Cabalists - advice, please



Similar to the previous thread I am looking for some help and general advice on playing a cabby - matter, body or spirit, low to high level items to look out for etc. etc.

All help will be greatly appreciated.


i dont know much about cabby´s except that they suck or something close to it anyway... they are good PVE.. but not RVR :/


Matter spec is best for pve soloing.

Body spec is best for pve group work.

Both are about even for rvr.

Best site for detailed advice is this one...

Good luck

PS Cabalists don't suck - also they are not uber. Though you may find it hard to find anyone not trying to convince you that one or the other of these statements is true.


ok sorry m8.. but thats what i heard.. :( but they are pretty cool.. but dont like the looks of the pet :p


Originally posted by Rej
i dont know much about cabby´s except that they suck or something close to it anyway... they are good PVE.. but not RVR :/

ahem!! i think you suck

Lemme see

Body : Good nukes, lifetransfers(backuphealer), aoe desease

Matter: Damageshield for your sim(last one is 33,9 dps), nearsight, aedot and single dot

Spirit : AoE root, uberbuffs for your pet and convert spirit spell

IMO all spec lines is good for soloing, body you let your pet get aggro and start nuking away, blues go down in 3 nukes

Matter : ph33r the damage shield :clap: killing barfog epics with only you and 2 clerics =)
and AoE dots, kewlo at standsoff

Spirit gives you all the sexy buffs for your pet, dex/qui, str/con etc etc :), and aeroot imo spirit is best for PvE cause pet is of little use in RvR


Cabalist r0x0r.

Nearsight, debuffs, decent pets, mana regen (through reclaim), dots etc etc.

My favourite ability is in matter line, the aoe dots, pure evil!

Doing like 80 damage per tick for 18 seconds on a whole army, think of the realm points :eek:


After next patch dots will stack :) and dot damage will be effected more by high int :) and of course you can get crits with dots now because of realm abilities :)


PS Cabalists don't suck - also they are not uber. Though you may find it hard to find anyone not trying to convince you that one or the other of these statements is true.

I told you so.


In this patch the last aoe dot in the matter line does only 103 damage, but in 1,52 its increased to 126 =)

and in that patch INT will have something to do with how much damage your dot does =)


Spirit : AoE root

Nope, AoE *40% breakable snare*, not root.

In this patch the last aoe dot in the matter line does only 103 damage, but in 1,52 its increased to 126 =)

Not sure where you are getting these numbers from?

The numbers look about right for an 'in the field' test of the aoe dot by a high INT caster against a zero matter resist target. But the nominal damage tops out at only 83 x 6 ticks.

There was no nominal damage increase in patch 1.51 or 1.52 when they went live (though an increase was tested and rejected on Pendragon) the only boost came from the nominal damage now being modified by INT.


Doing like 80 damage per tick for 18 seconds on a whole army, think of the realm points

Getting into pedant points now - but the base dot takes 20 seconds to complete, spec dots take 24 seconds.

Also, to forestall any confusion on another point...

Today no dots stack, only one dot can be running on one target at any time.

In future (1.51 onward) one dot from every spell group will stack. So you can have one base (single target only) and one spec (either single target *or* aoe) on a target. Earth wizard dot will stack with cabalist dots at that point.

And so, in summary:

Don't suck.
Not uber.


Originally posted by Rej
i dont know much about cabby´s except that they suck or something close to it anyway... they are good PVE.. but not RVR :/

Um you are so so wrong :)

Cabalists kick serious amounts of arse... they're the most misunderstood class in the game. they were a bit naff back in beta... and they've had a stigma ever since :)

They're awesome in PvE, no wacky abilities to give a group which often means they don't get them... but they can kill faster solo anyway ;) (matter ones at least... the body cabalists make good backup healers so can get groups with people that know)

in RvR Aoe Dot and Aoe Disease are both things to be feared, not to mention nearsights....
with mastery of concentration the body spec lifedrains are just evil... tanks try and kill you and you just leech their hit points back off them...


They're uber for getting xp from 46-50 :)
pull the whole tangler tree at once and kill it solo...

but apart from that they're about evens :)

as the man says not gimp, but not uber...


Originally posted by Exinferis

Spirit gives you all the sexy buffs for your pet, dex/qui, str/con etc etc :), and aeroot imo spirit is best for PvE cause pet is of little use in RvR

Just want to comment, but can't you set your Pet to Agressive, as in attacking anything hostile nearby? Or doesn't that work on RVR enemies? Of course, I wouldn't focus on my pet. Just create one, perhaps buff him and just send him off ot Agressive while blasting your enemies with fireballs.


Spirit is the red-headed step-child of the cabalists... not many like it...
(as pets ain't great in RvR)

That said a fully buffed pet is pretty nasty :)

Matter is the easiest for solo PvE, and is good in RvR
Body is better for groups in PvE (but still not bad solo) and is also quite good RvR :)


Just a comment of the pet 'aggressive' thing.

Pets have 3 types of 'combat' setting.


Pet will not attack anything. Ever. Not even if something attacks it. Not even if you specifically tell it to attack stuff.


Pet will attack something if that something attacks you, or it. Or if you order it to attack. Pet will not attack enemies under the effect of cc.


Pet will attack something if that something attacks you or it. It will also respond to direct commands to attack. In this mode the pet will attack cc'ed enemies under the same rules as anything else.


Pet's never aggro anything of their own accord.


Doesnt an Aggressive pet attack anything thats agro to you?

I dont know, never played a cabalist beyond level 8 ;)

Yesterday did the funiest thing since a LONG time... Egon (our own little cabalist ;)) puts his pet in the tangler arches (36 Matter, rest Spirit, I think, he's 46)... He puts on his pet-damage shield...

Waits tillt he pet is almost dead, casts an AE-dot... Pet dies, he gets HUGE agro...

I stand back, and when the goblins get into 1500 range, I start blasting AE DD'ing them... (With his DOT, I only do 2 AE's and their dead)

Beauty of this, I almost get NO agro... And when they do turn towards me, 1 more AE kills them... And the ones that run after Egon, I simply follow them (after killing 80%) and kill them one by one with 1 DD...

This does take a lot of running... But its pretty fast... You have to clear out some telamons for this to work properly though...


Doesnt an Aggressive pet attack anything thats agro to you?

Pet dies, he gets HUGE agro...

Just for reference, when a pet dies, half the aggro the pet had is transferred to the controller. Bear in mind that the controller may also have their own aggro from dots, nukes etc.


Well, the DOT (1 tick + original cast tick) and the damage shield made him unresistable to goblins :p

I could AE and not get agro from the goblins (well, sometimes I got agro from the one I was AE'ing)... Was pretty funny...

You'll be seeing us at the tanglers doing this routine... For sure ;)


Soloing tanglers with cabby is pretty simple

put pet to passive, use GO TO TARGET, gobbos go say hio to your pet, AOE DOT, RUN..., and with Wild Arcana, do some Crits, weeeeee

even if they dont gather enouhg or pet dies fast, when its on passive, and go to target u dont get any aggro your self =)

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