


<Dwea> !vote 5m|Is Bigade Female IRL?|Yes:No:Half and Half
<Pinkie> Vote by Dwea:
<Bigade> lol
<Pinkie> "Is Bigade Female IRL?"
<Pinkie> possible answers: Yes : No : Half and Half
<Pinkie> Time: 5m
<Pinkie> Vote with "/msg Pinkie vote <answer>"
-Pinkie- Your vote has been counted (yes).
<Col|> <Pinkie> Time: 5m
* GReaper voted
* Col| voted
* Dwea voted
* Sharma voted
* Gombur voted
<Bigade> ....
* Vestax voted
<Septina> =O
* klav voted
<Bigade> [23:12] -Pinkie- You have already voted.
<Bigade> [23:12] -Pinkie- You have already voted.
<Bigade> asshole
<Dwea> lol
<Dwea> :p
<Vestax> haha
<Col|> unluckeh :p
<Bigade> !vote 1m|jklajdksjsdaj?|Yes:No
* Evina giggles
<Bigade> im gonna hate u drea if this ends up bad
<Dwea> :(
<GReaper> hah
* Bigade licks Evina's legs
<Col|> lol
<Sharma> :eek:
* Bigade puts on his wizard robe and hat
<Col|> rofl
<Sharma> haha
<Vestax> lol
<Dwea> lol
<Col|> dont start with the eminem shit :p
* Evina stealths and gets naked
<Dwea> o_O
* Bigade has see hidden
<Vestax> !
<Evina> Oo
<Evina> nerf!
<Evina> :p
* Bigade casts lvl 3 eroticism
<Bigade> Evina turns into a beautiful sailor
<Col|> LOL
<Bigade> um
<Bigade> i mean woman
* Nee is getting excited :eek:
<Col|> omg, Bugade caused a net split
<Bigade> drea
<Bigade> has vote ended?
<Pinkie> Vote by Dwea about Is Bigade Female IRL? ended (time out).
* Evina makes loud noices and bites her lips
<Pinkie> Result:
<Pinkie> "Yes": 5
<Pinkie> "No": 1
<Pinkie> "Half and Half": 2
<Sharma> :pPP
<Dwea> lol
<Bigade> shame
<Col|> LOL
* Evina bites sharma butt hard
* Sharma giggles
<Bigade> !vote 1m|Will Evina cyber me?|Yes:No
<Dwea> i voted no
* Bitteliten has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
<Pinkie> Vote by Bigade:
<Pinkie> "Will Evina cyber me?"
<Pinkie> possible answers: Yes : No
<Pinkie> Time: 1m
<Vestax> lol
<Pinkie> Vote with "/msg Pinkie vote <answer>"
* Evina nods head yes
-Pinkie- Your vote has been counted (no).
<Bigade> *excellent*
<Vestax> <smiles>
<Col|> <winks>
* Sharma nerfs roleplaying
<Nee> <waits for logs>
<Nee> erm
<Nee> i mean
<Col|> hehe
<Nee> <grins>
* Evina goes slowly to the bed, and makes a beckoning movement with her arm
* Sharma follows...
<Dwea> O_O_O_O_O_O_O_O_O_O_o_O
<Pinkie> Vote by Bigade about Will Evina cyber me? ended (time out).
<Pinkie> Result:
* Bigade puts on his sailor uniform
* Evina waits for more
<Pinkie> "Yes": 4
<Pinkie> "No": 3
<Col|> ooo, so close
<Bigade> i win
<Sharma> gotta love democracy
<Col|> hmmm, i think theres a threesome goin on here
<Bigade> !vote 1m|Is Col| gay irl ?|Yes:Hell yess
<GReaper> !vote 1m|Does Reaper-G like horses?|yes:eek:f course!:indeed
<Pinkie> Vote by GReaper:
<GReaper> pfffft
<Pinkie> "Does Reaper-G like horses?"
<Pinkie> possible answers: yes : of course! : indeed
<Pinkie> Time: 1m
<Pinkie> Vote with "/msg Pinkie vote <answer>"
* Col| voted
* Dwea voted
* Sharma voted and grins
* Dwea ponders
<Bigade> Evina
* Sharma fluffles Derric
-Pinkie- Your vote has been counted (indeed).
* Sharma fluffles Dwea
<Bigade> do you have small boobies like loch?
<Dwea> R
<Dwea> O
<Dwea> F
* Evina takes sharma hands, pull her inside room, and close the door. Later on screams and hard breathing can be heard from the room
<Dwea> L
<Pinkie> Vote by GReaper about Does Reaper-G like horses? ended (time out).
<Pinkie> Result:
<Pinkie> "yes": 1
<Pinkie> "of course!": 2
<Pinkie> "indeed": 4
<Col|> Bugade, i think she is cyb0ring Sharma atm :p
<GReaper> bastards!
<GReaper> :p
<Bigade> Evina, you really are a pro :)
<Bigade> shame sharma is a man
<Dwea> hihihi
* Sharma starts to pant hard, making sure Evina is pleased
<Bigade> 12 year old and full of hormones
* Dwea lays down the law for the good of the land
<Nee> i thought sharma was gay and 11
* Evina purrs, and arcs back in air sign of enourmous pleasure
* Dwea sets mode: -vvvvvv [Mid]Divine zip[PE]away Vorb Sharma SoZ| Shike[VAL]
* Dwea sets mode: -vvvvvv p0x Pinkie Phreakz laroma HuZMoR Gombur
* Dwea sets mode: -vvvvvv Evina Exe^daoc Delket Bfr|Awah- BiGGY^Grizlas BO|Blejs
