Cabalist, Sorcerer or Theurgist?



1. Which is the most fun to play in RvR?

2. Which is the best RvR spec line? (for the class you chose in question 1)

3. Which is the most group friendly in PvE groups?

4. Which is the best race? (for the class you chose in question 1)

5. Where is the best place to put my starting stat points? (for the class you chose in question 1)


1. Sorcerer

2. 36 mind, rest body

3. Sorcerer (unless you´re a 6s PBT Theurg and want to ding 50 while being afk)

4. Briton


Saracen sorceress with +15dex +10con

spec 44mind/31body or 36mind/40body, best for all you mentioned, and the one you will always get a group in rvr with.


Post 1.65 (Which is when you might get to lvl 50 depends on how fast you level :) )

Ice Theurg

41 Ice / 37 Earth (or hell go full ice)

Nice Level of Root (60 Sec)
Nice Pet (Lvl 40 Ice Ele)
Run Speed or 8 Sec PBT
Damage Speed Debuff
No Variance Ice Nuke
and potentally a nice Ice Nuke / Snare if they ever fix the root / snare issue :)


They play completely differently, with various specs to choose from (again, requiring different play). Which you choose would be personal preference.

Check the above posters' sigs, you'll see that each one has recommended the class they play.


Last ice pet is at spec 40, no point going full ice unless you *really* like aoe root. BT is still desirable in PvE, and you'll be doing another assload of PVE when ToA arrives.

The damage and snare sounds good, but since it does the same damage as your base dd while casting slower (if you have 40+ items in ice) it's unlikely you'll ever use it in rvr.


Theurgist is dead in first 5 sec in RvR, even with the new changes in 1.65. Pets become better yes for the ice line, but its a nerf for earth line. Also pbt is really bad atm in RvR, getc ompleetly ignored by Archers, Assassins, Savages. And that are the 3 most common problems for a theurg.

Sorcerer with high mind is much in demand, but same problem as any cloth caster, dies very fast, often before the theurg, live 5 sec in RvR or 7 if a theurg is around for the 1 bt.

Cabalist nice in a siege, but almost useless outside a siege, spells a to short range, and cloth again to die very fast. Who will even bother to attack your pet?

Best choice Sorc, becouse then atleast you can find groups in RvR.



According to the Herald the last Ice Pet is 40 but according to those in the live game the last Ice Pet is 48...

Best race is Avalonian but if you want to live longer in RvR best Race is Briton as Avalonians are targetted first always (damn my tall gangly good looks) and of course stats are 10 Con 10 Int 10 Dex :)

(nope didn't edit this honest I meant dex of course I did ;) )


4. Which is the best race? (for the class you chose in question 1)

Briton. Or maybe Saracen if you're taking a sorceror.

Fishmidgets are out of the question because they are so goddamn ugly.


Originally posted by Motowntheta
Best race is Avalonian but if you want to live longer in RvR best Race is Briton as Avalonians are targetted first always (damn my tall gangly good looks) and of course stats are 10 Con 10 Int 10 Quick :)

Personally I prefer the looks of Britons ;)

And I hope you meant 10 Con 10 Int 10 Dex


You don't have to die in 5 secs as a sorc, that's bs.

play with sense... that's all


Originally posted by sollers_natus
You don't have to die in 5 secs as a sorc, that's bs.

play with sense... that's all

Exactly (and the same for all the other casters)

And being in a group that wasn't formed within 30seconds of porting to Emain and yelling "Sorc lfg!" helps a lot too.


Also make sure your Cleric knows how to macro ....

/target StupidDeadCaster
/rez100 StupidDeadCaster



Originally posted by Pin
Check the above posters' sigs, you'll see that each one has recommended the class they play.

awwwww you see right through me :wub:

Cap'n Sissyfoo

Play a matter cabby and leech 4 teh win! :D

Play a sorc and have fun but die lots in RvR! :D

Play a theurg and slit your wrists from boredom! :D

Cap'n Sissyfoo

Hah! Show me a high RR Theurg!! Go on, I daaaaare ya. :p


Sorc find group easy :>

They can solo aswell when there's no group going (ok not aswell as a matter cabby or theurg)

They can solo aswell in ZF, your speed, mezz and pet make you feel kinda *safe* ofc not in emain.

And at last, Sorcs are the main CCer of Albion and tbh thats what this realm lack. Sorc are very very needed in RvR too few of them imo when you see all these pac healer around :>

They don't wear chain, but sorc mezz are 1850 range IIRC, and healer 1500.

No really, sorc are great fun :)


Originally posted by doball
1. Which is the most fun to play in RvR?

2. Which is the best RvR spec line? (for the class you chose in question 1)

3. Which is the most group friendly in PvE groups?

4. Which is the best race? (for the class you chose in question 1)

5. Where is the best place to put my starting stat points? (for the class you chose in question 1)
If you like killing stuff make a 45 air 26 earth rest ice theurg. 10 int 10 con 10 dex, race briton. Or if the 1.65 changes go through go ice/earth spec.

If you like crowd control, being able to make enemies sleep, or stick their feet to the ground :) basically playing one of the most important classes in a rvr group then make a sorc spec 44 mind 31 body. 15 dex 10 con or 10 int 10 con 10 dex and briton, inconnu, or saracen, all are good and have their strengths and weaknesses.

If you like large fights or defending keeps make a 46 matter, 3 spirit rest body cabalist, inconnu or briton, 10 int 10 con 10 dex.

hmm the most group friendly, a cabalist matter spec has a pet that tanks better than any other tank through using focus damage shield, very good in groups.
Theurgist has pbt and eb, also needed a lot in groups.
Sorc has mezz and pot.

Depends a lot on the group, in a large raid theurgist is best, in one group vs high level mobs a cabalist is best, in a small group vs lots of mobs a sorc is best.

Edit: Or if you have a lot of free time make all three at level 50 like me :clap: personally I play my sorc a lot more in rvr than my theurgist and cabalist. I use my theurgist in large pve raids, and my cabalist to kill high level mobs for money in Darkness Falls.


Originally posted by Fagane
Cabalist nice in a siege, but almost useless outside a siege, spells a to short range, and cloth again to die very fast. Who will even bother to attack your pet?
Or, you could spec the right way and nuke considerably better than both theurgists and sorcerers. Oh, and as for your pet, it's more of a healer interrupter and a portable mana battery for a spirit cabalist than anything else -- but it does pwn

Btw, you say short-range spells? Nearsight has the longest range in the game and will shut down any ranged attack of most enemies (except spreadheal, grr!).

Having said that, sorcerers are the only chars that have a given spot in so-called "optimal" RvR groups, and spirit cabalists get hit pretty bad by the nerfbat in coming patches.

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