C/S First Impressions



Well, as one of the (seemingly many) recent converts to CS, I thought I'd jot down my first impressions of this mod.

I've played it, off and on, for about 3 days, enough time to find my way around.

The first thing that struck me, was the fact that a lot (if not all) players have their gamma settings altered so they can see you in virtual darkness! I found this out after asking how someone could rush into a darkened hanger, and pick me off in a sec (even though I'm crouching on the opposite side). That sucks.

A lot of people leave a server after dying. I guess they can't be bothered waiting until that round is over. I use that (frequent) leisure time following the top scorers around. Gives me an idea of how the good players get about.

Players can shoot through walls! I thought this must be a bug, but apparently not. A couple of german guys told me it's this way to be realistic. I'd like to know how some players seem to have the ability to SEE through walls though!

Lots of moans about campers. More than I've ever heard playing Q2/3. I thought the idea was to winkle the terrorists out, and I guess hiding and waiting for the CTs to come into range is a valid tactic (well it seems sensible to me anyway!).

A great mod, and obviously suited to the likes of SAS, who is careful, thoughtful, sneaky and accurate(I know he is, because he tells us on every update).

The Quake3 thing is starting to pall a little. There just doesn't seem to be any lasting appeal (maybe I'm just getting old!). This could be just the thing I'm looking for (after looking after my Sims, of course).


hi there ppl, lo sowat

anyways, i also got this recently after a m8 said its brill, so i got all the stuff, and i kinda love it.

there are big problems with it, the main one being that it is bolted onto the HL engine, which is cack IMO, but this game is real good, very tactical, which gives a good break from running aroung with a massive RL in Q3, and you cant get better fun than taking on a lot of the other team with a H&K sniper rifle.



LOL, gotcha

I do sympathise though, even with a decent(ish) ping, I have difficulty aiming quickly enough to take someone out with a headshot. Though I quick burst with an AK or carbine is pretty deadly.

On another note, I've always wondered if there is some sort of 'training academy' out there for various games. I know that [SS] used to do something like this for Q2.

I'd like to see a server one could go to, to be taught, without having to join a clan. Perhaps one of BWs servers could be put aside for newbie practice, under the guidance of an experienced tutor. I'm sure there are lots of experienced players out there who would help out.


CS rocks.

basically, get yourself a few friends to play with, back each other up.

I have had the camper/rusher argeument may times on the WP message boards, basically, if it works do it, it's not your fault the others are dead (well it migth be)


[This message has been edited by StealthBuda (edited 17 February 2000).]


SoWat wrote:

A great mod, and obviously suited to the likes of SAS, who is careful, thoughtful, sneaky and accurate(I know he is, because he tells us on every update).

. Seriously I am careful, thoughtful, very sneaky, but accurate?

I need to work on my accuracy. I ping highly (15-200 I'm ok, but sometimes 300+
)in CS so head shots with a sniper rifle while I jerk about is not easy

Posted by S.A.S

old.Mad Kain


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