Cabbbie: body or matter



I know its probably an age old question but ivr recently started a cabaliist now at lvl 9 and i need to decide whether to go body or spirit. With the option to respec i know this can be changed for high end RvR but im primarily interested in getting to a good level as quick as possible whilst taking advantage of the battlegrounds as it will take me several months to get to a decent level . Ive trawled many web sites till my eyes burned but opinions differ so im interested in opions of people who have played the class preferably on the uk, french or german servers as they are not as far on as the us (now on 1.45).
1 or 2 other questions come to mind , do the pets warping, not following problems get fixed in the next patch up to 1.48 and is this where the golem heal spell line is introduced?
any info or opinions would be helpful !




You will have to get Spirit atleast to lvl3. But then it will a trade off between these things:
Spirit: stronger pet (if you keep it close to your level he will be able to solo most yellows)
Body: nice DD, AoE debuffs and lifetransfer to friends (which you get back through your DD lifedrain)
Matter: Strong DoT and later on AoE DoT and a nice damage shield for your pet.

Spirit is nice for soloing. Body is nicer for groups (i find not so nice for soloing as you draw aggro to fast from your pet by mini-nuking it silly). And matter will be nice for RvR later on because of the AoE DoT's which is the only AoE damage spell we get. But the matter way is hard to level in, also if you plan to keep soloing keep your pet nice and strong.


putting points in spirit past 3 is nonsense, as the pet is not part of the party expwise, so dam it does eats your exp.

id go body 45 for nukes and ae disease, rest matter.

btw pet dam shield is pretty useless, as you cant move or cast while its up.



In the words of Matinex: reroll (preferably in Hibernia). Take care :)

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