* Dwea sets mode: -vv bigchief Artemis|
* Dwea sets mode: +m
<Vestax> hmmm i think someone has done this before :x
* Bigade sets mode: +v Evina
* Hanzah has joined #sotl.prydwen
<Dwea> keep away from me
<Nee> :O
* Evina stealths
* Sharma intercepts
* Bigade strokes Col's thighs
<Vestax> Dwea is lesbophobic
* Col| looks worried
* Sharma strokes Evina
* Nee rubs Col|;s manly thighs :eek:
* Col| is NOT wearing a sailors suit
* Phreakz has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
* Bigade transform into the green power ranger
* Col| :x
* Evina starts to striptease
<Sharma> stlong c6 imho
* Vestax puts on his superman outfit
* Lourker has joined #sotl.prydwen
<Bigade> do i turn u on Evina?
* Bigade sets mode: +v Lourker
* Nee transforms into the blue power ranger
<Bigade> being the green power ranger and all
<Sharma> i know Evina turns me on
* Evina destealth, plays speed and sprints away
<Evina> }{
<Sharma> ..
<Bigade> can i join?
<Sharma> Coren really ;o
<Col|> Bugade, you walkin the streets again tonite?
<Bigade> yea
<Bigade> business is business
<Gombur> im wearing a tshirt whilst playing with the garden hose
<Bigade> evina
<Gombur> whoopsie
<Bigade> do i get a goodbye kiss?
<Vestax> Bigade = pimp
<Gombur> water all over my white tshirt
* Nee cums
<Evina> why a goodbye kiss?
* Bigade cums
* Sharma cums
* Col| runs away
<Vestax> lol
<Evina> u ban me from channel again? ^_^
* Coren slowly cleans Gombur's shirt
<Evina> :p
* Dwea sets mode: +o Lourker
<Bigade> no im going off to work
<Gombur> oh look I dropped my hotpants
* Hansah has quit IRC (*.net *.split)
<Bigade> i want a goodbye kiss
<Gombur> oh deary me
<Coren> you're so clumsy
* Bigade cums
* Nee cums again
<Sharma> Evina's c6 4tehwin tbfh
<Sharma> ;o
<Nee> damn you're good Gombur
* Bigade is exhausted
<Gombur> oh no
<Coren> Gombur done this before ><
<Septina> :OOOOOOOO
* Septina slaps Gums
* safet has joined #sotl.prydwen
* Bigade sets mode: +v safet
* Septina slap Sharma
<Septina> s
* Bigade cums
<Septina> +s
<Septina> +s
<Septina> +s
<Septina> +s!!!!!!!!
<Septina> go aweh!!!!11
<Septina> :<
* Evina purrs
* Septina sets mode: +o safet
* Septina ger safet en muffins
<safet> :O
<Septina> :O
* Bigade strokes Nee
<Coren> safet is a wookie
* Nee cums again
<Coren> does that turn you on Sharma?
* safet get Septina en kaka :l
<safet> !
* Bigade strokes Nee more
<safet> ger
<Septina> \o/
* Nee cums again
* Gombur stjæler kagen
<safet> :O
* Bigade strokes Nee more
<Coren> :E
* Nee cums again
* Bigade strokes Nee more
<Septina> hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
<Sharma> oooh, wookies ;o
* Nee cums again
* Bigade strokes Nee more
* Nee cums again
* Bigade strokes Nee more
* Nee cums again
* Bigade strokes Nee more
<Sharma> what are they?
* klav slams Coren with a diapraghm
* GReaper changes topic to '[15:22] <Sharma> i eat old women you know ;x | [17:46] <Cina> Piffany your the only woman out of all the ops with womany names!http://www.wtfomg.com/ || The home of great c6!'
* Bigade strokes Nee more
* safet knuffar Coren
* Nee is spent
* Bigade strokes Nee more
* Bigade strokes Nee more
* Gombur was kicked by klav (Please don't repeat yourself)
* Gombur has joined #sotl.prydwen
* Bigade sets mode: +v Gombur
<Coren> wtfpwned
<klav> gogo superscript
<Septina> strong spam :OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
<safet> :l
* Bigade cums on Coren
<Nee> :O
<Bigade> sorry
<Coren> oh my
<Bigade> i slipped
* Sharma strokes Evina's legs slowly edging his way upwards...
<Coren> lick it off me Gombur
<Sharma> ;o
* Septina is now known as Goggles
<Goggles> !!!!!!!!!!111111111111
<safet> my wookie got a hat now
* Bigade rapes Evina
<safet> :O
<Coren> screenie!
<Gombur> oh no


Ok Sharma now try real life sex it's stlong exp imo ><



I was pissin meself with laughter during most of that.


And Nee and Bugade, leave my legs alone :p


strong sex0ring fyi :scared:

/me humps Carns leg

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