Cabalist question



How do i spec my new cabalist ?
i want him to rock in pve

Herbal Remedy

cabalist rock in pve rofl lmao damn thats good when did you start doing stand up comedy?


You want to spec in matter for the AE DoT spells and your "Archer Range Debuff Line" come in handy too..

Cabalist Charecter Builder

my advice is not to bother with pets.. they get (and dont flame.. just my opinoin) pretty usless around lvl30+...

somthin to do with the pets only being 3/4th of your level or somthin



I got caba also, and i luv it, its 1 of characters that dont get respect, like pally!!!!

group with 1 24/7 3 days , u will find whats its good for, and test it, 1 of the best characters in RVR again.

1 thing need to be asked by mythic, when the PET can have stealth =)


okies caba imo screw ya pets go for group play spec dots roots and nukes :) errrrr in fact why not make a sorc LOL


Caby is cool

Group with a caba almost all the time. Nice caster and makes great use of the simmy too :)
Never mind people telling u caba is useless (they say the same bout pala and I for sure dont feel useless, weak , gimped, blabla ;) ) and enjoy your character. U picked to play one cuz u liked it ... and that alone is a good start allready.

As for tips, you may contact Elfslayer, Spunki. He's our highest Cabalist atm and a great guy. He'll be able to give you some nice tips I think on how to play one.

Madonion Slicer

My Girlfriend started a Cabbie and is finding it very difficult to play, i mean she is not the greatest gamer around but i think they have to be one of the advance player characters, so many spells alot she has no idea what they do, even my self i have played it a few times and find it difficult to play.

Is there a guide to these guys, i mean i am sure they are good but for someone just starting out they are mighty hard.


Cabalists really are the jacks of all trades...

They can tank (pet), heal (life transfer), debuff, damage, crowd control.

Master of none though... the tank is lower level than you, the heal runs out (as it's taking your hp and giving it to someone rather than vice versa... throw in the odd life tap on a monster and it prolongs things but it's nothing on a cleric chain-healing till they're out of mana)...

In a small group they're ace as they can do so much...

But they are _very_ confusing :) many many buttons. many choices - option paralysis :)

Wouldn't play one as your first character if you want an easy time learning the game....

PS: they also solo very well if played right much like the other pet classes.



I really dont get why ppl diss cabas as they do when they are actually a good char.


They heal.. (Ive had asel,a caba in my guild act as main healer while chaining gobs and worked fine)

They practically rape the mobs when hitting with the lifedrain spell.... awesome damage, and in rvr he killed a blue in about 1 hit :p

Have a pet to distract any additional adds if necessary. Oh, and theyre way better than theur pets i.e. last longer than 20secs :clap:

If properly specced they get ae root very useful in rvr

Oh and this one is gonna make all u casters jealous.... they have unlimited mana almost (with the spell which kills the sim and gets back mana) ive seen cabas get back mana after about 15secs with the spell.

and once when another caba in my guild complained that he didnt have any cloth armor i told him to find a group and hunt moorlichs and he went and ended up soloing red cons... the only other class that ive seen solo reds is a theur but that leaves him with almost no power but a cabalist can get power back easy :)

just a word of advice plz dont diss cabas just cos everyone else does.. take a look and see for urself first :m00:

/salute all



I played a pala to lvl40 and found out i really realy really suck in RvR. Mezz, nuke dead.
So i wanted something else and a class which doesn't get played alot. So I started a Cabalist.
At lvl 6 I decided what to do. I wanted to have an uber pet. It would be so cool. So I specced everything in spirit. But I found out that there were very usefull spell in the other lines which I couldn't do without.
So after some time i had matter and spirit on the same level. I didn't feel gimped, but the spirit line is really useless.
I would recommend:
Get spirit to lvl 3 for the convert spirit spell (will get to that later).
And choose between matter and body to put the rest.
So you'll have 2 different kind of cabalists, body and matter ones.
I went for matter. So I'll start with that first.

Your lifedrains (mini nukes I call them) SUCK. The variance will be large! You can't really rely on them and the DRAIN mana. But you still have to use them alot :( You won't get cool debuffs, and you won't be able to emerchency heal.
Your DoT won't be much stronger than a body specced cabalist but they will use less power, which doesn't matter anyway because you'll only have to cast it once.
But RvR will be sweet: when played well you can beat a higher con archer solo. (in short: BT, quickcast nearsight spell, pet to interupt him shooting, you get into range to DoT and then mini nuke)
And in large fights you can AoE DoT (which breaks mezz though :( ) but will harvest RP like crazy.
In groups: you can pull with nearsight, you can debuff (like a sorcerer) you can DoT higher con mobs for quite alot of damage (VERY low variance) and you can single root but you'll have a tough time against alot of red/orange mobs if they die to fast for your DoT to have a real impact.
Solo is VERY nice and easy.
Use the Amber pet. Cast damage shield on pet, send him to mob, let him kill it (high orange easy).
Variantion1: pull mob with nearsight/debuff, cast damage shield, let him intercept mob, wait till you have a dead mob.
Variantion2: wait till pet has some aggro (10-20% health lost on mob) move to break shield, cast DoT, recast shield.

