Cabalist RA template


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 10, 2004
Hi there, been away from DAoC for yonks but thinking about comming back, the new RA system certainly looks interesting.

As a 600,000rp toting spirit cab (thats debuff-nuker in english :p) how does;

Augmented Acuity - 3
Mastery of Magery - 3
Wild Power - 3
Mastery of Concentration - 3
[Bedazzling Aura - 3] or
[Juggernaut - 3]
Resolute Minion


This would give me an average of +16% to nuke damage, as well as being able to cast un-interupted for 30seconds at 75% damage. Then I have a choice of either creating a buffed-to-the-eyeballs level 75 un-cc'able pet or a 30seconds BoF for the group (if I get a group...).

Which would you folks say is the better spec considering how many people will be willing to drag a (low ML) cab into battle with them :p


Part of the furniture
Mar 10, 2004
No purge? As being a fairly above average caba myself, I really suggest you get purge since you are considered the main damage dealer in a group.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Asysh_pryd said:
Hi there, been away from DAoC for yonks but thinking about comming back, the new RA system certainly looks interesting.

As a 600,000rp toting spirit cab (thats debuff-nuker in english :p) how does;

Augmented Acuity - 3
Mastery of Magery - 3
Wild Power - 3
Mastery of Concentration - 3
[Bedazzling Aura - 3] or
[Juggernaut - 3]
Resolute Minion


This would give me an average of +16% to nuke damage, as well as being able to cast un-interupted for 30seconds at 75% damage. Then I have a choice of either creating a buffed-to-the-eyeballs level 75 un-cc'able pet or a 30seconds BoF for the group (if I get a group...).

Which would you folks say is the better spec considering how many people will be willing to drag a (low ML) cab into battle with them :p

Erm I think your math is slightly off there...
Mom 3 = 10pts
AA3 = 10pts
WP3 = 10pts
MoC3 = 30pts

that's rr7 you need for those alone..

Anyways, I'd say juggernaut isn't worth it (ml9 convoker is sooo much better, and relatively free unlike jugger3 which is 30realm skill points). BAoD is nice if you can afford it, personally I couldn't see affording it on my caba. Moc3 I found to not be worthwhile, only use is if you're soloing and need to kill a small-moderate sized stealther zerg.. the damage is too low for fg rvr type stuff, and in zergs, 30 secs of single target nuking doesn't amount to much really >< but that's just my opinion, I'm sure some others find it very useful..


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 10, 2004
hehe, yeah I ballsed up the maths there and forgot purge. It did seem a bit excessive :p

Single nuking for a cab isn't bad, using the body debuff they all hit for 400+ and being a saracen with dex buffs it doesn't take long to pour out some pretty savage damage.

couple of things I'm still not sure of though, on the RA calculator purge seems to have a "duration" of 5 seconds at level1, and then 0 seconds for leel 2 and 3.. ..whats that all about?

And as you've effectivly said juggernaut, BAoD and MoC are all a bit poo... what's worth having then :eek6:


Part of the furniture
Mar 10, 2004
Passives, and lots of em. Oh.. and mcl2 of course.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 21, 2004
At lvl 1 purge takes 5 seconds to actually purge the effects, so it's not really any use for purging stun at lvl 1, okay against mez tho I guess...


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Asysh_pryd said:
hehe, yeah I ballsed up the maths there and forgot purge. It did seem a bit excessive :p

Single nuking for a cab isn't bad, using the body debuff they all hit for 400+ and being a saracen with dex buffs it doesn't take long to pour out some pretty savage damage.

couple of things I'm still not sure of though, on the RA calculator purge seems to have a "duration" of 5 seconds at level1, and then 0 seconds for leel 2 and 3.. ..whats that all about?

And as you've effectivly said juggernaut, BAoD and MoC are all a bit poo... what's worth having then :eek6:

I just meant single nuking while under 75% dmg of moc isn't too good, I know it's fine when not using moc ;o

Purge1 takes 5 seconds before it purges after you click it (basically it's a cheap purge for people to purge mezzes with but not stuns), purge2 is instant purge like the old one as is purge 3, purge1 and 2 are on 15min recast timer, purge3 is on 5 min recast..

Instead of getting actives, passives seem to me the way to go in NF (with the exception of mcl2, which rocks sooooo much :D ).

My current RA setup is something like:
Mastery of Focus 3 (cos I'm tri-spec caba)
Wild Minion 2 or 3 (can't rem :p )
Ethereal Bond 2
Aug Dex 3

And something else which I can't think of right now x<


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 10, 2004
Tri-spec cabalist... interesting.

Back when I played I did some experiments (extensive ones ;)) and we worked out that the red bodydebuff & lvl50 base nuke (which was new at the time) out damaged the yellow debuff and either the base or, for a mana saving, spec nukes. And that was just a spirit/body split.

