cabalist solo tactics ?




I just starting playing cabalist (lvl 8 now) as my first "magic class" ever. (I got a lvl 35 paladin and a lvl 16 infiltrator).

I heard that cabalist is a solo class, so i went off with my sim to kill orange con mobs. This work fine as long the mob doesn't aggro on me,
if he/she does, i am screwed ;(

I even heard stories about cabalist taken red/purp con mobs out (is useless because the EXP cap, i know, but why do i have trouble with some oras then?)

Now my question is, what is the most reliable tactic in solo pve ?

Send ur pet in, debuff mob, DOT mob, Nuke Mob until death?

Or send ur pet in, dmg shield pet, if pet health is dropping, heal pet ?

And what is our best way to fight in groups ?



See if you can get hold of Elfslayer, our cabalist extra-ordinaire and slayer of many things big and small :)

I'm sure he will help out.


ok I think 8 or 9 is one of the worst levels for cabalists because your pet is the lowest con its ever going to be.

I tend to put a couple of debuffs on to draw it then let the pet get hold of it. Once that is done I add my dot and dd it every now and then. Heal pet once and move on to the next.

Oranges we can take down but it might be better to sort of chain yellows. Tho I do make fun with an orange every now and then just for fun ;-).

I am no expert but this is how I play.

Have a little look at this webbie its not bad.


Yep Wicoa is right, its a bad lvl that your at. What I do, is buff my pet to high hell, then send him in. let him damage the mob a bit so he has the agro, then dump all my debuffs on the mob and a dot for good measure. Then I normaly sit down and chill, while good old simmie gets to work. If its a hard mob I`ll heal the sim once and run to max range for my spells and nuke the mob to bits.

Hope thats any good to you, if not get me on excal


lvl 49 Cabalist
Crusaders of Albion


I played a matter Cabalist to 18 and i used the concentration damage shield for soloing. I debuffed the enemy to pull, send pet in and cast damage shield (quite a fast cast spell, 2 s maybe?) and as the mob runs past it usually hits the simulacrum, getting hit from the damage shield and is then stuck to it :) i honestly cant outdamage the awesome damage shield (for example, it does 4,5 dps at lvl 6! wich is ridiculously high, the highest level shield deals 33.9 dps :)) for the little mana it uses. I found oranges to drain about 3/4 of the simulacrum health before self killing on it :). Downtime was quite low, the simulacrum had quite good self healing abilities. Very nice from an xp standpoint is sending the simulacrum in the center of a nymph grove (nymphs should be green or low blue con) , fire up damage shield and let em whack themselfes dead. mostly 3 of em dropped before i had to leg it :) but now with heal it shoudl be even better.
I got the intention that the pet gets its full 25% xp share with this technique, but its really a fast thing :) i was leveling quite fine.


My cabbie was going 36 body 32 matter and 24 spirit.

Which dd is the mana regen one and in what line, what spec level do you get it too.

Elf I read your post in the link and I didnt know that it exsisted :)


Originally posted by old.Wicoa
My cabbie was going 36 body 32 matter and 24 spirit.

Which dd is the mana regen one and in what line, what spec level do you get it too.

Elf I read your post in the link and I didnt know that it exsisted :)

woops think I miss read yr post, mana regen is only the spirit reclaim spell not a dd. DD in body give you hp regen.


I've started a Cabalist on Excal, and he's currently at level9. I agree about it being a tough level!

The Ruby Simulacrum seems to be a big girlie, and I'm still using the Amber one for now. Strangely, my pet seems to cope better with orange mobs than yellows or blues.

I mostly try to send my pet in to attack, then debuff the mob, a couple of Vitality drains, and the odd heal. If the mob is in a crowd, I pull with a debuff, then root it, then send the pet in. Conversely, I'll focus on the damage shield after the debuffs.

It's a great character to play, and very similar to the Midgard Spirit Master (I have a lvl 21 on Prydwen).


Originally posted by old.Wicoa
My cabbie was going 36 body 32 matter and 24 spirit.

Don't go for that kind of spread in my opinion, you lose out on all the higher level stuff.