Your lifedrains are nice damage dealers, not as much as sorcerers but very respectable. You can debuff and transfer life to clerics when they are being attacked or when the cleric is oom.
RvR is like PvE, you rely on your lifedrains.
Solo is a bit more difficult. Your pet has a harder time keeping aggro without a decent damage shield, but it can be done.

A body Cabalist can tell you more about bod specced cabalists.

We also have our neat power trick. When you're out of power (almost out of mana). Use your revert creature spell to regain his hitpoints back as power. You'll get alot more power back then it costs to cast him (with a good staff). So if you kill/recreate your pet 2-4 times, you'll have almost full power alot faster then any normal caster.


The AoE root, isn't a root at all. It's a AoE snare, so it slows down movement to 60%, not very usefull at all, because it's also in the spirit line and quite high.
Not worth the points.


Originally posted by Zeikerd
Your lifedrains (mini nukes I call them) SUCK. The variance will be large! You can't really rely on them and the DRAIN mana. But you still have to use them alot :(

Lifedrains r0x0r your b0x0r anytime, they nuke hard as hell on my cabalist, blues in 3-4 nukes etc :)

opps i read wrong, was talking about body nukes :p


cabalist rock in pve rofl lmao damn thats good when did you start doing stand up comedy?

Herbal Remedey
LvL 50 cleric

this is the exact sort of remark I expect from a newbie NOT a lvl 50!(looking forward to the 1.5 smite nerf btw-if u wanna nuke play a mage!)

Cabalist rock PvE (solo orange easy)and play a huge role for Albion in rvr.

The uber build for Cabalist is as follows

B45(best nuke and AE curse)

M29(3 rd most powerful dot area effect and a 45% nearsight spell)

S6 (this line is a waste of skill points-ithink most discover this too late)

I at 41 solo orange easy(mob can be 42-47)

Curse reduces enemy str 15% and prevents healing-this is great for both rvr and hunting BIG stuff like lvl 50+ mobs in grp)

The main thing that cabalist brings to rvr is nearsight-this is VERY important as its the longest range attack in game.

So if u mez/nuke etc and get near sight cast on you in rvr-try finding a high lvl cab to grp with its your ONLY defence against this.

cabalist also heals himself with his main attack-lifedrain-this again is Very useful in RVR-because I for one dont count on healers in rvr(they let pepole die while smiting and then dont have enough mana for rez)


Herbal has 40 in rejuv at least (been 100%hp-rezzed by her on several occaisions, so that's min. 40rej) so she is not a smite cleric by any definition. And PvE is about grouping; ask any lvl 50 scout if soloing to 50 is fun, and then tell me PvE ain't about grouping....
Cabalist has comparatively little to offer group. If offered a second cleric or a cleric + cabalist, i'd take the cleric I'm afraid. The lifetransfers aren't %age based, so your 600hp caster transfers half his health to a 1200hp tank whose hp bar then goes up a little.
All that said, i've got nothing against cabalists and while they don't "rock" in PvE, they're respectable. That attitude won't help the poor basts Herb :p

edit: it's customary to edit out double-posts, esp. lengthy ones.
edit2: if you're looking forward to your realmmates getting nerfed, then you need to be filled with ants


Cabalists I find are like a defensive Theurgist in RvR. Before anyone says 'yes but they dont get PBT so they suck', hush. You'd be surprised how people will ignore an amber simulacrum in RvR, and at high levels they can hit just as hard as the jade's. If you can spot a caster on the enemy side of the wall, send the sim after him and you've got a pretty-much guarunteed kill.

Defensively the body line has some really great nukes, and you will definitely be taking hits in RvR at least some of the time, so their life drain qualities are very helpful there. As I said though, the cabalist is more of a defensive class aside from his/her sim's, so you're best off waiting for them to charge rather than trying to do front line damage. Like wizards, Cabs can also point-root, a skill which I see people appreciate on a wiz, but seem to overlook when it's done by a cab. This of course comes into play at milegates, I think I've been through that one before though in other posts.

While a cabalists debuffs may not be of great use in large-scale RvR, they can and will tip the balance in any engagement of small groups. Sure, the enemy have higher levels than you, but if some of them are gimped by a debuff or two, you're immedietly in with a chance.

Looking to the future, cab's poisons (DoT's) look like they will be their strength. Once again anyone who says 'we'll never get patch X.XX' will be ignored as a closed-minded...person. In 1.51 DoTs will be -STACKABLE- and more powerful, based on the player's int (although not as much as they had planned, because it was just too powerful). Stacking DoT's? that's just plain scary, because matter cabs can throw AE DoTs around the shop with abandon, and a few multiple casts on a group will see them drop like flies.

The end.


edit: it's customary to edit out double-posts, esp. lengthy ones.

Would not let me do it yesterday-new to forum

Smite nerf is long overdue-this just makes healers mages with amour.

a PROPER healer with enchante maxed gives high lvl tanks 1800hp-a lot more useful that smiting pulling aggro getting everyone killed!!!