I presume tri-spec throws nearsight into the bag, but I'm not sure what else that'd leave you with, probably still fairly hefty nuke damage with all these RA's and atlantis things thrown in. I really like spirit spec, just because the red-debuff is lovely and having an over-buffed bob and AoE snare on the sime timer as root gives me a contented feeling of gimpishness. :) But this fotm-tri-spec thing seems to be all the rage on the VN boards so I might have to look into it.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jun 26, 2004
Get ml, skip jugger, pet cabs at lvl 70 anyway, ur pets 45 (right?) so max jugger 2 imo, ml9 is way better at all times. And you need aug dex to, and i wound say atleast purge 1 vs all the hibs using red NS. Many cabbas run 3 spec, would recomend it really, since your not only rr2.

But looking at the realm abilty cost.. your a bit off:

Augmented Acuity 3 cost 10
Mastery of Magery 3 cost 10
Wild Power - 3 cost 10
Mastery of Concentration 3 cost 30
[Bedazzling Aura - 3] or
[Juggernaut - 3] both cost 30

30+30+10+10+10 = 90 = rr10... so some way yet.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Ariacs said:
what lvl pruge you got oni ?

I do not have purge at all :) Don't really find myself having a use for it, atleast not enough to warrant its high costs.

I'm presently specced: 25 matter (blue 45% nearsight, ae dot which is 50% as powerful as the lvl46 spec one), 31 body (since I'm rr10 this means I have 0 variance on my lifetaps now), 36 spirit (for 30% spirit debuff too), damage is a little lower than my old spec of 47 spirit 24body 11 matter, but damage is nicer if I don't debuff at all (which I tend to do a lot atm, since resist buffs on enemies aren't as common as pre-NF, and can now 3 shot a caster without debuffing if they don't have resists buffs -- usually).

I find it a lot of fun, can spam ae dots for interupts (and to kill off unbuffed people without a healer in group) Blue nearsight is extremely useful, having a noticeable effect, unlike the grey 11spec one which didn't really make much difference.. And debuff damage is still pretty good (tho a little lower), and non-debuffing dmg is improved..


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
I think if you solo a lot you'll find MoC3 very useful, BaoD 3 will be increasingly more useful the more you group with others :)


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 29, 2004
Not playing a caba, but I'm doing ok as wiz without mcl. All thanks to a constant mr (Erinys) and Tartaros mcl charge. Getting artefacts and leveling them is for sure a righteous pain, but worth it if you want to put the realm points elsewhere.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jun 26, 2004
Graendel said:
Not playing a caba, but I'm doing ok as wiz without mcl. All thanks to a constant mr (Erinys) and Tartaros mcl charge. Getting artefacts and leveling them is for sure a righteous pain, but worth it if you want to put the realm points elsewhere.
I got no mcl at all either (rr7.1 sorc)And i duo/solo alot, nuking alot, using alot of power over all, dont find it as a must if you got artis like Tart and Jacinash, and lots of pots (nf brings nice money in rvr).
Realm Ablity respec stones dont cost much, do like me, respec when you lvl artis for high dmg, little less dex and maybe mcl2, very usefull.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 10, 2004
Cheers for the replies folks (even though its generally just adding to my confusion :p)

I think I may just go for
Bedazzling Aura 3
Purge 1
Mastery of Magery2
Wild power 1
Augmented Acuity 1

My mana-management usually just involves eating bobs and drinking potions anyway so I should do ok without MCL. Purge 1 is a tad pricy but being on the edge of a mez or getting nearsighted at a keep defence is just *too* annoying :p And as for a faster timer, if your slamed or stunned, you're as good as dead anyway 9 times out of 10.

and BAoD, well.. I just have a dirty obsession with that thing so if it costs me all my RP's - so be it. Is it "all" damage or just spell damage it absorbs though? It should come in handy enough for rvr groups and any pve stuff, which I sometimes do from time to time because I have issues.

The passives should boost my damage by around 7% according to the tables but at the end of the day, you nuke for 346, you nuke for 378 - its still gonna take 3+ to take down a 1000hp char.

Of course I`ll change my mind in <looks at watch> 10minutes; but I'm *slowly* getting there :)


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 4, 2004
Some aug dex imo. I played Bodyrot and used baod3 vs eclipse, and lorelei nuked me for 245 after debuff. Can't see a reason it's not worth it, I mean, a fish surviving a rr11 chanter debuff nuking you for 9 seconds. :D


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 22, 2004
Lorelai does gimp damage anyhow.

MCL isnt really needed imo if you have tartaros and is ready to consume some power pots.

Purge 1 is very neat to remove NS, and if they actually fix the bugged crap it would be nice to remove Demoralize and ZoU aswell.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Illtar said:
Lorelai does gimp damage anyhow.

Yep, atleast Debuff+DD dmg, his pbaoe is pretty nice dmg ;o

Generally get nuked for 3xx dmg non-crit by him after debuffing even tho I don't have heat resists or anything oO


One of Freddy's beloved
Jun 26, 2004
willowywicca said:
Generally get nuked for 3xx dmg non-crit by him after debuffing even tho I don't have heat resists or anything oO
Agreed, 90% of the time, i do 50% more dmg to him than he does to me, and he debuffs. He usually do around 350 after debuff, sometimes 450, i got 31% heat ressit though.

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