Cabalist pets



Ok this is to the tiny Cabalist population, How the hell do you cope? Im only lev 12 now but already pets are driveing me nuts!!!!

Amber = Warp in melle damn does this thing ever stop teleporting about? and as for its so called chance to proc a stun, i think noone ever told mine :p

Ruby = Umm should be renamed Gimp less hp/deff for fire proc, though again never seen it proc (expected this though after reading american forums)

Sapphire = Great procs life tap like a procy thing procing in proc land it is totaly proc crazy :) though soon as mob is dead it seems to ignore me and become a statue :p

Emarald = not sure but forums i read said it procs alot too :)

Jade = Cry procs equivelent to my lev 5 damage shield, so from what i read my matter spec Cabalist will never use it :(

Please tell me this gets fixed in future patches coz far as i can see Cabaliist pets are buggy as hell, As i said im growing to realy love this totaly underated class. Though after playing a Midy Spirit Master I have to say the pets need major fixing im realy starting to miss pets that do what they were told and proc when they should (crist midy pets even remember there old proc when they grow)


Pets are cool.

Shame they warp like hell (and the top pet is useless).

I find the Amber pet a bit more stable than the ruby one ... ruby does one fight then starts running around the zone.

If it does go mental, click passive then defensive on the pet window - seems to slap it around the face and make it start acting sensibly.

(and I've never seen the stun proc from Amber either)

Esise: Jeeves, kill that spider will you. :)


me likey cabbys

Their pets makes me look really good

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