Future patchs will allow chars to respec for 500g-so whats the problem-if wanna heal then heal-if u wanna nuke PLAY A MAGE.
(RPG= Role Playing Game)

It has been proven one group of 8 with a cabalist can hunt lvl60 mobs-it takes 2-3 groups WITHOUT Cabalist to do the same.

Check your facts dude -Cabalists can HEAL.

Patch 1.5 gives Cabalist the following:-

Instant cast on debuffs-great for both mobs and RVR.

Same lvl pet as realm skill!!

Extended long range heal spell :)

I am fed up with urban myths about cabalists-they are a great class both solo and group(good groups that is)

God only help hunting in Darkness falls without a cabalist and enchant healer (lv50-76+ mobs)

As for rvr Albion dont win equal fights without a good cabalist.


I stopped playing my Cabalist, stopped playing alltogether really. But I have to coment on this allthough I'm a big fan of cabies.
>Future patchs will allow chars to respec for 500g-so whats the problem-if wanna heal then heal-if u wanna nuke PLAY A MAGE.
Respec is in 1.51 which will be in europe when the sun starts to cool down.

>It has been proven one group of 8 with a cabalist can hunt lvl60 mobs-it takes 2-3 groups WITHOUT Cabalist to do the same.
Every balanced lvl50 group of 8 people should be able to kill lvl60 mobs. Thinking out a 6sec BT, a healer, and a shitload of tanks.

>Check your facts dude -Cabalists can HEAL.
Clerics heal better.

>Patch 1.5 gives Cabalist the following:-
>Instant cast on debuffs-great for both mobs and RVR.
That is in 1.51, it's only tested. No one knows if it will come on the active server. And if it will, it will be in 2003.

>Same lvl pet as realm skill!!
For 4 minutes every 30 min or so. Which also uses ALOT of RP's.
>Extended long range heal spell :)
As if you're going to use your health to heal someone else in RvR.

>I am fed up with urban myths about cabalists-they are a great class both solo and group(good groups that is)
As it is we almost don't have anything to give to a group greater than 4 people besides a little extra damage.

>As for rvr Albion dont win equal fights without a good cabalist.
We can nearsight only a couple of hibs/mids before we get ganked and also doesn't give any RP. Our strongest RvR spell besides that (AoE DoT) makes the enemy immune to mezz/root.
And they always ignore our pet. Our lifedrains are pathetic compared to a wizard and other mages who have stun so they actualy have some time to cast on the enemy before the tanks get close.


oh my word do cabalists exist? i always thought they were myths. i thought i saw a simulacrum once too, turned out it was a just rock blured by the fog


We can nearsight only a couple of hibs/mids before we get ganked and also doesn't give any RP. Our strongest RvR spell besides that (AoE DoT) makes the enemy immune to mezz/root.
And they always ignore our pet. Our lifedrains are pathetic compared to a wizard and other mages who have stun so they actualy have some time to cast on the enemy before the tanks get close.


Near sight is long range spell-2300 longer than nukes and enemy arrows-position yourself correctly and you can hit the enemy at long range.

I dont use aoe dot becuase i spec body mainly not matter-sure they arnt as powerful as nukes(i have a void Eldritch on prydwen).

Other mages get stun that is 15sec at high lvl-I simply use leg twist spell which lasts 1min 12s.

Root-debuff-send in pet and lifedrain-I have soloed middy tanks con red(lvl 46-50) quite easily doing this...

old.Im pac man!!

i think it all comes dont to this. ppl want sorcs for mezz tanks to well tank. clerics to heal (yes to heal :D ) theurgs for pbt minstrels for baterry or speed mezz scouts to pull etc... So you are going to be very pissed about not finding a group i think. In good parties you will be required to debuff dot or heal, BUT good parties dont need ya to do that. They will pass ya for other classes. Soloing is probably your future or guild parties. Best of luck with whatever you do


Play any class u find interesting, cabalist is one of the poorest one in RvR tho - and DAoC is RvR in its endgame


28 body, 46 matter, 4 spirit for a cabby should be good for rvr, gives the best AoE DoT to reap in those rps ;)


Hi Pacman hope its not too long to 50


To be honest I dont really need to grp to lvl at a respectable rate:-

I solo oranges all the time to hit expcap all the time-(1.1x yellow in 1.45 and 1.25x yellow in 1.48)

My downtime is kept to a minimum by killing pet-i dont need to heal or rest-killing my pet refills mana so i have very little downtime between kills.

Unless I am hunting for drops/helping others I prefer to solo-even good grps have players make a mistake/GTG/ become link dead and I hate dieing xp losses(as a mage i will be first to die).

I die maybe twice per lvl soloing(even if i go LD in solo my pet usually handles aggro)

Thanks for your concern and a contrustive post.

As for RVR -that is the fun part of DOAC you are correct-I will explain Cabalists role in RVR(for those that are interested that is
:) ) in RVR forums later.

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