Choose ONE line and a secondary, such as 46m 28b 4s - this way one line will be close to max, giving the best possible effectiveness.
If you max out your main line at 36, you are gonna be hitting for a pretty low cap :/
Whatever you do get 3 spirit by the time you hit 20 for the amber recycle/power regen.

For levelling, personally I'm a matter spec so that's all I can comment on.
9/10 I pull with nearsight as it's low aggro, put the dmg shield on the pet & send it in - with the shield on BEFORE it gets to the mob the pet will ALWAYS hit first, without it the pet will often miss & the mob gets 2-3 hits on me before pet aggro's.
As soon as pet has the aggro, I debuff and dot. If mob is ahead of pet, I'll throw in a heal as long as I think it's safe, then I'll throw up the dmg dhield again & stand like a lemon until the mob is dead :)

At level 37, having 36 matter, I've found I can solo 4 or 5 dunters at once, pretty much like the tangler tactics posted on various boards.
Dmg shield on Amber (has most HP's) and send it in. 4-5 Dunters head for it, try and click each one and click attack so the pet hits each one once. They will all start losing health as they hit the sim & shield, and as pet gets to about 10% hp, sidestep and aoe dot and then instantly aoe dot again and run :)

I generally get all but 1 of the dunters in one go :)

Your cabbie is also an excellent group member, even if you go for the solo specs like matter.
In pygmy groups, I snare for CC if needed. The debuffs means the gobs hit for less, and miss more - saving tanks health & healers pow. My DD isn't THAT low - 76 to 170 (variance due to low body), and my DoT hits the gobbo for 80+ per tick.
If we get multiple mobs not CC'd, I AoE dot, hitting each one for 75+ a tick, and on top of that, I've got the pet tanking.
In an emergency, I can chainspam my level 6 body hitpoint transfer :p - ok it's a bloody low one, but I've saved a few people with that :)


Originally posted by Cadire

The Ruby Simulacrum seems to be a big girlie, and I'm still using the Amber one for now. Strangely, my pet seems to cope better with orange mobs than yellows or blues.

Yeah, I found that there something wrong with the ruby one? It sure seems buggy to me.


The way you solo is gonna depend on your spec.

I find the best way is to root, then use all your debuffs. You can then send pet in with the matter shield and let him get some agro. What you do after this is a matter of experimentation.

You can leave the pet fighting for ages then break shield and start nuking. You might want to break it early, DOT then reapply it.
There are loads of way, you have to find out which is best for you.

As for the pets I would use Amber till lvl 12 then use Saphire till RvR. The Amber has most HP, the Saphire has a life tap which amazing. The emerald is good for RvR with it's Desease and DOT. Jade Sucks. I think ruby hits the hardest so might be good for groups where it isn't gonna get agro but the trouble is that in a group you are usually going for red/purples which any pet has a hard time hitting.

Matter is good for soloing with the damage shield and in patch 1.51 the DOTs are in line with your primary stat making them much more powerful. The Base line will (finally) stack with the spec line in this patch too. With the added power to the AoE DOT (which doesn't stack) there are stories of people taking on whole goblin camps and getting exp in the range of 350 million.

If you are body and soloing you will be relying more on your nukes to finish the job. When you heal your pet you might consider using the HP transfer rather than pet heal as it uses less mana and attracks less agro. Being body I would look for groups though, you can get them fairly easily and once you have saved the healer you will be liked :)

Two common templates for a Cabi are:

Classic Matter: b28 m46 s4
Giving the 65% sight debuff (amazingly usefull in RvR and great for pulling), and the last AoE DOT (Good for farming realm points)

Classic Body: b45 m29 s6
Giving the final life tap (90% healed to caster) and a good desease.

I personaly prefer the body because it will be a more active one on one combat character where as matter is more of a supportive spec.

I'll be going matter, then respecing to body so I can try both.

As for spirit, a lot of people consider it to be a weaker line but those who spec say this is just because no one ever tries it. With the pet snare soon to be increased by 15% it may well be woth looking at.

Hi Elf by the way :)

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