the corner. People will go to Pins raid cos they respect him. If people dont go to your dragon raid its cos your an arsehole


Thx for a cool raid.

Thx for whomever is in charge of server and making sure we cant activate the horsemen also ;/


Thanks to all for attending. Raid was nice and fast. Shame the final encounter sucked again.

Now, don't forget the dragon raid...


hey guys,

well what i'm really interested in ...

are you able to kill apo everytime?
or well.. more often?

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