Yup, Q3DM clan C4 are recruiting! All we ask, is urm, you to be friendly, and a PC wouldn't go amiss
. Why should you join us? Well, we're probably a bit *too* friendly, and aren't at all bad at the ol' Q3 neither
So, visit our beautiful webby at http://get.to/c4, and drop just^bad a line at braindamag3@btinternet.com , and we'll get back to yas... honest guv
[This message has been edited by graZe (edited 20 December 1999).]
So, visit our beautiful webby at http://get.to/c4, and drop just^bad a line at braindamag3@btinternet.com , and we'll get back to yas... honest guv
[This message has been edited by graZe (edited 20 December 1999).]